
  1. 杨致远(JerryYang)暂时保住了首席执行官的位置。

    Jerry Yang has temporarily secured his position as chief executive .

  2. 这位游客就是雅虎(Yahoo)的联合创始人杨致远(JerryYang)。

    The visitor was Jerry Yang , co-founder of Yahoo .

  3. 杨致远辞职后,巴茨接过CEO权杖,干了两年半,而投资者对雅虎却越来越感到沮丧。

    And after Yang resigned , it stood by Bartz for two-and-a-half years , even as investors grew more and more dispirited .

  4. 幸运的是,雅虎一直受益于其创始人、前首席执行官杨致远(JerryYang)所做的一项卓越投资。

    Fortunately , Yahoo has been the beneficiary of an extraordinary investment made by Jerry Yang , founder and former chief executive .

  5. 与谷歌的谢尔盖布林(sergeybrin)和拉里佩奇(larrypage)不同,杨致远不是技术的先锋。

    Mr Yang is not a pioneer of technology , like Sergey Brin and Larry Page at Google .

  6. 雅虎首席执行官杨致远(JerryYang)曾致信公司员工,称该公司正在研究其它选择,以免遭微软收购。

    Jerry Yang , chief executive , wrote to employees on Wednesday saying that the company was studying options other than a sale to Microsoft .

  7. 如果此举不奏效,他们往往就想重返公司,如杨致远回到雅虎,迈克尔•戴尔(MichaelDell)回到戴尔公司。

    If that does not work , they are often tempted to return , as did both Mr Yang at Yahoo and Michael Dell at his eponymous company .

  8. 杨致远得到了公司董事会的支持即使是在维权投资者卡尔伊卡恩(carlicahn)今年夏季加入之后。

    Mr Yang had the support of the board , even after the activist investor Carl Icahn joined in the summer .

  9. 在以“雅虎”这个名字成名之前,它的名字是“大卫与杰里的万维网指南”(DavidandJerry’sGuidetotheWorldWideWeb)——这名字来自公司的两位创始人,大卫·费罗(DavidFilo)与杨致远(JerryYang)。

    Before it became known as Yahoo , it was called David and Jerry 's Guide to the World Wide Web , after the company 's founders , David Filo and Jerry Yang .

  10. 雅虎起初听起来也有些怪异——虽然公司创始人杨致远(JerryYang)和戴维?费罗(DavidFilo)最初选择的公司名“Jerry'sGuidetotheWorldWideWeb”(杰瑞的万维网指南)注定不会长久。

    Yahoo looked an odd brand at first - though co-founders Jerry Yang and David Filo 's original name " Jerry 's Guide to the World Wide Web " was never going to last .

  11. 然杨致远(JerryYang)已经计划在雅虎(Yahoo)裁员10%,他也许可以考虑再多节约点钱,解聘自己的投资银行顾问。

    Now that Jerry Yang is planning to cut10 % of Yahoo 's work force , he might want to contemplate saving a bit more money by firing his investment-banking advisers .

  12. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)获悉,雅虎公司(Yahoo)联合创始人杨致远和董事会其他成员已私下告知四家大型私募基金公司,董事会不会支持对公司的整体收购要约。

    Yahoo co-founder Jerry Yang and other board members have privately told four major private equity firms that the board would not support a takeover offer for the entire company , fortune has learned .

  13. 雅虎公司(YahooInc.)董事会寻找下任首席执行长的过程中,董事们正在从多方面挖掘“非杨致远型”(anti-Jerry)帅才。

    As Yahoo Inc. 's board searches for its next chief executive , directors are in many ways looking for the anti-Jerry .

  14. 雅虎第三季度员工人数增加了1200人,而迄今为止,杨致远决定关停的服务只有用户寥寥的雅虎播客(YahooPodcasts)和BillPay网站。它们于10月底关闭。

    Staff numbers increased by 1,200 in the third quarter and the only services being shut down by Mr Yang to date are the little-used Yahoo Podcasts and Bill Pay sites , which close next week .

  15. 但据参与谈判的人透露,马云希望维持控制权,并与雅虎联合创始人杨致远(JerryYang)进行了磋商,后者当时正在寻找来自中国的新机会。

    But Mr. Ma wanted to maintain control and opened talks with Jerry Yang , a co-founder of Yahoo , who was searching for new opportunities in China , according to people involved in the negotiations .

