
  • 网络A Study in Terror
  1. 《恐怖的研究》使福尔摩斯经历了一次香艳的冒险。

    A Study in Terror took Holmes on a far more sexually explicit adventure .

  2. 他们又盯着一个用于空间敬畏他们的眼睛和恐怖的研究。

    They stared at one another for a space with awe and horror in their eyes .

  3. 而有关恐怖袭击的研究,目前还处于起步阶段,尤其是国内研究甚少。

    But the research on terrorist is still limited , especially in China .

  4. 根据本人搜集的资料显示,国外关于恐怖电影的研究并不多,专著更是少之又少。

    According to my research , there are not too many studies about horror movies , even with few monographs about them .

  5. 森田疗法治疗社交恐怖症的对照研究

    A comparative study on Morita therapy for treating social phobia

  6. 大灾难可以减少消费者的多样化寻求行为:-个基于恐怖管理理论的研究

    Catastrophes Induce Less Consumers ' Variety-seeking : A Study Based on the Theory of Terror Management

  7. 在反恐机制建设过程中,要确定爆炸恐怖犯罪的概念,研究其特点,分析其成因,为现实斗争服务。

    In the course of the mechanism building , we should establish the concept of the terrorist explosion , study its features , analyze its causes at present time and serve for the fighting against it .