
kǒnɡ lónɡ dàn
  • dinosaur egg
  1. 应用医疗CT扫描法观察恐龙蛋化石的内部结构

    First report on studying dinosaur egg fossils with method of medical CT scanning

  2. 一枚恐龙蛋内细胞色素b基因片段的序列分析

    Sequence Analysis of the Cytochrome b Gene Fragment in a Fragment in a Dinosaur Egg

  3. 河南省西峡恐龙蛋化石DNA序列数据的再分析

    Re-analysis of DNA Sequence data from a Dinosaur Egg Fossil Unearthed in Xixia of Henan Province

  4. 河南西峡晚白垩世恐龙蛋化石壳超高异常Sr的发现及其意义

    The Dinosaur Eggshell Fossil of the Late Cretaceous Period from Xixia Basin , Henan Province , China : Supperhigh Content of Strontium and Its Significance

  5. 研究了XL01恐龙蛋化石蛋腔内壁和腔内絮状物质的无机组分。

    A component study on a fossil of dinosaur egg XL01 is presented in this paper .

  6. 以下是10大最难达成的要求:一个真的恐龙蛋、宠物独角兽、iPhone7、喵星人专用眼镜、爸爸不会失业、一只活海象、泰勒·斯威夫特、月球之旅、法拉利还有隐身的能力。

    These are the top 10 most obscure items : a real dragon egg , pet unicorn , iPhone 7 , glasses for a cat , that daddy 's job will be ok , a live walrus , Taylor Swift , flight to the moon , Ferrari , and the power of invisibility .

  7. 广东恐龙蛋层位及其分布

    The Strata with Fossil Dinosaur Eggs and their Distribution in Guangdong

  8. 湖南洞庭盆地西部的恐龙蛋化石

    On the dinosaurian eggs from the Western Dongting basin , hunan

  9. 豫西南&鄂西北一带恐龙蛋化石演化序列与环境变迁

    Evolutionary Series of Dinosaur Eggs and Environmental Changes in Southwestern Henan-Northwestern Hubei

  10. 天台盆地恐龙蛋化石结构和组分研究

    Study on Structure and Composition of Dinosaur Egg fossil from Tiantai Basin

  11. 第一批恐龙蛋就是在戈壁发现的。

    The first dinosaur eggs were found in the Gobi .

  12. 游百里老界岭,观千年恐龙蛋。

    Tours hundred mile old range , observes the millennium dinosaur egg .

  13. 它看起来就像一颗大的恐龙蛋。

    Well , it looks like a big dinosaur egg .

  14. 河南省恐龙蛋化石研究

    The study of fossil dinosaur eggs discovered in Henan

  15. 江西恐龙蛋的分类及层位

    Classification and stratigraphic position of dinosaurian eggs in Jiangxi

  16. 中国恐龙蛋化石及其生态地层浅析

    The dinosaur egg fossils in China and their ecostratigraphy

  17. 豫西南恐龙蛋化石的保护与可持续发展战略

    The protection and sustainable developing strategies of fossil dinosaurian eggs in Southwest Henan

  18. 恐龙蛋化石物质组分研究

    Study on a Fossil of Dinosaur Egg Component

  19. 这些恐龙蛋是在辽宁发现的。

    These dinosaur eggs were found in Liaoning .

  20. 信丰大塘盆地恐龙蛋化石层位特征及其生物地层划分

    Characteristics of fossil dinosaurian egg horizon in Datang basin of Xinfeng and biostratigraphic classification

  21. 吉林中部早白垩世泉头组恐龙蛋化石的研究

    Dinosaur Eggs Research from the Early Cretaceous Quantou Formation in the Central Jilin Province

  22. 关于建立豫西南恐龙蛋化石自然保护区的思考

    Thinking on building of natural protection area of fossil dinosaurian eggs in Southwest Henan

  23. 河南淅川盆地的恐龙蛋

    Dinosaur eggs from Xichuan basin , Henan Province

  24. 华东白垩纪鸭嘴龙类恐龙蛋化石的发现

    Fossil eggs of Cretaceous Hadrosaurs from eastern China

  25. 利用显微镜观察恐龙蛋的表观特征;

    We have observed the appearance and surface features of the eggs through microscope .

  26. 你们当中有谁见过恐龙蛋吗?

    Did any of you see dinosaur eggs ?

  27. 数万枚南阳恐龙蛋化石群的发现震惊世界。

    Nanyang tens of thousands of pieces of dinosaur egg fossil discovery shocked the world .

  28. 炸掉恐龙蛋来解决谜题,但要当心恐龙妈妈哦!

    Launch dino eggs to solve the puzzle , but watch out for Mama brontosaurus !

  29. 河南西峡盆地恐龙蛋化石及略论恐龙绝灭问题

    The dinosaur egg fossils from the Xixia Basin , Henan with discussions on dinosaur extinction

  30. 催化激光热透镜光谱法测定南阳恐龙蛋化石中痕量铱

    Studies on the Determination of Trace Iridium in Fossil of Dinosaurian Eggs with Catalytic LTLS