
  • 网络downstream industry
  1. 多关注下游产业(消费品市场)的倾销情况。

    Pay close attention to situations of dumping of the downstream industry ( consumer goods market )

  2. 在整理、归纳、总结了前人相关研究的结论之后,本文从定义层面提出了外商群体投资的两个条件:外资企业的区域集聚和外资企业与本地企业的上下游产业关联。

    Foreign group investment proposes two conditions : foreign investment cluster and local enterprises upstream and downstream industry association .

  3. 作为生产BDO及下游产业链的源头反应,甲醛乙炔化合成BD成为整个产业链的关键步骤。

    As the source reaction , the synthesis of BD through the ethynylation of formaldehyde becomes a key step for the whole industry chain .

  4. 建议尽快建成以TFT液晶显示屏为中心的上、下游产业链,增强零部件的自我配套能力,以促进我国显示产业长足地稳定发展。

    Propose to build industry chain centering around TFT-LCD as soon as possible and enhance capacity to form a complete set to promote stable growth of LCD industry in China .

  5. 能源结构优化与下游产业结构改革

    The imminency of energy structure and the reform of downstream product structure

  6. 中国反倾销调查对下游产业的关联影响

    The Effects of Antidumping Investigations on Downstream Industries

  7. 得益于强大的上下游产业链优势,我们已经储备了一定的组件。

    Thanks to our strong industry chains , we have stored a large stock of parts .

  8. 赛前和赛后所涉及的产业是体育产业的主导产业的上游产业和下游产业。

    The companys involved before and after the competition are Upstream and downstream of leading industry of sport industry .

  9. 随着黑木耳的消费量逐年递增,带动着黑木耳栽培及下游产业的迅速发展。

    Following the increasing consumption of Auricularia auricular by years , its cultivation and downstream industries have been developed rapidly .

  10. 松香是天然、绿色、环保资源,对于上下游产业的发展具有重要的战略地位。

    Rosin is a natural green environmental resource playing an important strategy role of the upstream and downstream industry development .

  11. 油气资源是上游油气产业链的基础,是下游产业链的保障。

    Oil-gas resources are a base of upstream oil-gas industrial link and a guarantee of downstream industrial link as well .

  12. 这45起调查针对的进口产品绝大多数属于下游产业使用的原料或投入品。

    Most of these 45 investigated import products are intermediate goods or the inputs and raw materials of related downstream industry .

  13. 一方面,它能够带动上下游产业的发展,推动整个国民经济的增长。

    On the one hand , it can drive the development of downstream industries and promote the growth of entire national economy .

  14. 汽车产业的产业链长、关联度高,对上下游产业的拉动力强。

    In auto industry , the long supply chain and high industrial correlation induce strong pull to up and down stream industries .

  15. 本文首先提出了把光伏技术应用到轻工业产品中,带动光伏下游产业的发展。

    In this paper put forward the photovoltaic technology to light industry products , promote ' the development of photovoltaic downstream industries .

  16. 本文认为,我国副食批发企业上下游产业的作用以及产业内部的剧烈竞争,要求副食品批发企业必须采取措施获取战略影响力;

    It , s of significant importance for non-staple food whole enterprises to obtain strategic influence to develop in a highly competitive market .

  17. 因为我在石油下游产业石油及化工产品行业已经打拼了28个年头,而这正是太阳石油公司的领域。

    I worked for28 years in the downstream part of the oil business oil and chemical products and that 's what Sunoco does .

  18. 我们认为这是不可能持续太久,我们期待下游产业,以提高它们的价格很快。

    We think that this is unlikely to last for long , and we expect the downstream industries to raise their prices soon .

  19. 打通饰品生产上下游产业链,为客户提供产前、产中、售后全方位服务的发展模式正在形成。

    Open up the jewelry production and downstream industry chain , providing customers before , during , after-sale service all-round development model is emerging .

  20. 但是我们应该看到,每个货运代理企业同时都面临着国内外同行和上下游产业所带来的前所未有的竞争威胁。

    But each freight agency faces with the drastic competition from the domestic and international competitors or forward and backward position of the industry .

  21. 建筑涂料行业作为建筑和房地产行业的下游产业,市场竞争日趋激烈。

    Decorative coatings industry as the downstream industry of the infrastructure construction and the real estate industry , the market competition is more intense .

  22. 同时,鼓励大型煤矿企业整合和上下游产业融合,提高产业集中度。

    At the same time , encourages the large-scale coalmine enterprise integration and the upstream and downstream industry fusion , enhances the industrial concentration degree .

  23. 区域品牌具有非排他性、持续的品牌效应,不仅可以推动区域产业的整体发展,还可以带动相关上下游产业的加速发展。

    The regional brands have their constant brand effects , . They may impel the integral development of regional industry and accelerate the development of related industries .

  24. 在不考虑其他贸易成本的情况下,有效关税保护理论认为关税升级能够在较低的关税水平下保护下游产业,但该结论是不完整的。

    Excluding other trade cost , theory of effective rate of tariff protection considers that tariff escalation can protect downstream industry even at a low tariff level .

  25. 当贸易成本充分低时,垄断竞争的下游产业生产部门在工资率低的区域形成资本驱动型的产业聚集。

    When trade cost is fully low , the downstream industry production department of monopoly-competition form industrial agglomeration of capital driving in the low wage rate region .

  26. 随着汽车工业的空前繁荣,与之相关联的下游产业如汽车胶管生产企业也是欣欣向荣,蒸蒸日上。

    Along with the auto industry prosperity , associated with the downstream industries such as car hose production enterprise is also booming , progresses day by day .

  27. 进口国在决定是否采取反倾销措施时不仅要考虑遭受损害的国内相关产业还要考虑倾销对国内上、下游产业的影响。

    Importing countries decide whether to take anti-dumping measures should not only consider the damage to the domestic industry but also to the domestic upstream and downstream industries .

  28. 各国家的企业通过众多的全球价值链相互连接起来,然后通过上下游产业关系将不同的全球价值链连接起来共同组成了新的全球经济体系。

    The corporations in the world are connected by different global value chains , and the different global value chains are linked by the upstream and downstream relations .

  29. 理论模型的研究结果表明,在一定约束条件下,外商直接投资是东道国产业发展的催化剂,其进入能够带动东道国上下游产业的发展,加快产业结构调整和升级的速度。

    The theoretical analysis shows that FDI is a catalyst to the development of host industry under some conditions and accelerate the speed of adjusting and upgrading industrial structure .

  30. 区域主导产业是那些在区域经济结构中占比大、经济效益好、创新能力突出、市场前景广阔同时与上下游产业关联性强的产业群,是区域经济增长的主要动力。

    Regional leading industries has large share in regional economic structure and good economic benefit with eco-innovation and wide-open market , which is the power of regional economic growth .