
  • 网络Falling edge;Fall;trailing edge;Fall edge
  1. 所有脉冲的上升沿和下降沿时间都小于0.5μs。该脉宽调制器的研究,对于实现射频激励CO2激光器输出光功率的调节起到关键作用。

    The time of rising edge and falling edge of all pulse are less than 0.5 μ s.The research results will play an important role in controlling the laser power output for RF excited CO2 laser .

  2. 输入信号在CONVST的下降沿进行采样,而转换同时在此处启动。

    The input signal is sampled on the falling edge of CONVST and the conversion is also initiated at this point .

  3. 数字电路实验中CP脉冲上升沿和下降沿的正确获得

    The correct obtaining of the rising edge and descending edge of CP pulse in the digital circuit experiment

  4. 通过Matlab仿真和多径误差分析表明,在主瓣半功率带宽以外的下降沿及副瓣区,多径误差有明显的改善。

    Through computer Matlab emulating and the multi-path error analyzing , the simulation result show that the multi-path error can be improved obviously in the area of side-lobe and the down edges outside of the main-lobe .

  5. 扭结大多位于QRS波群上升沿中段和下降沿的中下段。

    HOMOMORPH-GROUP The slur mainly situated in the middle region of the rising slope , and the middle and bottom regions of the descending slope of the QRS waves .

  6. 然后分析了21kHz重频运行时的实验结果,结合PSpice电路仿真结果,研究了输出脉冲上升沿和下降沿的影响因素。

    The experimental results at 21 kHz repetition rate and factors which affect the rising and falling edges of the output pulse are analyzed combining with PSpice circuit simulation .

  7. 利用高频功率电子开关逆变技术,在TIG焊接电弧回路中施加调制信号,对应着调制电流的上升沿和下降沿可分别激发出电弧超声。

    With the addition of modulating signal to the TIG welding loop by the high frequency power electronic switch inverting techniqUe , the arc ultrasonic has been excited corresponding to the rising edge and the descending edge of the modulating electronic current .

  8. 介绍了一种超快脉冲光纤传输系统,它由高速分布反馈(DFB)激光器、InGaAsPD及阻抗匹配电路组成,可传输亚纳秒级的瞬态脉冲,其上升、下降沿达百皮秒量级。

    An ultra-high-speed pulse fiber-optic transmission system is presented which is composed of a high-speed DFB laser , an InGaAs-PD and an impedance matching circuit . The system is capable of transmitting sub-nanosecond transient pulse with hundred-picosecond rise / fall edge .

  9. 实验结果表明,声脉冲的波形和脉冲宽度取决于PVDF压电膜的厚度,阶跃电压的下降沿宽度,以及背衬材料和声传播媒质的形状等多个因素。

    We find that the waveform and the pulse width of the ultrasonic pulse are determined by the thickness of the PVDF piezoelectric film transducer , the falling time of the step-function voltage , the transducer backing and the shape of the acoustic propagation medium .

  10. 该方法主要是基于MZ干涉仪的梳状滤波特性,即在输出光谱的上升或下降沿两输出臂的功率比值随波长变化很快,通过调整干涉仪臂长差,得到具有陡峭边沿的滤波器。

    The superiority of the method is the pectinate filter characteristic , that is , the power ratio of the two output arms changes fast with the Bragg wavelength while in the rising or falling edge of the output spectrum .

  11. 移动是在脉冲的下降沿产生的。

    The movement occurs on the trailing edge of the pulse .

  12. 基于脉冲信号上升/下降沿的雷达辐射源识别

    Radar Emitter Recognition Based on Rising / Falling Edge of Pulse Signal

  13. 从设备发送给主机的数据时在时钟信号的下降沿读取的;

    Data sent from the device to the host is read on the falling edge of the clock signal ;

  14. 激振线是一个近连续线的高阻抗微带传输线,反偏压的变容二极管以相同的小间隔加载到传输线,输入激励是一个下降沿的负脉冲。

    The shock line is a nearly continuous high-impedance transmission line loaded at the same small spacings by reverse-biased varactor diodes .

  15. 该方法不仅可实现对雷达脉宽的准确测量,而且还可实现对脉冲上升/下降沿的精确测量。

    Not only radar pulse width precision but also radar rising / descend edge can be measured precisely by this method .

