
  • 网络Yang;Chen Ning Yang;C.N.Yang;Frank Yang;Chen-Ning Franklin Yang
  1. 作为对杨振宁引力场方程的应用,求得全部O型和一部分N型纯粹空间。

    As an application to Yang 's gravitational field equa-tions , all type 0 and some type N " pure spaces " have been obtained .

  2. 对称臻美在规范场理论创造中的作用&从J.C.Maxwell、A.Einstein到杨振宁

    Effect of symmetry seeking beauty on the creation of gauge - field theory & From J. C. Maxwell 、 A. Einstein to C . N. Yang

  3. 爱因斯坦-杨振宁方程及爱因斯坦方程的宇宙学解

    The cosmological solutions of the EINSTEIN-YANG equation and the Einstein equation

  4. 杨振宁场引力波的极化

    Polarization of the gravitational waves of yang 's gravitational field

  5. 文化差异与科技文化创新&杨振宁教授访谈录

    Cultural Difference and Science & Cultural Innovation-An Interview on Professor Yang Zhenning

  6. 杨振宁教育思想对基础物理教育的启示

    Enlightenment of professor Yang Zhenning 's educational thoughts for basie physics education

  7. 杨振宁说过:二十一世纪是设计的世纪。

    Yang Zhenning has said that the 21st century is the century of design .

  8. 杨振宁的科学研究艺术

    C.N.Yang ′ s Art of Scientific Research

  9. 中医学理论的发展现状及其多元化走向&兼评杨振宁先生的观点

    The Situation and Muti-development of TCM Theory

  10. 内含谱的精细结构(Ⅰ)求和规则及费曼-杨振宁比例律的推广

    Fine structures of inclusive spectra (ⅰ) & sum rules and the generalization of feynman-yang scaling

  11. 标架形式的简化旋量体系及其对杨振宁方程的应用

    Reduced spinor formalism by means of tetrad calculus with application to yang 's gravitational field equations

  12. 指出了以前杨振宁、锡罗柯夫、夏比罗等的讨论中的缺点。

    The imperfections in the discussions of Yang , Shirokov and Shapiro are also cleared away .

  13. 创新:面对原始问题&陈省身和杨振宁科学会师的启示

    Creativity : Face to Original Problems & An Enlightenment from the Scientific Meeting of Chern and Yang

  14. 科学发展与文化逻辑&从杨振宁论中国无科学的观点说起

    Science development and culture logic : To discuss from YANG Zhen-ning 's viewpoint that China has no science

  15. 由此,李政道、杨振宁的那篇获诺贝尔物理学奖的论文,也就完全丧失了立论依据。

    Yang 's paper , by which they were awarded the1957 Nobel Prize for Physics , will be utterly baseless .

  16. 用一种近似的能量守恒方法,建立了能够产生邹祖德-杨振宁几何模型的遍举过程的蒙特卡罗产生器。

    Using an Approximate energy conservation method , a Monte-Carlo generator which produces exclusive processes of Chou-Yang geometrical model is constructed .

  17. 伟大的杨振宁教授比他的妻子大54岁,李敖比妻子大29岁。

    The great professor Yang Chen is54 years older than his wife , Li Ao is29 years older than his wife .

  18. 科学风格是影响科学家科学研究的重要因素,杨振宁有其独特见解。

    Style of science is an important factor on influencing science research , this paper depicted Chenning Yangs view on the style of science .

  19. 摘要作为诺贝尔物理学奖获得者,杨振宁在几十年的教学和科研生涯中,对教育问题形成了诸多独到见解。

    As a Nobel Prize winner in physics , Yang Zhenning has a lot of original views on education with several decades of teaching and research experiences .

  20. 不过,正如杨振宁教授所讲的,除了保留东方优良传统之外,也应注意注入西方“”精神及其他优点。

    Nevertheless , Singaporeans should learn the " aggressiveness " and other strengths from the West to complement their own fine Eastern tradition , as suggested by Prof Yang .

  21. 这次展览介绍了居里夫人、爱因斯坦以及杨振宁等为人类做出杰出贡献的著名科学家的事迹。

    The stories of many well-known scientists who have made great contributions to the world are introduced at the exhibition , including Madame Curie , Albert Einstein and Yang Zhenning .

  22. 他们是在1995年当杨振宁和他的前妻访问广东汕头大学时认识的,当时翁凡负责他们的接待工作。

    They got to know each other in1995 , when Yang and his previous wife attended a meeting at Shantou University , Guangdong , with Weng in charge of the reception .

  23. 杨振宁的物理美学思想主要包括两个方面,一是探究了物理美的结构、层次与物理学家的审美风格;

    Physical aesthetic ideas of Yang Zhenning conclude mainly two aspects : discuss on the struction , level on physical aesthetics and aesthetic style of physicist is one of the aspects ;

  24. 著名物理学家杨振宁教授曾说:“高科技战场是中国超越发达国家的主战场,也是最后的战场。”

    Professor Yang Zhenning , a famous physicist , once said , " The high-tech battlefield is the main and the last battlefield for China to overtake the developed countries . "

  25. 三·创新点:提出了对杨振宁科学思想演变进行阶段划分,并大胆的使用《曙光集》作为研究底本,收集使用视频资料作为论据。

    The innovations : proposed the phases of evolvement of Chen Ning Yang are thought of science , and bravely use " Shu Guang Ji " as the research negative . 4 .

  26. 10月10日下午,著名物理学家、诺贝尔奖获得者杨振宁教授来到北大,作了一场题为“我的读书与教学经验”的讲座。

    In the afternoon of Oct.10th , famous physicist , the Nobel Prize winner professor Yang Zhenning came to Peking University and gave a presentation entitled " my experience of reading and teaching " .

  27. 在这个基础上,利用杨振宁-吴大峻的磁荷球谐函数,求解了磁荷与各种基本粒子所组成的奇异原子的定态问题。

    By using the monopole harmonics , which were studied by Yang and Wu , we solve the stationary state problems of the exotic atoms , which contain the magnetic monopole and different elementary particles .

  28. 李政道、丁‘肇中、杨振宁、普列高津、格拉肖、芒德尔等多位诺贝尔奖获得者被授予名誉教授或名誉博士称号。

    Nobel Prize laureates , such as Professors Chen Ning Yang , Tsung Dao Lee , Ilya Prigogine , Sheldon Glashow and Robert Mandel have been conferred Honorary Doctorates , or Honorary Professorship by the university .

  29. 杨振宁和李政道是第一个华裔诺贝尔奖获得者,五十三年来国内外学术界对他的关注从来没有间断过。

    Chen Ning Yang and Tsung-Dao Lee is the first Nobel Prize winners who are persons of Chinese descent , in resent fifty-three years , the attention to them from academia in China and overseas has never stopped .

  30. 本文从五个方面对著名物理学家杨振宁教授的物理教育思想进行了初步的探讨,并认为这对于我们拓宽视野、深化教育改革具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。

    This paper engages in a preliminary approach from five aspect to a famous physicist professor Yang Zhenning for a idea of physics education . We think that it has important value of theory and practice significance for we open up field of vision , deepening reform in education .