
  1. 但更令人担忧的是,恐慌性购买的初步迹象已经出现。

    But , more worrying , the first signs of panic buying have emerged .

  2. 这进而导致美国国债出现恐慌性购买。

    This , in turn , has led to the panic purchases of US Treasury bills shown in the chart .

  3. 联合利华在这个月初期被罚款31万美元,是因为对记者提及公司可能涨价,这个消息引起三月洗发水的恐慌性购买。

    Unilever was fined $ 310,000 earlier this month for mentioning to reporters that it might raise prices & the news sparked panic buying of shampoo in March .

  4. 发展中国家正在大量囤积粮食,以抑制恐慌性购买、通胀和社会动荡。

    Governments across the developing world are stockpiling food staples in an attempt to contain panic buying , inflation and social unrest , write Javier Blas and Chris Giles .

  5. 但他在接受一次采访时表示,恐慌性购买和出口禁令可能给价格上涨火上浇油,引发投机行为,并导致世界走向类似2007年至2008年那样的危机。

    But he also warned in an interview that panic buying and export bans could fuel prices , trigger speculation and lead the world into a crisis similar to that of 2007-08 .