
  1. 现代流通产业的发展演变过程是伴随着现代城市的产生与发展过程进行的,现代城市是现代流通产业的载体,而城市则因为流通产业的发展而发展、壮大。

    Modern distribution has been evolved with the development of modern cities .

  2. 现代流通产业发展趋势及对策研究

    Development of Modern Circulation Industry

  3. 介绍了国家鼓励加快发展现代流通产业的政策,分析了经济政策和产业结构调整对流通产业发展的影响;

    The influence of the adjustment of economic policies and industry configuration to the development of the circulation industry was introduced .

  4. 世界上很多现代化、具有较高竞争力的城市,也都是通过发展现代流通产业形成持续不断的城市竞争力,例如纽约、东京等经济发达的大城市都具有很强的城市流通产业竞争力。

    Many well economically developed major cities , such as New York , Tokyo and other cities have a strong flow of industrial competitiveness .

  5. 论黑龙江省现代粮食流通产业的构建

    Build circulation of the modern grain industry of Heilongjiang Province

  6. 流通现代化是现代流通成为先导性产业的必然要求。

    The modernization of circulation is the necessary requirement for modern business to become a leading industry .