
zhuān yè jì shù zhí wù
  • technical position;professional and technical posts;professional position
  1. Fuzzy综合评判法已广泛地应用于自然科学与社会科学各部门。利用Fuzzy数学方法对专业技术职务进行综合评定,是人事工作向管理科学化迈进的一条途径。

    Using Fuzzy mathematical method to evaluate the professional and technical titles overall is a good way which makes our personal-working management scientific .

  2. 青岛市气象部门(以下简称Q市气象部门)自1986年实行专业技术职务聘任制以来,职称工作取得了较大的成绩,但也存在不少问题。

    Since the 1986 , Qingdao Meteorological Department had made substantial achievements in the implementation of the professional and technical positions management system , but there are also a lot of problems .

  3. 专业技术职务聘任定量考评系统的研制

    The investigation of a quantitative assessing system for professional technical post

  4. 担任初级专业技术职务的,五十岁。

    50 for specialized technical reserve officers at the junior level .

  5. 专业技术职务档案管理的缺陷及解决办法

    Defect of File Management for Professional and technical Positions and Solution

  6. 专业技术职务级别的工资上升空间小。

    The wage level professional and technical positions up little space .

  7. 专业技术职务评审工作的实践与探讨

    The practice and Research on the work of evaluating personnel technology post

  8. 关于专业技术职务改革的几点思考

    A few words about the reforming of technical professional titles

  9. 关于企业专业技术职务聘任的思考

    Practice and Consideration of Professional Post Appointment in Auto Enterprises

  10. 专业技术职务评审网络集成系统的研究与应用

    Research and application of network integrating system for profession technique post evaluation

  11. 高级专业技术职务任期制实践与思考

    Practice and Thinking of Tenure System of High Professional Title

  12. 关于专业技术职务职称的评聘谈职称评聘中的论文要素

    Thesis Factor in Evaluation and Employment of Tile of Post

  13. 推行专业技术职务竞聘上岗的做法和体会

    Practice and experience in implementing professional post competing engagement

  14. 军队医院专业技术职务实行双轨制的探讨

    A Discussion on about double track of technical professional titles in military hospital

  15. 浅谈军队院校专业技术职务任后管理

    An Elementary Introduction to the Management of Specialized Technical Duty in Military School

  16. 实施专业技术职务任期制考评体会

    Experience of Appraising of Professional Title of Tenure System

  17. 论档案系列专业技术职务资格量化评审体系的建立

    On the Establishment of Quantitative Assessment System for Professional Title of Archives Management

  18. 专业技术职务任期制在职称管理中的运用

    Application of Specialty Technology Post Term System in Title of Professional Post Managing

  19. 高校专业技术职务评聘工作的几点思考

    Reflections on the Appraisal of Professional titles in Universities

  20. 专业技术职务评审管理系统的设计与实现

    Design of post evaluation management system for railway professional technical staff and its implementation

  21. 一个人机结合型的专业技术职务考评系统

    A Man-machine Evaluation System of Technical or Professional

  22. 专业技术职务任职资格定量评审探讨

    Studies on quantifying evaluation of professional title qualification

  23. 高校专业技术职务岗位设置的一种有效方法

    An Efficient Way to Post Planning of Professional Titles in Institutions of Higher Learning

  24. 该文介绍了在卫生高级专业技术职务任职资格评审面试中引入量化评价标准的具体方法。

    The paper introduced a quantitative appraising criterion and method for senior health professional post .

  25. 科学设岗搞好专业技术职务评聘工作

    On scientific setting up posts on working

  26. 合理构建科学的考评体系严格规范专业技术职务任期制工作

    Reasonably construct a scientific evaluation system and strictly standardize the special professional duty in term system

  27. 浅谈专业技术职务评聘工作中的问题与对策

    Humble Opinion about the Problems and Countermeasures in Evaluating and Engaging Work of Professional Technical Post

  28. 知识层次以学历和专业技术职务或相同技术资格为表示指标。

    Knowledge level take school record and specialized technical duty or same technical qualifications as expression target .

  29. 军队医院聘用护士实施专业技术职务评聘分开的体会

    Experience of military hospital employing nursing by implementation the separation of professional post 's evaluation and employment

  30. 天津体育学院非教师系列中、高级专业技术职务评分标准设计

    Designing grading standards of professional titles for series of non teachers in Tianjin Institute of Physical Education