
  • 网络vote of no confidence;Vote of no-confidence;no-confidence vote
  1. 上周,他们试图通过议会的不信任投票将他罢免。

    Last week they tried to oust him in a parliamentary vote of no confidence .

  2. 议会在周日晚上举行的不信任投票中批准了新的联合政府。

    The parliament approved the new coalition government in a vote of no confidence that was held on Sunday night .

  3. 对总统进行不信任投票的请求被否决。

    A call for a vote of no-confidence in the president was rejected

  4. 学生们通过了对校长进行不信任投票的动议。

    The students passed a motion of no-confidence in the college principal .

  5. 正式通过的那项决议应该是谴责案而不是不信任投票案。

    The resolution as formally passed was one of condemnation rather than censure .

  6. 左翼政党声称,这项协议使印度蒙受美国的恩惠。预计这些党派将呼吁对团结进步联盟(UnitedProgressiveAlliance)政府发起不信任投票。

    The leftwing parties , which claim the deal makes India beholden to Washington , are now expected to call for a vote of no confidence in the United Progressive Alliance government .

  7. 中贝德福德郡议员娜丁•德里斯(NadineDorries)猛烈抨击卡梅伦,她称已经致信“1922年委员会”主席格雷厄姆•布雷迪(GrahamBrady)。“1922年委员会”代表保守党后座议员,通常接收对首相发起不信任投票的签名。

    Nadine Dorries , the Mid-Bedfordshire MP and ardent critic of Mr Cameron , said she had already written to Graham Brady , chairman of the backbench 1922 committee which normally receives signatures for a leadership challenge .

  8. 政府在昨天夜间举行的两次不信任投票中幸免于难。

    The government survived two votes of no confidence last night .

  9. 反对派通过了对政府的不信任投票。

    The opposition passed a vote of censure on the government .

  10. 丹尼尔针对我发起的荒谬的不信任投票事件

    this absurd no-confidence vote Daniel 's launched against me ,

  11. 举行对我爸爸的不信任投票

    for a vote of no confidence on my father .

  12. 一年前,萨默斯在类似的不信任投票中落选。

    He lost a similar " no confidence " vote a year ago .

  13. 新联盟可能有助于政府渡过不信任投票这一关,从而避免出现提前选举的局面。

    New allies could help the government survive a no confidence vote and avoid early elections .

  14. 我会在下周召集一次关于我父亲的不信任投票

    I 'm gonna call for a vote of no confidence on my father next week .

  15. 两名独立议员将在金融法案方面为工党提供支持,但如果议会轻率地提出不信任投票动议,他们将弃权。

    The independents will back Labor on finance bills , and abstain in the event of frivolous no-confidence motions .

  16. 这个月早些时候,菅直人首相在答应将权力交给年轻一代后,躲过了国会的不信任投票动议。

    Kan survived a no-confidence motion in Parliament earlier this month after promising he would hand over power to a younger generation .

  17. 如果周五帕潘德里欧能在不信任投票中过关,世界就要准备好面对未来几个月市场可能延续震荡的局面。

    If Papandreou survives a vote of no confidence Friday , the stage will be set for months of further market instability .

  18. 在住房危机和房地产价格暴涨的情况下,瑞典首相斯特凡·勒文在议会的不信任投票中失利。

    Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven has lost a non-confidence vote in parliament amid a housing crisis and skyrocketing real estate prices .

  19. 但是本周二,这位丑闻缠身的意大利总理在国会的不信任投票中险胜,再次显示出他强大的生存能力。

    But by scraping through a confidence vote in parliament on Tuesday , the scandal-ridden prime minister has again demonstrated his powers of survival .

  20. 相反,他们打算呼吁举行不信任投票,试图迫使贝鲁斯科尼接受一个临时紧急政府。

    Instead , it plans to call for a vote of no confidence in an effort to force Mr Berlusconi to accept an interim emergency government .

  21. 菅直人是在将在周四面对不信任投票时发表上述声明的。但是不信任案最终在当天晚些时候被否定。

    Kan had been facing a no-confidence vote on Thursday when he made the statements , but the vote failed to pass later in the day .

  22. 其他高级保守党议员私下表示,欧洲怀疑论者很可能能够征集到对卡梅伦发起不信任投票所需的签名。

    Other senior Tories have said privately that it is likely that Eurosceptics will be able to round up the required signatures to mount a challenge .

  23. 加拿大保守党少数政府已经失去了在议会不信任投票,此举将引发七年第四次联邦大选。

    The Conservative minority government in Canada has lost a no-confidence vote in parliament , a move that will trigger the fourth federal election in seven years .

  24. 但在印度国内,该协议却饱受争议。印度政府仅仅勉强通过了不信任投票,不过国大党随后在各邦选举中又举行了党内的信任投票。

    The deal was controversial in India and the government only narrowly survived a no-confidence vote , though Congress subsequently held its own in a series of state elections .

  25. 周二贝卢斯科尼没能在常规预算案投票中获得绝对多数&这场投票事实上已演变为对贝卢斯科尼的不信任投票。

    Berlusconi failed to receive a total majority today in a normal budgetary vote , which had become a de facto vote of no confidence on his leadership of the Italian state .

  26. 倒阁是国会通过不信任投票的后果,解散国会的原因则是政府的信任案被国会否决。

    The resignation of the cabinet is the result of the parliamentary vote of no confidence and the reason of the dissolution of the Parliament is because the government 's confidence is vetoed .

  27. 现任首相菅直人在处在旋转门之间,之所以还在位,是因为六月初称其在不久就会下台,以换取国会终止不信任的投票。

    Naoto Kan , the man at present on the inside of the revolving door , only stayed there by promising at the beginning of June to step down soon , in return for a stay of execution at a parliamentary no-confidence vote .

  28. 据美联社报道,日本首相菅直人在议会的“内阁不信任案”投票中躲过一劫,但仍然表示他愿意在日本震后重建有一定眉目之时辞职。

    Japan 's Prime Minister Naoto Kan has survived a no-confidence motion in parliament , but said he is willing to resign when the country 's post-tsunami recovery takes hold , AP reported .

  29. 库尔德人的两个主要领导人之一,该国总统贾拉勒·塔拉巴尼(JalalTalabani)想要保住马利基的权位以维持现状,他已经作出保证,议会不会有机会对不信任动议案进行投票表决。

    One of the Kurds ' two main leaders , Jalal Talabani , the country 's president , who wants to sustain the status quo by keeping Mr Maliki in place , has ensured that parliament does not have a chance to vote on a no-confidence motion .

  30. 这一承诺使这位不受欢迎的首相度过了6月的一次不信任投票,让他的首相任期延长了近3个月。

    That pledge enabled the unpopular prime minister to survive a vote of no-confidence in June , and extend his premiership for nearly three months .