
  • 网络adB;AfDB;The African Development Bank
  1. 非洲开发银行行长唐纳德•卡贝鲁卡(DonaldKaberuka)表示,那些受影响的国家急需紧急援助,以建设医疗卫生系统。

    Donald Kaberuka , head of the AfDB , said the countries affected needed immediate support to build up their health systems .

  2. 去年,非洲开发银行批准了34亿美元贷款。

    The AfDB approved $ 3.4 billion of loans last year .

  3. 拉加德今日将在里斯本举行的非洲开发银行(AfricanDevelopmentBank)会议上会晤非洲各国的财长。

    Ms Lagarde will today meet African finance ministers at the African Development Bank in Lisbon .

  4. 非洲开发银行(AfricanDevelopmentBank)也已承诺提供大约6000万美元的紧急资金援助。

    The African Development Bank has also promised emergency funding , with a package of about $ 60m .

  5. 刚果政府希望,世行和非洲开发银行(AfricanDevelopmentBank)等能承担四分之一的资金。

    The government in Kinshasa hopes the World Bank and the regional African Development Bank among others will commit a quarter of the funds .

  6. 其它多边机构非但没有遭到排挤,还同样得到了新资金:非洲开发银行(AfricanDevelopmentBank)正将其资本增至原来的三倍。

    Far from being crowded out , other multilateral bodies have also got new cash : the African Development Bank is tripling its capital .

  7. 非洲开发银行(AfricanDevelopmentBank,简称:非行)日前决定,今年5月将在中国上海举办年会。此举显示,非行已经认可中国对于非洲的未来具有日益关键的作用。

    The African Development Bank ( ADB ) has chosen to hold its annual summit in Shanghai this May in recognition of China 's increasingly pivotal role in Africa 's future .

  8. 中国在非洲开发银行(AfricanDevelopmentBank)上月于上海召开的一次会议上表示,计划在未来3年内向非洲提供规模约200亿美元的基础设施和贸易融资。

    At a meeting of the African Development Bank in Shanghai last month , China said it wants to provide around $ 20bn in infrastructure and trade financing to Africa over the next three years .

  9. 今年5月,中国与非洲开发银行(AfricanDevelopmentBank)合作建立了一个20亿美元的基金,并宣布将把合同授予最合适的竞标方&而不仅仅是中资企业。

    In May , China created a $ 2bn fund in partnership with the African Development Bank and announced that it would open the resulting contracts to the most suitable bidder – not just Chinese companies .

  10. 目前,g20正提议扩大亚洲开发银行(adb)的财源,但同样重要的非洲开发银行呢?

    Currently the G20 is proposing more resources for the Asian Development Bank , but what about the equally critical African bank ?

  11. 各国的开发银行,比如巴西开发银行、中国开发银行,以及南部非洲开发银行(DevelopmentBankofSouthernAfrica),在社会影响和环境保护方面的透明度,一直都极其糟糕,亚历山大说。

    National development banks such as the Brazilian Development Bank , China Development Bank and the Development Bank of Southern Africa have abysmal records in terms of transparency and in terms of social and environmental safeguards , Ms. Alexander said .

  12. 各国的开发银行,比如巴西开发银行、中国开发银行,以及南部非洲开发银行(DevelopmentBankofSouthernAfrica),“在社会影响和环境保护方面的透明度,一直都极其糟糕,”亚历山大说。

    National development banks such as the Brazilian Development Bank , China Development Bank and the Development Bank of Southern Africa " have abysmal records in terms of transparency and in terms of social and environmental safeguards , " Ms. Alexander said .

  13. 非洲开发银行(AfricanDevelopmentBank)也已承诺提供大约6000万美元的紧急资金援助。非洲开发银行行长唐纳德•卡贝鲁卡(DonaldKaberuka)表示,那些受影响的国家急需紧急援助,以建设医疗卫生系统。

    The African Development Bank has also promised emergency funding , with a package of about $ 60m . Donald Kaberuka , head of the AfDB , said the countries affected needed immediate support to build up their health systems .

