
  • 网络leeward side
  1. 列车在下风侧时的桁梁三分力系数较列车在上风侧时大;列车在桥上运行时,会增大桁梁的升力系数和力矩系数,降低桁梁的阻力系数。

    The three aerostatic coefficients are larger when the train is on leeward side of deck than on windward side of deck , the lift coefficients and pitch coefficients of girder are raised when train passing though the bridge but the drag coefficients are reduced .

  2. 火区下风侧巷道烟流温度研究

    Fume Temperature Below Fire Area in Roadway

  3. 分析表明,主梁下风侧附加翼板对悬索桥颤振是一种有效的气动控制措施。

    The analysis shows that the additional surface attached below the trailing edge is an effective aerodynamic means for suppressing the flutter of suspension bridges .

  4. 过滤器安排在盘管的下风侧。这样在严冬风雪天气时,可以防止积雪。防御工事的左侧或右侧。

    The filler is downstream of the coil to prevent snow from loading in severe winter storm weather . The right or left side of a bastion .

  5. 本文首先建立了下风侧附加翼板桥梁主梁截面的自激气动力模型。

    In this paper , a model of self-excited aerodynamic forces acting on a section of bridge deck with additional airfoil attached below the trailing edge is established .

  6. 在电厂下风侧居民区内收集大气悬浮微粒,经二氯甲烷提取,浓缩制成受试物,给孕鼠腹腔注射不同剂量,观察对小鼠胚胎及胎仔发育的影响。

    Fallout particulates from ambient air were collected in an leeward residential area of a power plant . Then , were extracted with dichloromethane , concentrated and redisolved in olive oil .

  7. 研究结果表明:下风侧巷道断面烟流温度分布是不均匀的,靠近巷道顶板烟流温度较高,靠近底板和壁面较低;

    The achievements show that fume temperature distribution is not even in section , it is higher near the roof of drift , and is lower at the foot and the side walls ;

  8. 根据工艺设备布置和变电站的地理位置,在上风侧设进风竖井和可移动式进风塔,在下风侧设排风竖井和排风塔,采用自然进风、机械排风的通风方式;

    Installs windward air inlet silo and moveable air inlet tower and air outlet silo and outlet tower leeward based on equipment arrangement and the geographic position of the substation , uses a natural supply air and mechanical exhaust air mode .