
  • 网络cash control
  1. 凭借现金控制,不使用累计的记账方法。

    With cash control , there is no use of the accrual method of accounting .

  2. 网点现金控制系统的安全性和稳定性,操作的便利性和灵活性也越来越为用户所看重,也意味着市场的庞大需求。

    The security and stability for the mesh cash control system , and the ease of operation and flexibility , which are increasingly important for users , and it means the huge market demand .

  3. 企业财务管理中现金流量控制初探

    Probe into the Cash Flow Control in the Financial Management of Enterprise

  4. 七月:检查你在现金流控制方面的进展。

    JULY : Check your progress on the cash flow .

  5. 财务风险管理,现金流量控制。

    Financial risk management , cash flow control .

  6. 投资者保护、现金流量控制与公司价值

    Investor protection , cash-flow ownership and corporate value

  7. 现金流控制与风险规避

    The cash - flow control and risk aversion

  8. 强化结算中心的功能,加强应收款项管理和现金流量控制;

    Strengthen the function of the clearing center , enhance the receivable management and the control of the cash flow ;

  9. 最后,结合企业实例,对于如何完善企业现金流量控制的思路和方法提出若干建议措施。

    Meanwhile it tables several proposals and measure on how to improve managing concept and system of operating cash flow control .

  10. 另一方面,通过现金流量控制更有利于加强财务控制,避免和控制财务风险。

    On the other hand , through cash flow control is more conducive to strengthening financial controls , to prevent and control financial risks .

  11. 分析了企业现金流量控制中存在的问题,提出了解决问题的相应对策。

    This paper analyzes on the problems existing in enterprise 's cash flow control , and advances some corresponding countermeasures for solving these problems .

  12. 管理层持股与自由现金流量控制研究&来自股改成功的上市公司的经验证据

    Research on Managerial Stock Ownership and Controlling Free Cash Flow & Empirical Evidence from the Chinese Listed Companies that have Finished the Split-share Structure Reform

  13. 本文在国内外相关理论的研究成果上,进一步研究了财务风险监测与现金流量控制问题。

    On the basic of the relevant research achivement both in abroad and in home , the thesis further studies financial risk detecting and cash flow controling .

  14. 第五,文章比较分析了供应链融资业务风险管理与一般授信风险管理的区别,重点介绍了两种风险控制手段:现金流控制和结构性授信安排。

    Then the differences of risk control in supply chain financing and tradition financing are analyzed , two methods of control risk of cash flow control and structured financing are presented .

  15. 应构建多元化的财务监控体制与体系、现金集中控制制度和全面预算管理制度,以完善国有大型企业的财务监控体制与体系。

    We should set up the diversified finance supervise and control system , cash control system with completely budget management system so as to perfect state-owned large business enterprise financial supervision and control system .

  16. 本文对企业购并风险出现形式进行了探讨,并为控制企业并购财务风险建立财务规划,通过资本结构设计、现金预算控制企业并购财务风险。

    This article focuses on the forms of financial risks in M & A and then sets up the financial programming included design of the capital structure and cash budget to deal with the risks .

  17. 有效的现金内部控制制度会有助于实现现金管理的目标。现金内部控制制度包括正确记录现金业务,预测需要偿还的借款。

    A good system of internal control , however , will also aid in achieving the other objectives of efficient cash management , including accurate accounting for cash transactions , anticipating the need for borrowing .

  18. 主要通过全面预算管理尤其是资金预算管理与现金流控制的结合,降低企业整体税负;实现资金价值最大化,增强企业的核心竞争力和可持续发展。

    Mainly through a comprehensive budget management in particular , capital budget management and cash flow control , thus we can reduce their overall tax burden ; maximize the value for money ; enhance their core competitiveness and sustainable development .

  19. 针对匿名通信系统中成员自私行为带来的Free-Riding问题进行了研究,量化地分析了匿名通信系统中的自私成员数量对于系统匿名性及工作效率的影响。无可信第三方的离线电子现金匿名性控制

    The free-riding problem caused by the selfish behaviors of the anonymous communication system participants was studied in this paper . Revocable Anonymous Off-Line E-Cash Scheme Without TTP

  20. 无可信第三方的离线电子现金匿名性控制

    Revocable Anonymous Off-Line E - Cash Scheme Without TTP

  21. 现金流的控制方式和控制方法

    The Method to Control the Flow of Cash

  22. 浅谈企业现金管理与控制

    Cash management and control in enterprises

  23. 有效实施现金流的内部控制

    Effectively Implementing the Inner Control of Cash Flow

  24. 公司规模与现金流权与控制权的分离率显著负相关。

    Corporate valve is negative correlative with separation rate of cash-flow rights from control .

  25. 3规范和完善现金流的各种控制活动。

    To standardize and improve the various control activities of the cash flow ; 4 .

  26. 现金股利政策:控制权人挖掘利益侵占隧道的工具

    Cash Dividend Policy : the Means for Corporate Controllers to Excavate Benefit Expropriation " Tunnels "

  27. 现金流权、控制权与资本结构决策&来自我国民营上市公司的证据

    Cash Flow Rights , Controlling Rights and Capital Structure Policies : Evidence from Chinese Private Listed Companies

  28. 然后,本文以121家家族上市公司为样本,对现金流权、控制权、现金流权与控制权的分离率以及影响公司价值的诸多因素进行细致的分析。

    We then test this model using a sample of 121 family owned public firms in China .

  29. 现金流权与控制权分离下的公司价值&基于我国家族上市公司的实证研究

    Corporate Value of Separating Cash-Flow Rights From Control : Empirical Study on Family Owned Public Firms in China

  30. 第三章构建了衡量房地产企业现金流量管理的控制指标,包括指标设计原则和设计方法等。

    Chapter ⅲ constructes indicators to measure cash flow management of the real estate business , including design principles and methods .