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  • nonlinear programming
  1. Fuzzy资源约束非线性规划的一个有效解法

    An effective algorithm for fuzzy resource constraint nonlinear programming

  2. 一种新型的Lagrange非线性规划神经网络

    A New Type of Lagrange Nonlinear Programming Neural Network

  3. 非线性规划惩罚函数法BASIC程序

    BASIC Program of SUMT for Solving Nonlinear Programming Problems

  4. 多目标非线性规划的Fuzzy解的研究

    Making an approach to the fuzzy solution in multiobjective non-linear Progamming

  5. 基于非线性规划问题GA的Matlab程序

    The MATLAB programs based on GA of non-linear programming

  6. 首先,基于最优化方法的理论知识,介绍了具有求解非线性规划功能的MATLAB软件。

    Firstly , based on the theoretical knowledge of optimization method , software MATLAB with solving nonlinear programming was introduced in this thesis .

  7. 基于可靠度指标的最优化算法,应用microsoftexcel电子表及其非线性规划求解,通过实例给出了电子表法确定可靠度指标的实现方法。

    Based on the optimal algorithm of reliability index , the Microsoft Excel Solver is used to calculate the reliability index .

  8. 最后用实例证明了非线性规划模型和DEA在物流中心选址应用中的可行性和实用性。

    Lastly the paper gives examples to testify the non-linear programing model and DEA 's feasibility and practicability .

  9. SLMQN:一个解大规模边界约束非线性规划子空间有限储存拟牛顿方法的FORTRAN优化软件

    Slmqn : a FORTRAN code of subspace limited memory quasi-Newton method for large-scale bound constrained nonlinear optimization

  10. 应用Lingo非线性规划软件的钻孔灌注桩优化设计

    The Optimal Design of Bored Pile Using Lingo Nonlinear Programming Software

  11. 在进行单相BOOSTPFC变换器初步设计的基础上,运用非线性规划技术对BOOSTPFC变换器进行了优化设计。

    On the base of the initial design of Boost PFC converter , it introduces the non-linear programming ( NLP ) technique .

  12. 最后,建立了双目标非线性规划进行阻塞管理,并编写了相应的MATLAB计算程序对问题进行求解。

    Finally , bi-objective nonlinear programming is set up to carry on the power congestion management and the corresponding MATLAB calculation procedure is compiled to resolve this problem .

  13. 利用MATLAB软件可以求解线性规划、无约束规划、二次规划和有约束非线性规划等优化设计问题。

    MATLAB software can solve many kinds of problems in optimal design , such as linear programming , unconstraint programming , quadratic programming and nonlinear constraint programming etc. .

  14. 进一步运用非线性规划技术对Buck电路进行了最优设计。

    The application of the non-linear programming ( NLP ) technique has been discussed in the Buck circuit in depth .

  15. 以此为基础,利用非线性规划,讨论了最优复合控制政策模型,并用NLP建立了相应的最优模型。

    Also , they study the optimum composite environmental policy model with the theory of NLP .

  16. 作者提出了一个引入逻辑表达式约束的EIP混合整数非线性规划模型,求解结果可为EIP的规划和管理提供决策参考。

    A mixed integer nonlinear programming model with logical proposition constraints was developed for EIP .

  17. 非线性规划的SUMT混合法及其应用

    SUMT Mixing Method of Nonlinear Programming and Its Application

  18. 随后二十多年的发展ABS算法扩展到可以求解最小二乘问题、不等式组、线性规划和具有线性约束的非线性规划等问题。

    Throughout the following twenty years , ABS algorithms have been extended to solve the least squares , the inequality systems , linear programming and nonlinear programming with linear constraints etc.

  19. 本文在分析天然气在多孔介质中高速渗流基本微分方程物理意义的基础上,采用建立非线性规划模型求解方程系数A、B、C,并用交会法确定绝对无阻流量。

    On the basis of analysing basic differential equation of natural gas rapid percolation in porous media , establishes nonlinear programming model to extract equation coefficient A , B , C. Absolute open flow capacity is determined by using intersection method .

  20. 同时应用约束非线性规划求最优解的数学模型,模拟出煤层煤样柱状以及其煤层表面,并在Matlab中实现仿真。

    Also , the study applies mathematical model of nonlinear programming with constraints to the optimal solution to simulate the pillar and the curved surface of coal seam , and the simulation in Matlab can be achieved .

  21. 本文从古典的Lagrange函数的乘子法入手,通过对惩罚函数法的分析,指出了增广的Lagrange函数在解决带约束非线性规划问题中的重要作用。

    The paper pointe out the important role of extended Lagrange function in solving the constrained non-linear program by means of the method of classical Lagrange multiplier & penalty function .

  22. 非线性规划模型求解中采用MFM算法,降低了计算量。

    The Modified Feasible Method ( MFM ) is adopted to reduce computational complexity of the nonlinear programming model .

  23. 泊位调度问题是NP难问题,本文分别应用遗传算法GA和混合优化策略GATS对泊位调度问题的非线性规划模型进行了求解。

    The berth scheduling problem is an NP-hard problem . This paper solves an nonlinear model of the berth scheduling problem by the genetic algorithm GA and the hybrid optimization strategy GATS respectively .

  24. 电力系统不断发展,使得OPF算法跻身于极其困难、非凸的大规模非线性规划行列。

    With the persistent development of the power system , OPF methods are increasingly becoming difficult and nonconvex ones among the large-scale nonlinear programming algorithm .

  25. 针对模型的整数非线性规划的特点提出了改进粒子群(PSO)算法,通过在不同维度上确定不同学习对象,加强了粒子的空间搜索能力。

    A modified particle swarm optimization algorithm was proposed for the integer nonlinear programming , the spatial search abilities of the particles were improved by determining different learning objects for different dimensions of the particles .

  26. 在PSS参数设计方面,利用概率灵敏度指标,进行PSS的最佳位置选择,结合相位补偿概念进行初始参数设计,并利用非线性规划技术进行参数优化。

    In probabilistic PSS design , two probabilistic sensitivity indices are applied for PSS location and initial parameter value determination . The PSS parameters are coordinated by using the nonlinear programming technique .

  27. 提出了不分流换热网络改进的同步最优综合混合整数非线性规划(MINLP)模型;

    An improved mixed integer nonlinear programming ( MINLP ) model for non split stage wise superstructure of heat exchanger networks was presented .

  28. 为了寻找带有等式约束和不等式约束的非线性规划问题的Kuhn-Tucker点,给出了一种微分方程系统。

    A system of differential equations is constructed to find Kuhn-Tucker points of a nonlinear programming problem with both equality and inequality constraints .

  29. 本文对蔡少棠[1],[2]等提出的非线性规划神经网络作了改进,使得该神经网络适合于通用VLSI技术实现。

    This paper proposes a method that a kind of neural networks [ 1 ] [ 2 ] for nonlinear programming is modified . The neural networks is fit to realize for general VLSI technology .

  30. 以平推流反应器(PFR)和全混流反应器(CSTR)作为基本反应器类型建立了一个反应器网络的超结构模型,构造了超结构模型的非线性规划问题。

    A superstructure model of reactor network is developed using plug flow reac - tor ( PFR ) and continuous stirred tank reactor ( CSTR ) .