
  1. 同时,还分析了外来劳动力在珠三角劳动力市场上存在的一些问题。

    At the same time , there are some problems in the Pearl River Delta labor market .

  2. 论上海与长江三角洲地区市场体系的互动与协调发展

    Market Interaction and Coordinating Development Between Shanghai and Other Parts of Yangtze River Delta Region

  3. 地方保护和行政壁垒严重阻碍了泛珠三角经济区市场一体化进程。增强该区域市场的统一性,客观上要求塑造具有高度权威性的协调机关;

    Local protection and administrative barriers have severely hindered the integration process of the Pan-Pearl River Delta .

  4. 珠三角铜版纸市场2003年回顾与2004年展望

    Review on 2003 and Expectation on 2004 for Coated Paper Market in the Delta of Pearl River

  5. 农民工如今在家乡省份有了更好的工作机会,这加剧了珠三角地区劳动力市场供应紧张的局势。

    The labour squeeze is exacerbated in the PRD as migrant workers now have greater opportunities in their home provinces .

  6. 首先,本文对苏南典当市场的大小、结构作系统分析,勾勒了苏南典当从城市到乡村三角形状的市场分布形态。

    First , the thesis research systematically on the size , structure of the pawnshop market in the shape of the triangle from city to county .

  7. 制造商不得不提高工资水平的另一个原因是,工人们对工作变得越来越挑剔,因为随着珠三角地区劳动力市场开始变得对工人有利,他们有了更多的选择。

    Another reason manufacturers are having to pay more is that workers are increasingly picky about jobs , since they have more choices as the PRD labour market shifts in their favour .

  8. 而国外的各种管理信息类软件,如果直接移植到我国企业的管理中,又存在实用性差、投入费用高等问题,不适用于珠三角地区以市场驱动离散工艺制造的中小型企业。

    If transplanting an abroad management information software , the large cost and practicing effect are the troubles , so it is impossible to transplant for small-scaled and middle-scaled enterprise in Zhujiang Delta Area .

  9. 珠江三角洲浆纸市场在全国占据着举足轻重的地位,尤其是以铜版纸为代表的中高档工业、文化用纸,更是倍受业届关注。

    The pulp & paper market in the delta of the Pearl River is holding the balance in China , especially marketing of the middle and high quality paper such as coated paper , which is paid more attention .

  10. 如果您是三角轮胎国际市场配套客户,请您认真阅读该服务指南,以便您获得您所需要的服务,维护您的合理权益。

    If you are the OE clients or end-user of tirangle Brand tyre in the overseas market , please read this service guide carefully , so that you can get the sound service , rights and benefits from triangle .

  11. 长江三角洲旅游客源市场结构分析

    An Analysis on the Structure of the Tourist Market in Yangtze River Delta

  12. 红三角地区体育旅游市场一体化及协同发展研究

    The Research of Integration and Coordination Development of Sports Tourism Market in the Red Triangle Region

  13. 长三角教育合作以政府行为为主要动力,珠三角教育合作以市场为推动力。

    The educational cooperation of Yangtze River Delta is characterized by government behavior as its main power while the educational cooperation of Zhujiang Delta is characterized by market as its drive .

  14. 相对于长三角与珠三角通过创业板市场融资的中小企业来说,目前来自山东籍的中小企业只有8家,相对还比较少,只占整体200家创业板公司的4%1。

    Compare to Changjiang Delta and Zhujiang Delta , there are only eight small companies which get capital by GEM . The number accounted for only 4 % of the whole .

  15. 唐英年决心珠江三角洲地区的市场力量,发展高附加值、高科技创新产业,香港在三角洲的地位。

    Henry Tang vowed to make use of the market force of the Pearl River Delta area to develop high value-added , innovative and high-tech industries and to enhance Hong Kong 's role in the delta .

  16. 我们的营销目标,并不是追求轰轰烈烈、好大喜功的所谓爆炸式增长,而是注重稳健型发展,先将珠江三角洲的一线市场做深做透,再在长江三角洲和国外开设分公司和办事处。

    Our marketing goal does not lie in pursuing so-called explosive growth , but concentrating on steady development , cultivating the markets in the Pearl River delta , and then opening branches and offices in the Yangze River Delta and foreign countries .

  17. 介绍了珠江三角洲塑料原料市场建设、电子商务交易模式在塑料原料流通领域的应用情况,以及珠江三角洲塑料原料物流圈的形成对塑料产业发展的影响。

    The application of electronic commerce and the establishment of the plastics raw material market in circulation industry in Pearl River Delta were presented . The influence of the formation of plastics raw material market to the development of plastics industry was discussed .

  18. 泛珠三角区域合作对发展我国经济具有十分重要的意义,但是地方保护和行政壁垒严重阻碍了泛珠三角区域市场一体化的进程;

    The regional cooperation of the Pan - Pearl River Delta is very important signification for developing Chinese economy , however , local protection and administrative barriers have severely hindered the integration process of the Pan - Pearl River Delta .