
  • 网络incomplete combustion
  1. 多环芳烃(PAHs)是环境中广泛存在的一类典型的半挥发性有机污染物,主要来自于化石燃料和生物质的不完全燃烧。

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ), a group of ubiquitous semivolatile organic compounds ( SOCs ), are mainly originated from incomplete combustion of fossil fuel and biomass .

  2. 其特征化指数表明,黄浦江表层水体中LMWPAHs主要来自化石燃料的不完全燃烧。

    Isomeric ratio of phenanthrene to anthracene suggested that the source of LMW PAHs was mainly from incomplete combustion of fossil fuels .

  3. 根据荧蒽与芘质量浓度比值判别市区内pah主要来源于燃料的不完全燃烧。

    The ratio of fluoranthene to pyrene may indicate that PAH area was mainly from uncompleted combustion .

  4. 煤烟是燃料不完全燃烧的产物。

    Soot is the product of the imperfect combustion of fuel .

  5. 包括可燃成分CO、H2、CH4的不完全燃烧方程式的推导

    Deduction of non complete Burn Equation with Combustible Gas CO 、 H 2 and CH 4

  6. 用CO含量反映化学不完全燃烧损失,从而得出过量空气系数的表达式。

    And reflects the q2 with CO , then the paper draw a new expression of exceed air coefficient .

  7. n.煤烟,油烟油烟是因于不完全燃烧而使烟变黑。

    soot Soot is caused by incomplete burning and makes smoke dark .

  8. 而在T4显示的是石油源和不完全燃烧源的混合特征,这应与研究海区的石油开发或航运等事件有关。

    However , in T4 Station , a mixture of pyrolysis and petroleum origin is suggested in this area .

  9. 本文根据上述的实验工作,对丙烷完全燃烧、不完全燃烧进行数值模拟,以给火焰CVD法制备纳米碳黑及碳黑掺杂纳米二氧化钛的实验提供理论依据。

    On the basis of the experimental work , this paper simulates complete and imcomplete combustion process of propane and air to provide physical insights for the experimental work .

  10. 并利用各种指标判识来源,太原市的PAHs主要来源于煤等燃料的不完全燃烧。

    The ratio could be used as identifications of sources and indicated the PAHs in the study was mainly formed the uncompleted combustion of coal and other fuel .

  11. PAHs主要是有机物在高温下不完全燃烧而产生,广泛存在于自然环境中(如沉积物、土壤和水体)。

    PAHs were generated mainly from the incomplete combustion of organic matters in the high temperature , and existed widely in the environment , such sediments , soils and waters .

  12. 改造后排烟温度降低了15.1°C,飞灰含碳量从原来的8.6%降低到3.4%左右,机械不完全燃烧损失降低3%以上。

    There is little change before and after the retrofitting works . The exhaust gas temperature is decreased by 15.1 ° C and the carbon content of fly ash changed from 8.6 % to about 3.4 % , q 4 dropped by more than 3 % .

  13. 萜烷类物质的检出,表明北京市西北城区四个季节PM10中部分饱和烃来自于石油等化石燃料的不完全燃烧。

    Many terpanes presented in PM 10 similarly indicate a source of incomplete combustion of fossil fuels such as petroleum .

  14. 大气中的PAHs主要来源于化石燃料(煤和石油等)、木材、烟草及塑料等有机物质的不完全燃烧。

    PAH_s are formed primarily during incomplete combustion of organic matter , such as fossil fuels ( coal and oil ), biomass , tobacco , plastic , etc.

  15. 电站锅炉的热效率是衡量燃煤锅炉和发电机组运行经济性的重要指标,机械不完全燃烧热损失q4是影响锅炉运行热效率的最主要因素之一。

    Thermal efficiency in boilers ' operation is an important index for evaluating economy of coal-fired boilers and generator units .

  16. 分级燃烧使锅炉固体不完全燃烧损失(SICL)有一定程度增加,该煤粉分级燃烧是一种清洁燃烧技术。

    The furnace solid incomplete combustion loss ( SICL ) increases by using pulverized coal staging . The proposed pulverized coal staging technology is a clean combustion technology .

  17. 考虑隧道火灾的特性,并参照EPATO-2的标准方法,通过GCMS的分析手段,分别鉴定出汽油、柴油不完全燃烧产物中的55种和57种有机蒸气物及含量。

    The characteristic of fire risk in tunnel atmospheric condition is considered . According to the standard analytical method of EPA TO-2 , the GC / MS is used . The 55 and 57 organic compounds in the fire gases of gasoline and diesel oil are analyzed .

  18. 有害燃烧产物:不完全燃烧会产生一氧化碳。

    Hazardous combustion products : Incomplete combustion will produce carbon monoxide .

  19. 油烟是起因于不完全燃烧而使烟变黑。

    Soot is caused by incomplete burning and makes smoke dark .

  20. 不完全燃烧产物成分和生成量的测算

    Measure and Calculation of the Composition and Volume in Smouldering Products

  21. 丙烷不完全燃烧法制备优质炭黑的研究

    Research of High Qualified Carbon Black Prepared by Incomplete Combustion of Propane

  22. 以燃料不完全燃烧理论进行锅炉热力计算

    Heat Calculation in Boiler Design with the Incomplete Combustion Theory

  23. 煤烟通常是燃料不完全燃烧的产物。

    Soot is usually the product of the imperfect combustion of fuel .

  24. 机器故障的损失工时机械不完全燃烧热损失

    Machine-spoiled work time heat loss due to combustibles in refuse

  25. 发动机不完全燃烧的故障诊断及火花塞积碳的试验研究

    Diagnosis of Partial Burning and Study of Spark Plug Soot for SI Engine

  26. 工业、交通和化石燃料的不完全燃烧是主要的元凶。这些气体会导致酸雨,它们对人体有毒,还对大气底层臭氧的形成有贡献。

    Industry , transport and incomplete fossil fuel combustion are the main culprits .

  27. 不完全燃烧理论在铜红釉烧成气氛研究中的应用

    The application of incomplete combustion theory in the study of firing atmosphere for copper red glaze

  28. 化学不完全燃烧热损失

    Heat loss due to unburned gas

  29. 因此黑碳的主要来源是化石燃料不完全燃烧。

    So the main source of black carbon in road greenbelts was incomplete combustion of fossil fuels .

  30. 不完全燃烧是人为致癌物的主要来源。无人能否认火能燃烧的事实。

    Incomplete combustion is the principal source of man-made carcinogens . No one can deny the fact that fire burns .