- 网络Yang Shulin;Terek bostan;poplar grove

A Study on Modeling & Mapping for Poplar Stands ' Parameters Based on ASTER Remote Sensed Datasets
The species composition , the colony density and Shannon-Wiener indices of the middle-age forest and the younger growth , the nursery and the pure orchards are as lower as wheat fields in seventeen vegetations .
Analysis on Structure of Poplar Stands and the Damage Caused by Poplar Longicorn
Leaf Area Index and Specific Leaf Area of Natural Poplars in Ergis Basin
Experimental Study of Poplar Stand for Sanitation Disafforestation
Differentiation and Classification of Poplar Tree in Shelterbelts
Annual Dynamic Changes of Soil Enzyme and Microorganism under Poplars Forests in Jianghan Plain
Characteristics of Carbon Flux of Populus Forest in the Reaches of Yangtze River in Hunan
Root Biomass and Distribution Characteristics of Natural Poplar Forest In Ergis River Area of Xinjiang
Increasing bio-diversity in the forest ;
The community diversity of soil animals in grassland that in poplar woods that in cornfield .
Analysis on Dynamics and Structure of Spider Communities in Poplar Woods in Qufu of Shandong Province
Discussed on the Management of cultivate Changes of Natural Poplar Woods to Short Rotation Timber Forest
A study on regularity of the change of fiber length of wood in Poplar Shelterbelts and its application in shelterbelt management
Based on large scale field investigation on shelterbelts , differentiation and classification Of popular shelterbelts trees were studied in the paper .
A LAND MADE OF FOREST forest . the most suitable culture areas for Morchella were poplar forest land and apple orchard ;
Slow rate land treatment system has a high efficiency on the pollutant removal and can achieve good results for the wastewater treatment .
The results revealed some changes in soil porosity , moisture content and nutrient content to the forest land amelioration , which shows establishing Populus spp.
Annual average increase of biomass of poplar forest above ground in unit area is greater than water fir 's , Chinese cryptomeria 's and black locust 's.
Research on the Variation of Carbon Flux and the Relationship of Environmental Factors and Carbon Flux of Populus Forest Ecosystem in the Reaches of Yangtze River in Anqing
As slow rate land treatment have the above advantages , it has a broad prospect in seasonal drought area , especially in the north-central region with the sever drought in spring .
Generally , soil organic matter in the valley is low . However , soil organic matters in swamp meadow and poplar forest are relatively higher than those of other soil types .
Soil organic carbon accumulated relatively in lower soil layer in swamp meadow , poplar forest and scrub-steppe , while soil organic carbon distributed evenly in arable soils such as farmland , wasteland and plant nursery .
However , the biomass and carbon stock of poplar plantation in this study is low comparing to other scholars ' study , which is limited by the natural factors such as climate , geography , soil , water in the arid area .
According to analysis of crown growth characteristics of two poplar species ( I-69 , NL-80203 ), the paper studied the tending and managing technology of poplar tree belts .
Known for tolerating poor soils and cold climates , aspens flash yellow against their white bark in an unmistakable sign of coming winter .