
kǒnɡ jù zhènɡ
  • phobia
  1. 他对飞行有恐惧症。

    He has a phobia about flying .

  2. 他在接受治疗以克服自己的恐惧症。

    He is having therapy to conquer his phobia .

  3. 他呆在一个狭小的地方,体验到了幽闭恐惧症的感觉。

    He experienced feelings of claustrophobia from being in a small place .

  4. 它的设计适合只想打出和看到中规中矩的图形字符的患有电脑恐惧症的人使用。

    Its design makes it suitable for the computerphobe who just wants to type and see something come out looking right .

  5. 对研究人员而言,“新食物恐惧症”仍是个新的领域。

    Food neophobia is a new field of study for researchers .

  6. 乘车恐惧症:害怕待在车里或者乘车

    Amaxophobia : Fear of being in or riding in a vehicle

  7. 这与选择性饮食失调有所不同。“新食物恐惧症”在婴幼儿身上尤为常见。

    Food neophobia is particularly common in toddlers and young children .

  8. “新食物恐惧症”是指害怕吃新的或不熟悉的食物。

    Food neophobia is the fear of eating new or unfamiliar .

  9. 害怕去看病,害怕见到医生,这被称为“医生恐惧症”。

    Iatrophobia is a fear of going to the doctor .

  10. “医生恐惧症”有损生活质量。

    Fear of doctors or iatrophobia can ruin the quality of your life .

  11. “青少年成长恐惧症”指的是过分担心社会的变化对青少年的影响。

    Juvenoia is an exaggerated fear of the effects of social change on youth .

  12. 然而对那些日光恐惧症患者而言,这也许就是现实。

    Yet for those with heliophobia , or fear of sunlight , this may be reality .

  13. 运动恐惧症:对运动无法控制的恐惧

    Kinesophobia : Pathological fear of motion

  14. 静坐恐惧症:很害怕坐着

    Kathisophobia : Fear of sitting down

  15. “无手机恐惧症”指的是担心没有手机或者没有手机信号。

    Nomophobia refers to the fear of being without your mobile phone or without a cellular1 signal .

  16. 恐尖症(尖器恐惧症):对锋利或有尖头的物品(如针或者伸出的手指)有恐惧

    Aichmophobia : A morbid1 fear of sharp or pointed2 objects ( such as a needle or a pointing finger )

  17. 在拼字比赛中“失败恐惧症”是人们最不愿看到的单词。

    fear of failure This is the last word that someone with kakorrhaphiophobia would want to encounter in a spelling bee .

  18. 词根是希腊语amaxa,指“马车”,意指最早引发这一恐惧症的车辆。

    This word comes from the Greek amaxa , meaning wagon4 – which suggests the vehicle that first inspired this fear .

  19. “青少年成长恐惧症”指人们担心网络和当前的社会潮流会对孩子产生负面影响,但这种忧虑往往毫无根据且被夸大。

    Juvenoia refers to the baseless and exaggerated fear that the Internet and current social trends are having negative effects on children .

  20. 据估计,美国成年人中有75%有不同程度的看牙恐惧症,有的程度较轻,有的则很严重。

    It is estimated that as many as 75 % of US adults experience some degree of dental fear , from mild to severe .

  21. 很多有看牙恐惧症的人只有在遇到牙科急症时才会去看牙,比如牙痛或者牙脓肿。

    Many dentally fearful people will only seek dental care when they have a dental emergency , such as a toothache or dental abscess .

  22. “新食物恐惧症”甚至未被医学领域正式归为一种疾病,但这种症状开始变得比人们想象中的要更为严重。

    It hasn 't even been officially classified a disorder by the medical field , but it 's starting to more serious than previously thought .

  23. 日光恐惧症是一个严重折磨患者的疾病,然而目前仍然缺乏对其真正的研究。

    Heliophobia , or fear of sunlight , is a problem that afflicts3 tons of of people , however one that suffers from a scarcity4 of true research .

  24. “午饭恐惧症”是网络盛行的流行词汇之一,主要“症状”表现为:不知吃点什么好,更不知道该跟谁吃。

    Lunch phobia is a new buzzword widely spread on the Internet . Symptoms include : not knowing what to eat and not knowing who to eat with .

  25. 儿童成长恐惧症在许多方面都有所体现,包括人们认为如今年轻人表现得比过去要糟得多,但很多证据表明,事实与此恰恰相反。

    Juvenoia is manifest in a multitude of ways , including the belief that today 's youth are worse behaved than ever before , despite much evidence to the contrary .

  26. 英国身体畸形恐惧症基金会指出,英国健身房里大约10%的男性会员有肌肉上瘾症或健身过度症,也被称为“恐瘦症”。

    Muscle dysmorphia , also known as " bigorexia " , may now be affecting one in 10 men who visit gyms in the UK , according to the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation .

  27. E富尔马克认为,这类基因的作用也适用于其他与扁桃核有关的疾病,如恐惧症、疼痛障碍、忧郁症等。

    Furmark believes the effect of the gene may extend to other conditions where the amygdala is involved , such as phobias , pain disorders and even depression .

  28. 目的探讨成人义齿基牙预备时,牙科恐惧症(DentalFear,DF)发病情况及其相关因素。

    Objective To explore the coming on and its related factors of dental fear ( DF ) during preparing abutment teeth of adult false teeth .

  29. 探讨虚拟现实技术(virtualReality,VR)在心理医学中的应用治疗恐惧症、社交焦虑症、厌食症等心理疾病的治疗,并取得了良好效果。

    The approach VR is applied in psychic medicine ﹙ Virtual reality ﹚ to treat photophobia , social anxiety neurosis , anorexia and so on , and get good results .

  30. CIA还被授权对被拘留者采用昆虫恐惧症,让他和毛毛虫呆在一个盒子里;

    The CIA also approved exploiting one detainee 's fear of insects by putting caterpillars in the box with him .