  14. 给予非洲开发银行大会观察员地位;

    Observer status for the African Development Bank in the general assembly ;

  15. 非洲开发银行(非银)

    African Development Bank ( AfDB )

  16. 我经理法案在国外汇款、外汇部布基纳法索非洲开发银行。

    I am the manager of bill and exchange at the foreign remittance department of AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK BURKINA FASO .

  17. 他说非洲开发银行对于非洲非常重要,它将为非洲未来几年的所需的发展提供帮助!

    He says the African Development Bank is in the middle of a continent that will need development aid for years to come .

  18. 非洲开发银行说,“老化和长期身心障碍和许多慢性病都有高度相关”。

    No safety nets The African Development Bank says , " Aging is highly linked with long-term physical and mental disability and a number of long-term chronic conditions . "

  19. 非洲开发银行建议政府协助实施医疗保险和退休金计划。

    A nuclear family is defined as a mother , father and children sharing living quarters . The African Development Bank recommends governments help implement health insurance and pension plans .

  20. “利比里亚伙伴论坛”是由世界银行、联合国、国际货币基金会、美国政府、非洲开发银行和欧盟共同主办的。

    The Liberia Partners ' Forum is co-hosted by the World Bank , United Nations , International Monetary Fund , United States Government , African Development Bank and European Commission .

  21. 中国进出口银行、农业银行等分别与非洲开发银行签订了合作框架协议,就基础项目融资、中小企业发展等问题开展合作。

    The Export-Import Bank of China and the Agricultural Bank of China have both signed cooperation framework agreements with the AfDB to cooperate on infrastructure project financing and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises .

  22. 非洲开发银行指出,中产阶层在非洲地区总人口中所占比重为33%,而在亚洲发展中国家,这一比例为56%,在拉丁美洲,这一比例为77%。

    According to the AfDB , the middle class accounts for 33 per cent of the population in the region , compared with 56 per cent in developing Asia and 77 per cent of Latin America .

  23. 金融合作方面,中国是非洲开发银行、西非开发银行和东南非贸易与开发银行的成员国。

    Evidence of Chinas efforts in the area of financial cooperation includes Chinas status as a member state of the African Development Bank ( AfDB ), the West African Development Bank , and the Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank .

  24. 卡贝鲁卡承认,中国的做法给欧美国家的传统捐赠方及非洲开发银行带来了挑战。非洲开发银行最近刚刚冲销了约500亿美元的非洲债务,目前正尝试引入更严格的债务管理标准。

    This posed a challenge , Mr Kaberuka acknowledged , to traditional donors in Europe , the US and indeed the AfDB who are attempting to impose stricter criteria for debt management in the wake of their recent write-off of some $ 50bn in African debt .

  25. 其中,由非洲开发银行出资、中国企业承建的农田整治项目是卢旺达农业领域的最大项目,建成后将有效改善卢旺达境内主河流的整治和水资源利用。

    Currently , the biggest agricultural project in Rwanda is a farmland improvement project supported by investment from the African Development Bank and contracted to Chinese enterprises . When completed , the project will effectively control major rivers and improve the utilization of water resources in Rwanda .

  26. 中部非洲国家开发银行

    Development Bank for Central African States

  27. 非洲和毛里求斯开发银行联合会

    African and Mauritian Union of Development Banks

  28. 非洲领导人和非洲开发银行(AfricanDevelopmentBank)最近敦促各国政府携手合作,以确保各自都能最大限度地获益于与主要贸易伙伴的关系,但他们都以温和的外交辞令掩盖自己的担忧。

    African leaders and the African Development Bank have recently urged governments to work with each other to ensure they maximise benefits from relations with their leading trade partner , but they have traditionally cloaked their concerns in emollient diplomatese .

  29. 利比亚也是非洲联盟以及非洲开发银行最大的出资国。

    The country also has been one of the biggest contributors to the African Union as well as the African Development Bank .