
  • 网络declivity;downhill
  1. 滑雪者滑下斜坡,(飘逸得)像一只鸟。

    The skier floated down the slope like a bird .

  2. 马车飞驰下斜坡,撞上了土埂。

    The coach careered down a slope and collided with a bank .

  3. 波浪作用下斜坡堤护面块体的稳定问题

    Block Stability of Mound Type Structure under Wave Action

  4. 奈杰尔在他的滑板上加速冲下斜坡。

    Nigel sped down the hill on his skateboard .

  5. 枕髁形态学分类对下斜坡病变的手术意义

    Occipital Condyle : morphometric classification and surgical significance for the lesions of lower clivus

  6. 我从厕所里出来,像平时一样急急得走下斜坡。

    I came out , hurrying as usual , and proceeded down the ramps .

  7. 坡浪作用下斜坡堤干砌块石护面的稳定计算

    Stability of Placed Stone Revetment Under Wave Action

  8. 斜坡维修组〔地政总署〕孩子们快速地跑下斜坡。

    Slope Maintenance Section [ Lands Department ] the children ran down the hill amain .

  9. 双向荷载作用下斜坡上单桩作用机理与受力特性研究

    Study on Action Mechanism and Mechanical Properties of Single Pile on Slope with Double-sided Load

  10. 车子摇晃着冲下斜坡。

    The car careened down the slope .

  11. 浪波作用下斜坡式防波堤插砌条石护面厚度的试验研究

    A Model Study of Stone Pitching of Mound Breakwater under the Action of Regular Wave

  12. 司机关掉了马达让卡车滑下斜坡。

    The driver turned off the engine and let the truck coast down the incline .

  13. 孩子们快速地跑下斜坡。

    And so the latter 's prompt retreat , the children ran down the hill amain .

  14. 走下斜坡。

    Go down the slope .

  15. 在您的船上跳转,获得水,跳下斜坡执行真棒的把戏。

    Jump on your board , get in the water and jump off ramps to perform awesome tricks .

  16. 显然地,注意到他正被人观看,这人垂直跳跃下斜坡并且失踪了。

    Apparently , noticing that he was being watched , the man leaped down the vertical slope and disappeared .

  17. 提出复杂地质条件下斜坡问题探测数据有效处理的设计比值参数方法。

    An innovative data processing procedure called the ratio parameter method was proposed for locating sliding faces under complex geological conditions .

  18. 结论远外侧手术入路是治疗下斜坡和颅颈交界区腹侧病变的有效方法。

    Conclusion The far lateral approach was highly effective to lesions of lower clivus and anterior portion of the craniocervical junction .

  19. 这列满载原油的列车有72节油罐车厢,以极快的速度滚下斜坡冲入了社区内。

    The locomotive and 72 tankers carrying crude oil slammed into the community after rolling down a slope in gathering speed .

  20. 远外侧经髁入路切除下斜坡和枕骨大孔腹侧肿瘤的解剖与临床研究

    Microsurgical anatomy and clinical study of the far-lateral transcondylar approach to remove tumors situated at lower clivus and ventral to foramen magnum

  21. 低水位期以盆缘-下斜坡混屑浊积岩为特征,陆棚边缘体系域中重力流相对较少;

    Lowstand is characterized by basin margin downslope miscellaneous lithic turbidites , and gravity flow is relatively less in shelf marginal systems .

  22. 放在轮子底下或辐条间用来阻止交通工具滑下斜坡的楔形木条。

    A chock or bar wedged under a wheel or between the spokes to prevent a vehicle from rolling down an incline .

  23. 方法对14例高颈段椎管内外哑铃型肿瘤及下斜坡肿瘤,采用外侧枕下入路进行手术切除。

    Methods The far lateral suboccipital approach was used in 14 patients with tumors of the upper cervical spinal canal and inferior clivus .

  24. 通过数值计算方法求解任意给定的入渗和蒸发边界条件下斜坡土体的瞬态含水率分布及与其相对应的瞬态抗剪强度参数分布。

    The instantaneous distributions of water content and shear strength parameters can be solved numerically for arbitrarily given boundry condition of infiltration and evaporation .

  25. 在教皇乘坐的专车徐徐驶下斜坡抵达前世贸中心遗址的最低一层时,教皇给这个神圣的地方带来了和平的信息。

    The pontiff brought his message of peace to hallowed ground as the popemobile descended the ramp to the lowest levels of the former World Trade Center site .

  26. 结合山区高速公路建设的实践,采用足尺模型试验,得出荷载作用下斜坡地基上高填方路堤滑动破坏面出现的位置及形态,并测定了其相应的极限承载力。

    The shape and location of the slip curve surface , the ultimate bearing capacity under load were found out when the high fill embankment on slope foundation was under unstable condition .

  27. 碳酸盐岩烃源岩的形成是受层序体系域和沉积相控制,分布于下斜坡的高位体系域或与膏盐岩伴生。

    The carbonate source rock is controlled by system tracts and facies . The carbonate source rock is mainly developed in high system tract in low ramp or is survived with gypsum-salt rock together .

  28. 卡朗这样描述道:我滑下斜坡,被一根短绳悬挂在岩壁上,却要盯着某人双眸沉默四分钟。这是我一生中最激动人心,惊心动魄的经历之一。

    Catron describes it thus : Ive skied steep slopes and hung from a rock face by a short length of rope , but staring into someones eyes for four silent minutes was one of the more thrilling and terrifying experiences of my life .

  29. 那条狗转身滚下了斜坡。

    The dog turned over and tumbled down the slope .

  30. 基于岩崩动力作用下的斜坡稳定性研究

    Study on slope stability based on rockfall impetus actions