
  • 网络Modern Logistics Industry
  1. 深圳市现代物流产业发展对策研究

    The Development and Countermeasures Research of Shenzhen 's Modern Logistics Industry

  2. 厦门市发展现代物流产业经济环境分析

    The Economy Environment Analysis of Xiamen Developing Modern Logistics Industry

  3. 现代物流产业概念内涵和外延的理论研究

    Research on Connotation and Extension of Modern Logistic Industry Concept

  4. 入世后中国现代物流产业发展策略研究

    Strategic Study of Development of the Chinese Modern Logistics after Entering WTO

  5. 发展现代物流产业,提高区域经济核心竞争力的对策研究

    Research on Increasing Regional Economic Core Competence Through Developing Modern Logistics Industry

  6. 中国粮食现代物流产业发展的五大趋势

    Five development trends in china 's modern grain logistics industry

  7. 现代物流产业集群的形成和发展机制研究

    Research on the Formation and Development Mechanism of Logistics Cluster

  8. 我国现代物流产业发展的投入产出分析

    Input-output Analysis of Modern Logistics Industry Development in China

  9. 在厦门市的十五计划中已将发展现代物流产业作为其发展第三产业的支柱产业,并且组织人力物力来进行研究。

    These also create a basis for the city to develop its logistics industry .

  10. 北京牵手信息化现代物流产业

    Beijing Lead along the Modern Logistics Industry

  11. 发展现代物流产业构建武汉区域性商业分销体系

    Developing Modern Physical Distribution Industry to Set up the Regional Commodity Distribution System in Wuhan

  12. 所以,在全球一体化的今天,加快江西省现代物流产业发展刻不容缓。

    So today , it is necessary to accelerate the development of the logistics industry of Jiangxi .

  13. 粮食物流是现代物流产业的重要组成部分,它连接生产和消费。

    Grain logistics is a important part of modern logistics industry which links the production and consumption .

  14. 积极开展国际化交流合作,是加快现代物流产业发展的助推器。

    The active international exchange and cooperation are the booster for the acceleration of modern logistics industry .

  15. 依据物流产品特性界定我国现代物流产业狭义和广义概念。

    Limited and the general concept of industry are defined based on the characteristic of logistic products .

  16. 天津是我国北方重要的经济中心和重要的港口城市,处于环渤海的两个扇面的轴心,也是中国北方的重要交通枢纽,现代物流产业被确定为天津经济发展的重要产业之一。

    Tianjin is the important hub and port city of north China with logistics as the key industry .

  17. 面临机遇与挑战,批发企业要想取得竞争胜利,就必须抓住机遇,领先一步,抢先一拍,发展现代物流产业。

    To challenge the competition actively , wholesale enterprises should take every opportunity to develop modern logistics industry .

  18. 在发展现代物流产业过程中,如何利用好现有人才,积极培养和引进高端人才,已经成为我们必须面对的重要课题。

    How to train and make the best use of tip-top professional people for this industry becomes an essential issue .

  19. 文中就如何合理确立现代物流产业结构,合理配置资源方面谈及了自己的一些看法。

    Several suggestions were presented on how to rationalize the structure of modern logistics industry and the distribution of resources .

  20. 加速发展现代物流产业,对于推动新型工业化,提升和带动相关产业发展,提高经济运行质量和效益,增强区域经济实力和综合竞争力,推动区域经济的可持续发展等方面具有十分重要的意义。

    Accelerating logistics development is conducive for driving new industrialization , upgrading relevant industries , and enhancing the regional comprehensive competitiveness .

  21. 发展现代物流产业是桂林加快建设现代化国际旅游名城进程的一个重要保障。

    The development of the modern circulation of commodities is very important in building Guilin into a modernized international city of tourism .

  22. 随着管理理念的更新、生产制造模式变革的深入,现代物流产业在世界范围内越来越受到重视。

    Updating the management philosophy , changing the manufacturing model deeply , modern logistics industry is receiving increasing attention in the world .

  23. 发展现代物流产业是宁波市强化其经济社会发展优势的重大战略举措。

    It is a great strategic measure for Ningbo of strengthening its development advantages in the economic society , to expand modern logistics industry .

  24. 物流园区作为现代物流产业的结点,是区域物流发展的重点。

    Logistics Park , as the result of the constant development of modern logistics industry , is the main point of regional logistics development .

  25. 目前,甘肃发展现代物流产业的经济、区位、交通优势已经相当明显。

    At present , the advantages of economic , geographical location , and transportation in Gansu economy for Gansu developing modern logistics industry is quite obvious .

  26. 对现代物流产业发展的产业条件及与之相关的制度因素的分析,是我们研究物流产业发展与制度创新问题的出发点。

    The analysis on the conditions for logistics industry development and institutional factors is the starting point of our studies on logistics industry development and institution innovation .

  27. 现代物流产业处于初期的发展阶段,因此其发展并不成熟,对于物流中心的规划设计理论体系也并不完善。

    Being at its primary period , modern logistics is not mature and the theoretical system of planning and design of logistics center is far from perfect .

  28. 现代物流产业是传统和新兴产业形态的结合体,是社会分工深化的结果。

    The modern logistics industry is the combination of a traditional vocation with a newly arisen one , and is the result of deep society labor division .

  29. 随着我国现代物流产业的蓬勃发展,物流人才的社会需求量急剧增加,物流教育将发挥越来越重要的作用。

    With the developments of modern logistics industry in our country and the rapid increase of logistics personnel demands , logistics education will play a more important role .

  30. 本文试图从统计核算角度提出一些宏观统计指标,以衡量现代物流产业的成本效益,并构建了物流评价指标体系。

    This paper tries to put forward some macro statistic indexes from statistic accounting perspective to measure the cost benefit of modern logistic industry and constructs logistic evaluation system .