  16. 现代电子系统工作频率已经达到吉赫兹以上,相应脉冲信号的上升/下降沿更加陡峭,脉宽可达皮秒量级。

    Frequency of modern electronic system design has reached GHz and above . The corresponding rising / falling edge go to ps magnitude .

  17. 抑制传输线效应的另一种方法是增加脉冲电源输出的上升沿和下降沿时间。

    Another way to eliminate the transmission line reflection effect is to increase the rise time and fall time of the pulsed power .

  18. 两种放电模式的转换主要取决于上升沿或下降沿电压对时间的变化率(dV/dt),当电压变化率较高时,放电工作在辉光模式,反之,放电工作在汤生放电模式。

    The discharge mode depends on the voltage change rate ( dV / dt ) at the rising front or the falling front .

  19. 在氮气脉冲放电的多峰放电中,上升沿和下降沿的放电可以工作在不同的模式,即在同一个电压脉冲激发的放电中,两种放电模式可以共存。

    In the multi-peak discharge , the discharge at the rising edge and the discharge at the falling edge can operate in different modes .

  20. 实验结果表明设计的电路拓扑结构能够满足系统要求,可以输出稳定的方波电流,电流幅值、上升下降沿陡度等性能均满足要求。

    By experiment , the circuit can meet the system requirements , the system outputs stable square-wave current , current amplitude can meet the requirements .

  21. 采用拟合的方法得到了单脉冲注入时上升沿和下降沿峰值温度与时间的关系。

    Adopting the fitting method , the relationship between the peak temperature and the time during the rising edge and the falling edge is obtained .

  22. 如何在大功率、大电感情况下实现电流脉冲短关断延时和下降沿高线性度是瞬变电磁发射机的关键问题。

    The key technique of transient electromagnetic transmitter is to resolve the problem about the turn-off time and linearity of current impulse on high power projecting .

  23. 本文对于在细分驱动中常出现的在细分电流的下降沿,由于电流下降速度慢而不能很好地实现细分的问题给予解决;

    In this paper it solves the problem that often occurs divided driving that current declines too slow at divided current declining to realize well divided current .

  24. 计算和实验研究表明,该方法明显改善磁场的均匀性和端口磁场的下降沿。

    The theory and experiment results show that this method has distinctly improved the uniformity and the dropping rate of the end field of the Solenoid magnetic field .

  25. 如何能做到既具有较高的倍频系数又只在多相时钟信号的上升沿(或下降沿)工作仍是该电路设计的难点。

    How to get a high multiply factor and make the circuit work only at the rising edge ( or the falling edge ) of the reference clock is a problem .

  26. 识别过程中,数码管二值化后的图像在水平轴上的投影,其上升沿或下降沿基本呈现直线的形状,尝试把最小二乘法应用于倾斜校正。

    For recognition , the front or trailing edge of projection of binary image on horizontal axis basically shows linear shape , so least square theory is applied in tilt correction .

  27. 由于系统的传输速率受到脉冲下降沿形变及开启延时的限制,因此对其动态双稳特性的研究很有必要。

    If the amplifier operates at pulse state , signal transmission rate would be affected by the falling-edge distortion of output pulse and turn-on delay , so it is necessary to study its dynamic properties .

  28. 上升沿的发光主要是由直接碰撞激发引起的分立中心的发光,而下降沿的发光及上升沿的部分发光属于因电离而引起的复合发光。

    The leading edge emission is dominantly attributed to discrete luminescence caused by direct impact excitation and the trailing edge emission , and a part of leading edge emission are attributed to recombination luminescence caused by impact ionization and delocalization .

  29. 研究了对脉冲信号包络特征的提取方法,利用复小波变换和希尔伯特变换获取稳态信号包络,提取上升沿、下降沿、包络顶降以及脉宽等参数作为稳态特征。

    The extraction methods of pulse signal envelope feature using the complex wavelet transform and Hilbert transform are discussed in the article , by which we extract the rising edge , falling edge , envelope top drop and pulse width as the final feature values .

  30. 结果确定了不明显的重搏前波、重搏波,以及在主波上升沿和下降沿上出现的不规则脉波,并进一步准确提取了脉象信号的多尺度特征和各种时域特征。

    Result Through the method , the unobvious dicrotism , trail wave and the anomalistic wave appearing at the ascending and descending edge of the main wave , and multi-scale characters and all kinds of characters in time domain of pulse signal were further acquired more accurately .