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  1. 该文认为:“不履行职责”不是二者的共同点;

    The author points out : the failure to perform one 's duty is not the common element .

  2. 因不履行职责,给市场参与者造成严重损失或对市场造成重大影响;

    Its failure to perform duties produces serious losses to market participants or produces major influences to the market ;

  3. 代理人不履行职责而给被代理人造成损害的,应当承担民事责任。

    An agent shall bear civil liability if he fails to perform his duties and thus causes damage to the principal .

  4. 规定未成年子女应服从亲权管理以及父母不履行职责所要承担的法律责任。

    Stipulate that the underage children should obey the management from parental authority and parents should undertake legal liabilities when they don 't their duty .

  5. 这就是如果国会不履行其职责,就必然发生的。

    And that 's exactly what would happen if Congress fails to do its job .

  6. 但若行政主体不履行法定职责,消极地不作为时,法律为享有接受给付权的人民提供何种救济呢?

    But if administrative agency should not exercises their authorities or passively omit tasks , how does legal supply remedy ?

  7. 被申请人不履行法定职责的,决定其在一定期限内履行;

    The applied who fails to perform the statutory duties shall be required to perform the duties within a fixed time by decision ;

  8. 渎职犯罪作为国家机关工作人员不正当履行职责的犯罪表现形式,有着超乎人们想象的严重社会危害性。

    Dereliction of duty as state personnel improper performance of duties in the form of crime , have serious than people think harmful to society .

  9. 被告不履行法定职责,但判决责令其履行法定职责已无实际意义的;

    The defendant defaulted in performing its legal duty , but it has become practically insignificant to rule for specific performance of its legal duty ;

  10. 承担赔偿责任的侵权行为应有不履行法定职责的行为即不作为;

    Undertaking the infringement behavior that compensates duty should have the behavior of the nonperformance legal job , namely , " not be in duty " ;

  11. 怠于履行义务的行为,既有客观行为形式,也有主观过错的性质,比不履行法定职责的概念更全面科学;

    Being remiss in obligation , which embodies in not only objective act form , but also subjective faults , is more scientific than not to perform function .

  12. 有一点必须另加说明,就是德·克勒克先生本人是一个正直之人,他准确认识到,一个公众人物如不履行其职责必将带来后患。

    It must be added that Mr. De Klerk himself is a man of integrity we are faced with and aware of the dangers of a public figure not honoring his undertakings .

  13. 这种机制的核心就是利益驱动,让举报者获利,让不法经营者和不积极履行职责者利益受损。

    The core of this mechanism is driven by interests , which benefit for informers and damage the interests for illegal operators and some people who do not actively fulfill their responsibility .

  14. 第十二条父母或者其他监护人不履行监护职责或者侵害被监护的未成年人的合法权益的,应当依法承担责任。

    Article 12 The parents or other guardians of minors who refuse to perform their duties as guardians or encroach upon the lawful rights and interests of the minors under their guardianship shall bear the responsibility therefor according to law .

  15. 监护人不履行监护职责或者侵害被监护人的合法权益的,应当承担责任;给被监护人造成财产损失的,应当赔偿损失。

    If a guardian does not fulfil his duties as guardian or infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of his ward , he shall be held responsible ; if a guardian causes any property loss for his ward , he shall compensate for such loss .

  16. 上诉法院法官裁定被告没有不履行他的法定职责。

    11.The appeal judge held that the defendant was not in breach of his statutory duty .

  17. 黑哨是指裁判员非法收受他人财物而在比赛中不公正履行裁判职责的行为。

    ' Black Whistle ' refers to the behaviors that the referees accept bribes and make unjust judgment in the competition .

  18. 我们怎忍让他们失望?一个依赖矿工的国家怎能不尽全力履行职责保护他们?

    How can we fail them ? How can a nation that relies on its miners not do everything in its power to protect them ?

  19. 政府若是不履行其法定职责时,应依法承担职责不履行的不利后果,这是必然的逻辑。

    If the Government is not fulfilling its statutory duties , its responsibilities should be in accordance with the law of the adverse consequences of non-performance . This is an inevitable logic .

  20. 不依法履行监督管理职责,或者发现违法行为不予查处的。

    Failing to perform his functions and duties of supervision and administration according to law or failing to investigate into and deal with irregularities as found .

  21. 本文所探讨的行政不作为仅指不履行行政职责行政不作为。

    The administrative omission that this text inquires only means administrative omission without nonperformance administrative obligation .

  22. 公司首席执行官彼得格林希尔(petergreenhill)、财务总监斯图尔特巴克(stuartbarker)于5月25日辞职,因为他们认为,除非能够不受阻碍地进入中国,否则他们就不可能履行自己的职责。

    Peter Greenhill , chief executive , and Stuart Barker , finance director , stepped down on the 25 May because they believed unless they could travel into China unhindered it was impossible for them to perform their roles .