
  • 网络invariant mass
  1. 在反冲ω粒子的π+π-的不变质量谱中清楚地观察到了一个低质量端的突起,此突起既不来自相空间效应,又不来自本底。

    A low mass enhancement in the π + π - invariant mass spectrum recoiling against ω particle is clearly seen which does not come from the phase space effect and the background .

  2. 我们研究了RHIC能量下Au+Au对心碰撞在低不变质量区域和中等不变质量区域的双轻子的产生。

    We investigated the dilepton production in the low and intermediate mass region in central collisions at the RHIC energy .

  3. 由于重夸克衰变产生的双轻子不变质量谱在J/ψ峰及Z~0峰之间的区域占主导地位,因此预计通过分析末态双轻子谱可以获得重夸克能量损失的信息。

    Since heavy quark decays will dominate the lepton pair continuum between J / ψ and Z ~ 0 peaks , the lepton pair spectra are expected to provide valuable information on the energy loss of heavy quarks .

  4. 本文将凝固导数引入变质量体动力学中,得到一系列与不变质量系统动力学同样简单的变质量体动力学普遍定理。

    The coagulated derivatives are introduced into dynamics of variable-mass rigid body and a series of general theorems of dynamics of variable-mass rigid body are obtained , that are as simple as in the dynamics of unvariable-mass systems .

  5. “质量为本、产品一流、诚信服务、用户至上”是公司永远不变的质量方针。

    " Quality oriented , first class , sincere service , customer first " is the forever quality policy of the company .

  6. 而此时的《小说月报》保持登载内容不变,质量下降。

    On the contrary , the content of the Short Story Magazine did not be altered and its quality was on the decline .

  7. 利用气象台站常规资料的欧氏距离指标估算梨园冠层露情规范不变重质量阿贝尔场中的反常效应

    Estimating the Dew Duration in Pear Tree Canopy Using Mathematical Distance Method and Standard Weather Station Data EFFECT OF ANOMALY ON MASSIVE GAUGE-INVARIANT ABEL FIELD

  8. 市场界定强调需求替代因素,因为产品价格不变而质量或者服务下降时,消费者在一定能力和消费意愿下用一个产品去替代另一个产品。

    Demand alternative factors are significant in market definition , because consumers who have certain consumption ability and willingness to buy a product will tend to spend another substitute product when the former price unchanged but quality or service drops .

  9. 规范不变的重质量Abel矢量场

    Gauge invariant massive Abel vector field Chapter 5 marine sedimentation section 4 heavy mineral

  10. 因此,即使糖浆配方不变,饮料质量也会因地而异,而可能受到不同程度损害。

    The quality of the drink may suffer and vary from location to location even though the syrup formula is constant .

  11. 采用不变的撞击质量和可变的碰撞高度获得不同的撞击能量,已达到对试验梁加载的目的。

    Using the same type of percussive quality and variable collision height can get different impact energy , which has reached the purpose of loading the test beam .

  12. 最后的实验结果表明,与串行解码器相比,本文实现的并行解码器可提高40%左右的解码速度,同时保持视频质量的PSNR不变,且主观质量良好。

    Compared with the serial decoder , the experiment results show that the parallel decoder can improve the speed of decoding by about 40 % , while maintaining the same PSNR ( Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio ), and subjective quality is good .

  13. 我们认为压实校正过程中,古今孔隙度深度函数与古今密度深度函数不应该是分别等同的,更不能将地层骨架体积不变与地层骨架质量不变割裂开来。

    In processing of compaction correction , the paleo porosity depth function is not the same of the present porosity depth function , and the density depth function shows same property .

  14. 波义耳定律指出要使地狱的温度和压力保持不变,灵魂的质量与体积的比率必须是不变量注3。

    Boyle 's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in hell to stay the same , the ratio of the mass of souls and volume needs to stay constant .