
  • 网络Shanghai Ocean University;SHOU
  1. 我是上海海洋大学爱恩学院即将毕业的大四学生,对于我的BFA141成绩有一些疑问,期望在您这里能够等到一些帮助。

    I am the senior of the Aien College of the Shanghai Ocean University . I have some questions about my marks of the BFA141 , and if you can give me some explanations , I will be appreciated .

  2. 来自上海海洋大学环境科学专业的研究生、25岁的李世楷(音译)计划在二月农历新年期间从家出发去贵州凯里旅游。

    Li Shikai , 25 , a graduate student in environmental science at Shanghai Ocean University , plans to travel home to Kaili , in Guizhou province , for Chinese New Year in February .

  3. 上海海洋大学教授唐文乔于上周二早间现场检查了这头鲸鱼,他表示,这头鲸鱼是国家二级保护动物长须鲸。

    The dead animal was a fin whale , a second-class national-level protected animal , said Tang Wenqiao , a professor from Shanghai Ocean University , who checked the whale on-site last Tuesday morning .

  4. 本研究以上海工程技术大学、华东政法大学、上海海事大学、上海海洋大学、上海理工大学、上海中医药大学等高校的体育教师为研究对象。

    This research by the technical university in shanghai , procuratorial and judicial university , shanghai maritime university , shanghai maritime university , shanghai polytechnics and colleges shanghai university of Chinese medicine for the sports teacher for study .