
xià shèn
  • infiltration
下渗[xià shèn]
  1. 根据干旱地区水文、气候特征和已有资料情况,把格林安普特(GreenAmpt)下渗曲线改进为具有流域分布特征的、考虑前期降雨对下渗影响的计算公式。

    According to the hydrologic and climatic characteristics in arid area and the available data , the Green-Ampt infiltration curve is improved into a calculating formula in which the characteristics of watershed dis-tribution is reflected and the effects of antecedent rainfall on infiltration is considered .

  2. 该模型用Horton下渗曲线进行单元网格的产流计算,用各产流单元的汇流时间和线性水库相结合的方法模拟洪水过程中的洪峰平移和坦化现象。

    In this model , the Horton infiltration capacity curve was used to calculate the runoff generation at each grid , and the concentration time for each runoff generation element , combined with the linear reservoir technique , was adopted for simulation of transition and subsidence of flood waves .

  3. Cr的迁移能力比较弱,不容易下渗到浅层地下水中,但易造成土壤Cr污染。

    The transferring ability of Cr was feeblish , and it can not easily move to groundwater , but can cause soil contamination .

  4. 湿陷性黄土层厚达20m左右,各类建筑与新建下渗水池之间的距离不得小于60m。

    The thickness of wet natural yellow soil layer is reach to 20 m , the distance between building and newly builted under infiltrates shall not less than 60m .

  5. 由于该场地下方粘土层的渗透系数很小,污染物的迁移距离在30cm~40cm左右,能较有效地防止垃圾中污染物的快速下渗迁移。

    With small infiltration coefficient , migration distance of pollutants was 30 ~ 40 cm , which prevented infiltration of pollutants to ground .

  6. 民勤沙区雨季降水量在40mm以上时在沙丘中的下渗深度可以达到50~90cm。

    In Minqin desert area , the penetrating depth could reach 50-90 cm when the precipitation is above 40 mm .

  7. 震旦系以上地层大量暴露,地表水溶蚀下渗深度在黔西南地区可达3000~4000m;

    The overlying strata on Sinian rocks are all exposed and surface water has leaked down and solved into 3000 ~ 4000m of depth in southwestern Guizhou .

  8. 降雨量分别与NO3N淋溶深度和淋失量均呈正相关,大约每4mm降雨量可使NO3N下渗1cm。

    It was the positive correlation between rainfall and the depth and the loss quantity of NO ~ - _3-N leaching , respectively . Each increment of 4 mm rainfall made NO ~ - _3-N leached to a depth of 1 cm .

  9. 研究结果表明:稀土化合物CeCl3对Cu-Al-Y合金渗铝过程具有明显的催渗效果,在同等工艺条件下渗层厚度较高;

    Results show that the addition of rare earth oxide CeCl_3 has great accelerating effect on the aluminizing and internal oxidation processing .

  10. 渗灌埋管深度由浅到深,水分下渗规律也呈同样趋势,根据小麦发育需水规律,以埋深20cm较为理想。

    The depth of pipes buried was from shallow to deep . The law of water seeping showed the same tendency . According to the law of wheat development requirement of water , 20 cm of burying depth was optimal .

  11. 考虑到耕作层与非耕作层在土壤物理性质上的差异.用Saint-Venant方程和改进后的Green-Ampt下渗模型联立,对成层土上的畦灌非恒定流方程进行数值模拟。

    Considering the difference in physical properties between different layers of soil , a mathematical model of unsteady flow in border irrigation is constructed by means of Saint-Venant model combined with the improved Green-Ampt infiltration model . The numerical solution is in good agreement with field observation .

  12. 考虑土内气压势的下渗水流数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of infiltration flow considering the barometric potential in soil

  13. 干旱半干旱地区降雨下渗过程的若干问题探讨

    Some Aspects of Rainfall Infiltration Processes in Arid and Semi-arid Region

  14. 基于城市雨水资源化的截污下渗系统

    Waste water cut-off and seepage system of rainwater in urban area

  15. 石化废水稳定塘系统下渗对地下水的影响

    The Impact of the Petrochemical Wastewater Stabilization Pond System on Groundwater

  16. 土壤水分剖面的动态特性与下渗数学模拟

    Dynamic Characteristic of Soil Moisture profile and Infiltration Model ing

  17. 卫星遥感技术在饱和下渗产流模型中的应用

    The application of the satellite remote sensing of saturated infiltration

  18. 山坡地分布型降雨下渗数学模型

    A Study on Distributed Rainfall Infiltration Mathematics Model for Hillslope

  19. 刺槐人工林地土壤水分下渗研究

    A Study on Soil Water Infiltration in Black Locust Plantation

  20. 可变下渗容量模型及其在黄河流域的应用

    VIC model and its application to the Yellow River basin

  21. 随入渗进行而下渗锋面向下扩展,水势分布曲线由较陡直逐渐变为相对平缓。

    Curve of water potential changes from steep to slow .

  22. 较高天然地下水位下渗控分析的边界处理方法

    Boundary Treatment Method for Filtration Control Analysis of Higher Natural Water Table

  23. 不同利用类型土壤水分下渗特征试验研究

    Experimental test about moisture infiltration character in different landuse type

  24. 下渗与土壤水垂直分布的概念性模型

    A Conceptual Model of Infiltration and Soil Moisture Vertical Distribution

  25. 土壤特性空间变异对降雨下渗影响的统计理论研究

    Statistical Study of Effect of Spatial Variability of Soil Property on Rainfall Infiltration

  26. 降水进入土壤后,浅层的土壤能含蓄更多的水分,当浅层土壤饱和后,水分下渗进入深层土壤,但是水分进入深层土壤的频次较浅层少。

    After precipitation into the soil , shallow soil can implicitly more water .

  27. 渗滤液从形成、下渗至地下水环境中的运移为三维运移过程。

    The migration process that leachate infiltration into the groundwater environment is three-dimensional .

  28. 而随着气温的上升,蒸发和下渗呈增加的趋势。

    Along with temperature rising in the region , evaporation and infiltration increased .

  29. 人工湿地水体下渗对试验区地下水影响较大。

    Integrated wetland water infiltration to groundwater has great influence onthe experiment area .

  30. 格林&安普特下渗曲线的改进和应用

    Improvement and Application of the Green-Ampt Infiltration Curve