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  • laxative/purgative remedy
  1. 结论:温脾汤能更好地促进EGF含量的增加,即温下法比温涩法能更好地通过肠黏膜保护作用机制,减轻UC黏膜的损伤和炎症。

    Conclusion : Wen Pi Decoction improve content of EGF in contrast of Zhenren Yang Zang Decoction , so the method of warming purgation relieve damage and inflammation of UC by protecting intestinal mucosa more than the method of warming antidiarrheal .

  2. 泄下法治疗黄疸探讨

    Discussion on the treatment of jaundice by means of purgation

  3. 寻求富有挑战性的事业的科学家不妨考虑一下法医学。

    Scientists in search of a challenging career could do worse than consider forensic science .

  4. 由PETRI网模型求系统最小割集的自顶向下法

    A Top-to-Down Method Getting the System 's Minimal Cut Sets by Petri Net

  5. 温下法和温涩法对UC大鼠结肠MIP-1α含量的影响比较

    Comparison Between the Effects of TCM Warm-purgative Therapy and Warm-astringing Therapy on the Level of MIP-1 α in the Ulcerous Colon of the Rats

  6. 研究了系统逻辑关系的Petri网表示,基于Petri网的建模方法,采用Petri网模型求系统最小割集的自顶向下法。

    The Petri net is employed to model the logical relation and to get the minimal cut sets and the minimal path sets of the system 's event , a top-to-down algorithm for this purpose is got .

  7. 目的:探讨温下法与温涩法在溃疡性结肠炎(UC)损伤修复方面的不同作用机制。

    Objective : To explore the different mechanisms of action of warm and purgation method and warm and unsmooth method in promoting the repair of immunological injury of ulcerative colitis ( UC ) .

  8. 而使用E组或SE的单飞、发展E+D以上不同类型的高难动作直接,及运用SE的空翻为下法等,将是新奥运周期男子单杠技术发展的新动向。

    And using E-group or SE single fly , developing direct links of various E + D-plus exceedingly difficult movements , and dismounting with SE somersault , will be the new trend of men 's horizontal bar in the new Olympic period .

  9. 结果:10例中5例为良性,5例为恶性,检出率经颌下法为50%,IOU法为100%。

    Five cases were benign and others were malignant in 10 patients . The positive rate was 50 % in submandibular detection and 100 % in IOU .

  10. 介绍了用自制的表面处理剂ST-1对被粘材料表面进行处理的下法和工艺条件,改进了冷粘制鞋工艺,提高了粘接力。

    This paper gives a method and technical conditions for using self - making surface treatment agent ST - 1 to treat the materials which are to be sticked . New shoe - making technology at normal temperature is used , the sticking strength is increased .

  11. 结论:温下法与温涩法能够增加UC患者体内EGF的含量,进而可能通过EGF对黏膜屏障的保护作用促进黏膜损伤的修复。

    Conclusion : Both the warm and purgation method and the warm and unsmooth method can increase EGF expression of UC patients , and promote repair of the injured mucous membrane by protection of EGF to mucous membrane of intestinal tract .

  12. 通腑法亦即下法,为中风病急性期主要治法之一。

    Purgation is the main therapy for apoplexy at acute stage .

  13. 高低杠360°团身旋空翻下法的运动学分析1years翻跟斗

    Kinematic Analysis of 1 Turn Tucked Somersault Dismount of Uneven Bars

  14. 用山下法辨识液压系统频域模型

    Identifying frequency domain model of hydraulic system by using Yamashita method

  15. 对程菲、李娅平衡木下法技术的比较研究

    Research on Techniques Compare between Cheng Fei Leaving off Balance Bea

  16. 采用大黄苦寒泻下法造脾虚模型。

    Rhubarb bitter cold diarrhea dismount made the Spleen Deficiency model .

  17. 手术切口小不易发现,一律采用骨膜下法。

    Difficult to find a small incision , all with periosteum dismount .

  18. 下法对胰源性肺损伤大鼠模型疗效观察

    Therapeutic Effect of Purgation on Lung Injury Occurred in Pancreatitis in Rat

  19. 管道防腐层需冲击性试验方法(石灰石落下法)

    Test method for impact resistance of pipeline coatings ( lime-stone drop test )

  20. 新形势下法医学专业实践技能培养模式的探讨

    Exploration in the Training of Forensic Medicine Practical Ability in the New Situation

  21. 我要教他正经下法不是哥伦比亚版的

    I 'm gonna teach him real chess , not the Colombian version .

  22. 两种棋的下法差不多,但是有些不同。

    The rules in both games are pretty similar but there are some differences .

  23. 目的:观察运用下法治疗急性黄疸型肝炎的疗效。

    Objective : to observe the effect of purgation to treat acute icteric hepatitis .

  24. 第四章是预设下法的具体生成过程。

    The fourth chapter is concrete forming process .

  25. 每一种下法都代表一种不同的变化。

    Each possible move represents a different game .

  26. 活血化瘀合攻下法治疗胸腰椎压缩性骨折后腹胀的疗效观察

    Clinical Observation of Folium Cassiae in Treating Abdominal Distension Following Thoracic and Lumbar Compression Fracture

  27. 通下法抗急性坏死性胰腺炎肺损害的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Tong Xia Therapeutic Method in Relieving Lung Injury During Acute Necrotizing pancreatitis

  28. 与国际象棋不同,围棋的可能下法太多了,计算机难以计算。

    Unlike chess , Go permits too many possible moves for a computer to calculate .

  29. 缓下法治疗慢性乙型病毒性肝炎、肝硬化肠源性内毒素血症的临床研究

    Clinical study of laxation on gut-origin Endotoxemia ( ETM ) with chronic viral-B hepatitis and liver cirrhosis

  30. 结果:13例患者的病灶均位于两肺下法后基底段。

    Results : All cases were located in the posterior segment of lower lobes of both lungs .