
  • 网络specialized bank;Special Bank
  1. 论国有专业银行贷款质量问题

    An analysis of the Quality Problem for Specialized Bank Loans

  2. 国家农业专业银行的建立是农村金融现代化的重要标志。

    The establishment of the national agricultural specialized bank is the important symbol of the modernization of the rural finance .

  3. 国有专业银行向商业银行转变面临的严峻挑战

    A Serious challenge Faring the Nationalized Banks Changing into Commercial Bank

  4. 目前专业银行与国际商业银行的差异与对策&考察新加坡金融业的思考

    Differences between specialized banks and international commercial banks and relevant countermeasures

  5. 专业银行商业化的障碍及所需的社会配套条件

    Obstruction to and Social Conditions Required for the Commercialization of Professional Banks

  6. 将决策支持技术引入专业银行可在很大程度上改善这种状况。

    Introducing decision support technology into professional banks will highly improve this situation .

  7. 小型专业银行和大型银行都仍有市场空间。

    There is still room for small bespoke entities as well as larger banks .

  8. 关于专业银行企业化的思考

    Considerations About Running the Specialized Banks as Enterprises

  9. 美国个人金融专业银行的发展

    Development of U.S. Personal Finance Specialized Banks

  10. 证券化与国有专业银行商业化改造

    Securitisation in Commercialization of State Specialized Banks

  11. 建立林业专业银行;

    Establishment of special forest bank ;

  12. 但是这一状况却出现在我国的四大专业银行上。

    But this happens in China .

  13. 农村信用社通过专业银行。

    Rural credit through specialised banks .

  14. 金融控股公司与专业银行相比,具有几方面的优势,如信息优势,规模经济,范围经济,风险递减以及通过合并报表合理避税等优势。

    The financial holding company has some theoretical and practical advantages and disadvantages versus specialized financial intermediaries .

  15. 我国专业银行改革的中心环节是转换经营机制。

    Abstract The central link of reform for our specialized banks is mainly about conversing operating mechanism .

  16. 这里,每家专业银行都有各自的业务范围,但一般有两项基本职能。

    Here , each specialized bank has its own business activities , but there are two basic functions in common .

  17. 之后,中央政府决定对银行业进行改革,并在上世纪九十年代将所有专业银行转变成为商业银行。

    Then the central government decided to reform the banking sector and in the1990s all specialized banks developed into commercial banks .

  18. 文章深刻指出我国农业银行要在新形势下确立自己的位置,按照商业银行的经营原则探索新的机制,完成专业银行向现代商业银行的转轨。

    Under the new situation and explore new solutions to finish the transformation from a specialized bank to a modern commercial bank .

  19. 专业银行转变为商业银行的难点及对策我国的专业银行在国民经济中担当着重要的角色,它所面对的是竞争激烈和瞬息万变的金融市场。

    Difficulties and Countermeasures in Transformation of State-Owned Professional Banks to Commercial Banks Professional banks take an important role in Chinese economy .

  20. 从1979年设立四大专业银行开始,我国的银行业改革就一直在探索中进行。

    From the setting up of the four specialized banks in 1979 , reform of our banking industry having been carried on continuously .

  21. 上世纪九十年代,中央政府决定将专业银行转为商业银行之时,建行是第一批。

    In the1990s , when the central government decided that the specialized banks needed to be converted to commercial banks , we were among the first .

  22. 当前我国国有商业银行组织制度仍然沿袭国家专业银行的传统模式,难以适应新形势的要求。

    However , Nowadays state-owned commercial banks institution still follow the traditional patterns of state-owned professional banking , so they cannot adapt to the new trend .

  23. 另一方面,从专业银行转化而来的国有商业银行长期大量承担国家和地方双重政策性业务,也积累了大量的不良资产。

    On the other hand , the SOBs transformed from the professional banks have undertaken both state and local business and thus amassed great amount of non-per forming assets .

  24. 运作于市场经济之中的商业银行,无论是经营环境还是经营机制都迥异于经济计划时代的专业银行。

    Operating in a market economy , commercial banks differ greatly from the specialized banks under a central planned economy in terms of both bussiness environment and operation mechanism .

  25. 再造货币供给机制,根本在于深化改革,理顺中央银行同财政、专业银行和企业之间的债权债务关系。

    The funda-mental approach to remould the mechanism of money supply is to deepen reform , overhaul the debtor and creditor relationship between central bank and public finance , specialized banks and enterprises .

  26. 从层次分析法的基本原理出发,结合案例,阐述了该法在专业银行信贷决策中的具体运用。

    Starting with the fundmentals of an analytic hierarchy process and taking the case for example , the author expounds the specific use of this process in the credit decision of the vocational banks .

  27. 中国银行股份有限公司(以下简称中行)作为中国四大国有商业银行之一,一度是经营中国外汇外贸业务的专业银行。

    The Bank of China Ltd. , ( hereafter called the BOC ) is one of the four state-owned commercial banks , and it has once been the specialized bank managing foreign exchange in China .

  28. 要使专业银行转轨为商业银行,不仅涉及到银行内部体制的管理,更重要的是,要为它营造一系列社会配套条件。

    The gearing or Professional banks to the orbit of commercial banks involves not only the management of the internal system or the banks , but more significantly the creation of the necessary social conditions .

  29. 国有专业银行商业化是我国金融体制改革的重要内容之一,本文主张顺应国际金融市场的发展方向,通过证券化的途径来加速国有专业银行商业化改造的进程。

    Commercialization of specialized banks is essential to the financial reform in our country . The author advocates securitisation as a solution to the problem so as to conform to the development of international financial markets .

  30. 目前专业银行的呆帐贷款过多,已直接影响了专业银行向国有商业的过渡,也影响到企业向新的企业制度的转变。

    At present , there are so much of bad debt in special banks that they have been producing a great impact on the transition from special banks to state-owned commercial banks and the transform of business system .