
shàng shì
  • list;be listed;be on the market;launch;on sale;go public;ship;be in season;go on the market;go to market;come up
上市 [shàng shì]
  • (1) [go on the market]∶指货物开始在市场上出售

  • 西红柿大量上市

  • (2) [go to market]∶到市场去

  • 一清早他就上市买菜去了

上市[shàng shì]
  1. 新鲜竹笋本月将上市。

    Fresh bamboo shoots will be on the market this month .

  2. 新鲜竹笋本月将上市。2.

    Eg. Fresh bamboo shoots will be on the market this month .

  3. 目前有几家足球俱乐部在股票交易所上市。

    Several football clubs are now quoted on the Stock Exchange .

  4. 这家公司于2001年上市。

    The company was floated on the stock market in 2001 .

  5. 这种新药从一月份开始将可大量上市。

    The new drug will be generally available from January .

  6. 这栋房屋去年就上市了。

    The house came on the market last year .

  7. 这些小猪被从母猪身边带走,好育肥上市。

    The piglets are taken from the sow to be fattened for market .

  8. 这家公司正在争取上市。

    The company is seeking a stock exchange listing .

  9. 这种产品还没有上市。

    The product is not yet commercially available .

  10. 我们已着手生产新的款式,明年春天就可以上市。

    Our new model is already on the stocks and will be available in the spring .

  11. 百科全书光盘已上市。

    The encyclopedia is available on CD-ROM.

  12. 股票最初上市价为5英镑85便士。

    Shares were floated at 585p .

  13. AC公司于1951年上市,当时平均年利润为5万多英镑。

    In 1951 AC went public , having achieved an average annual profit of more than £ 50,000 .

  14. 这个圣诞节会有一款新型游戏机上市。

    This Christmas sees the launch of a new games console .

  15. 他们计划让它作为一个独立公司重新上市。

    They plan to relaunch it as a stand-alone company .

  16. 一系列技术问题延误了新产品的上市。

    A series of technical foul-ups delayed the launch of the new product .

  17. 当初上市的时候,麦金塔电脑是所有台式电脑里最小的。

    When launched , the Macintosh was the smallest desktop computer ever produced .

  18. 他让自己的公司上市了。

    He floated his firm on the stock market

  19. 长期以来,大型的上市公司和私营企业一直在为保守党捐助资金。

    Large public and private companies have long been contributors to Tory party coffers .

  20. 该公司资金不够雄厚,无法上市。

    The company was not financially strong enough to be floated on the Stock Exchange .

  21. 乔丹自有品牌的运动衫、T恤衫和帽子系列将于今年圣诞节上市。

    Jordan 's own-label collection of sweatshirts , T-shirts and caps will be available this Christmas .

  22. 康柏公司两年后上市时,他们的股本为3,800万美元。

    Two years later , when Compaq went public , their stock was valued at $ 38 million

  23. 澳大利亚最大的一些上市公司预计将在本周宣布巨额中期盈利。

    Some of Australia 's largest listed companies are expected to announce huge interim earnings this week .

  24. 它将以1.3亿英镑的市值于下星期在伦敦证券交易所上市。

    It will list on the London Stock Exchange next week with a value of 130 million pounds .

  25. 这考虑到了允许一家公司的新药在本国上市的国家的数量,并依照每个国家的市场规模权衡其重要性。

    This takes account of the number of countries in which a company wins approval for a new drug , weighted by the size of each country 's market .

  26. 不久它就可以上市,按照我们与你商定的条款进行销售,重申一遍,这些条款尽量不要对外公开。

    It will shortly be put up for sale under the terms already communicated to you , which , to recapitulate , call for a very minimum of publicity .

  27. 现在不是桃子上市的季节。

    This is not the season for peaches .

  28. 这是刚上市的草莓。

    The strawberries have just come in .

  29. 它已开始上市。

    It has appeared on the market .

  30. 葡萄上市了。

    Grapes are now in .