
zhuān jiā xì tǒnɡ
  • expert system
  1. 用C++和Access数据库实现专家系统外壳

    Realization of expert system tools using C + + and Access database

  2. Web专家系统网格化的研究

    Research on Grid-enabled Web Expert System

  3. 在这之后,桃乐茜·顿宁(DorothyDenning)的IDES(入侵检测专家系统)模型产生了

    From now on , Dorothy Denning 's IDES model was come into being .

  4. 应用VISUALBASIC开发过程控制型专家系统工具

    Using VISUAL BASIC to Develop A Process-Control Expert Systen Tool

  5. 专家系统与多agent协作系统

    Expert Systems and multi-Agent Cooperative Systems

  6. 并阐述了利用面向对象的方法及JAVA工具,在医疗疾病诊断决策专家系统实现中基于单例模式的优化图型决策器模型的具体构造方法。

    The modeling of diseases-curing decision-making system with OOA and JAVA based single-mode is introduced .

  7. 用DCOM对基于多Agent的专家系统进行组件化设计

    The Component Design for Multi-agent Based Expert System by Using DCOM

  8. NET技术等进行简要介绍的基础上,重点分析了保护地蔬菜栽培专家系统的构建过程及技术要点。

    NET are introduced briefly , the constructing process and the main point of the technique are analyzed stressfully .

  9. 结合VC++和Matlab快速开发的单兵装备效能评估专家系统

    Development of ES by the Combine of VC + + and Matlab for Soldier Equipment Evaluation

  10. 切屑折断过程及槽型CAD专家系统知识库的设计

    Design and Implementation of the Knowledge Base in the Chip Breaking Process and Insert Groove CAD Expert System

  11. 集成环境下基于特征的CAPP专家系统

    A Feature-Based CAPP Expert System in Integrated Environment

  12. 利用EMG数据作自动诊断的人工神经网络专家系统

    The Artificial Nerve Network Expert System for Auto-Diagnosis Based on EMG

  13. 火电厂综合评选FGD技术专家系统的研究

    Research on Expert System for Choosing FGD Technology in Coal-Fired Plants

  14. 文中讨论了利用MATLAB开放式可扩充体系结构,开发出色谱分析综合性计算机初级专家系统的构想和设计思想。

    The paper discussed the design and application of the expert system of chromatographic analysis based on the opening and expansion structure of MATLAB language .

  15. 用Visualc++实现专家系统的数据通讯,数据存取和数据实时处理以及人机交互界面部分,并给出了两种语言接口技术的设计。

    Data processing and man machine interface are programmed by the Visual C + + language . At the same time , the design of bilingual interface technology was made .

  16. 电子计算机自动结构解析专家系统研究带有键属性的亚结构与~(13)CNMR化学位移相关性

    STUDIES OF THE COMPUTER AUTOMATIC STRUCTURE ELUCIDATION EXPERT SYSTEM & The Relationship Between the Substructure with Bond Attribute and the ~ ( 13 ) C-NMR Chemical shift

  17. NET技术相结合,设计并开发了基于网络的鸡病防治与诊断专家系统。

    NET technology , a web-based expert system for chicken disease diagnosis and prevention was established , in which expertise about chicken disease diagnosis and prevention was expressed as production rules .

  18. 结果:利用MicrosoftvisualBasic6.0编写治疗慢性前列腺炎中医诊疗专家系统,界面友好、运行良好、便于移植。

    Result : CP expert system of TCM is designed by Microsoft Visual Basic 6 . 0 , which has friendly desktop , runs smoothly and can be transferred easily .

  19. 针对易燃、易爆场所特点及安全评价及专家系统需求,确定系统结构为C/S,形成系统逻辑流程。

    According to the characteristic inflammable or explosive conditions and the needs for safety assessment and expert system , we confirm the system 's structure as C / S , and form system 's logic flow .

  20. 随着研究思路和研究技术的不断深入,与3S(RS,GIS,GPS)技术集成专家系统显示出了其广阔的应用潜能。

    With the development of research technology and thinking , " Expert System " integrated with3S ( RS , GIS , GPS ) shows its broadly prospect .

  21. IDSS中专家系统的建造

    The Research of Expert System in IDSS

  22. 烧结过程异常状况诊断专家系统SPADES(Ⅱ)&关键技术

    Expert system for abnormity diagnosis in sintering process SPADES (ⅱ) & Key techniques

  23. 基于C/S的RBI专家系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of the RBI Expert System Based on C / S

  24. 目的研究并实现一种基于EMG数据诊断腰腿痛的神经网络专家系统。

    Objective To develop an artificial nerve network expert system for diagnosis of lumbocrural pain based on electromyography ( EMG ) data .

  25. 关于专家系统中的语义网络匹配算法MATCHER

    A New Matching Algorithm MATCHER for Semantic Networks Used in Expert Systems

  26. WebGIS是GIS与Internet网络的有机结合,它使GIS的应用领域从专家系统扩展到社会的方方面面,成为了大众化的信息工具。

    The Web GIS is the organic wedge bonding of the GIS and the Internet , it makes the GIS expand from expert system to the square aspect noodles of the society and become a popularized information tool .

  27. 通过采用Browser/WebServer/Database三层计算体系结构,基于ASP.NET和XML技术,实现了网络化的专家系统,同时扩大了专家系统的应用范围,提高了系统的后向兼容性;

    By the Browser / Web Server / Database structure and the technology of ASP . NET and XML , we achieve the expert system running on the network , extend the application and ensure its backward compatibility ;

  28. 探讨了运用专家系统工具CLIPS和高级编程语言VC++,实现火电厂实时故障诊断专家系统的方法。

    Describes a method of using expert system tool CLIPS and VC + + to develop a real-time fault diagnosis expert system in power plant .

  29. 作者针对常规Fuzzy控制方式的局限性,将Fuzzy控制技术、常规控制技术和专家系统技术相结合,研制出一种新型的模糊专家控制器&FEC控制器。

    Aiming at the weakness of conventional Fuzzy control method , a new style Fuzzy Expert Controller FEC , which is based on the technique of Fuzzy control , conventional control and production expert system , has been researched in this paper .

  30. 针对电磁兼容性知识的特点,使用Visualc++开发了电磁兼容咨询专家系统框架,为解决现阶段电磁兼容知识的普及问题作了有益的尝试。

    According to the character of EMC knowledge , using Visual C + + , we develop a consulting expert system in the field of EMC . The system is a beneficial trial to solve the population of EMC knowledge .