  16. 花旗(citigroup)互联网分析师马克马哈尼(markmahaney)表示,这些数字提供了乐观的理由,但两个关键因素将决定杨致远重新掌控公司是否已经获得成功。

    Mark Mahaney , Internet analyst at Citigroup , says the figures give cause for optimism , but two key metrics will determine if Mr Yang retaking control has been a success .

  17. 杨致远(JerryYang)周一在致雅虎全体员工的备忘录中宣布将辞去首席执行官一职,并表示:你们都知道,我的血液一直是、而且将永远是(雅虎的)紫色。

    All of you know that I have always , and will always bleed [ Yahoo ] purple , said Jerry Yang , in a memo to All Yahoos on Monday , announcing he would step down as chief executive .

  18. 不可否认,戴尔的管理经验比杨致远丰富。他是去年从凯文•罗林斯(KevinRollins)手中重新接过棒子的,到目前为止,效果好坏参半。

    Mr Dell , who admittedly had more managerial experience than Mr Yang , took back the reins from Kevin Rollins last year , so far to mixed effect .

  19. 伊卡恩15日提出的主要指控是不理性和恣意妄为,他针对的目标是杨致远和以非执行董事长罗伊•博斯托克(roybostock)为首的雅虎董事会。

    Irrational and unconscionable were the main charges levelled by Mr Icahn yesterday as he took aim at Mr Yang and a Yahoo board led by Roy Bostock , the non-executive chairman .

  20. 不过,在杨致远(JerryYang)由于未接受微软收购要约而遭到股东严厉批评之后,这位即将离职的雅虎首席执行官曾表示,雅虎公司将对任何有关收购交易的新谈判敞开大门。

    However , following the harsh criticism he received from shareholders over his failure to agree to a Microsoft acquisition , Jerry Yang , Yahoo 's outgoing CEO , has said the internet company would be open to any new discussions about a deal .

  21. 知情人士称,近几周来,随着雅虎股价持续重挫,杨致远开始更为频繁地和雅虎董事长博斯托克(RoyBostock)讨论这个想法。

    He began to discuss the idea with Yahoo Chairman Roy Bostock more frequently in recent weeks , as Yahoo 's stock price continued to plummet , according to people familiar with the matter .

  22. 据知情人士称,去年9月被迫离开的前首席执行官卡罗尔巴茨(carolbartz),后来相信杨致远破坏了她试图扭转雅虎局面的一些努力。

    Carol Bartz , who was forced out as chief executive last September , came to believe that Mr Yang was undermining some of her own efforts to turn round the company , according to people who know her .

  23. 支持这一观点的人会指出,在职业经理人(前首席执行官)特里塞梅尔(terrysemel)和巴茨离开之后很久,杨致远仍在为自己创立的公司打拼。

    Supporters of this view will note that Mr Yang was still fighting for the company he created long after professional managers ( and former chief executives ) Terry Semel and MS Bartz had departed .

  24. 美国猎头公司ctpartners驻伦敦的科技行业招聘专员罗奇塔里(donae.roche-tarry)表示,杨致远在运营方面犯下的错误就是没有尽快削减成本并提高效率。

    ' the mistakes he made were on the operational side by not reducing costs and increasing efficiency ' fast enough , suggested Dona E. roche-tarry , a London-based technology recruiter for ctpartners , a U. s.search firm .

  25. 杨致远上任后的动作也很迟缓。

    Mr Yang was also slow to act when he took charge .

  26. 杨致远既不懒散,也不自私,不漠视投资者。

    Mr Yang was not lazy , or selfish , or indifferent to investors .

  27. 董事会太过相信杨致远。

    The board trusted Jerry Yang too much .

  28. 除了内部不稳,杨致远和德克还面临股东的压力。

    In addition to internal instability , Jerry Yang and Dirk also facing pressure from shareholders .

  29. 对杨致远个人来说,这个“长期”似乎被大幅缩短了。

    For Mr Yang personally , the long term looks like it just got shortened considerably .

  30. 雅虎首席执行官杨致远及其治理团队现在面临更大的压力。

    Presiding apparitor Yang Zhiyuan and its management group are faced with Yahoo now greater pressure .