
  • 网络Chief Economist;Simon Johnson;Lead Economist;Fionnuala Earley
  1. 根据非洲发展银行集团首席经济学家mthulincube的介绍,从整个非洲大陆的角度看,中国在这里的经济渗透步伐已经远远超过了美国。

    On a continental scale , china 's deal-making pace far exceeds the u.s. 's , according to mthuli ncube , chief economist at the African Development Bank group .

  2. 他现在是世界银行(worldbank)首席经济学家兼高级副行长。

    He is now chief economist and senior vice-president of the World Bank .

  3. 本文作者是美国银行(bankofamerica)欧洲首席经济学家

    The writer is head of European economics , Bank of America

  4. FirstTrust公司的首席经济学家布莱恩·韦斯伯里说,这充分证明了房市正在回暖。

    First Trust Chief Economist Brian Wesbury says it underscores the rebound in housing .

  5. 本文作者为ReformTaskForceLatvia智库首席经济学家

    The author is chief economist of the Reform Task Force Latvia think-tank

  6. 本文作者是野村综合研究所(NomuraResearchInstitute)首席经济学家

    The writer is chief economist at the Nomura Research Institute

  7. 本文作者为汇丰集团(hsbcgroup)首席经济学家、该行经济学及资产配置研究全球负责人

    The writer is HSBC Group chief economist and global head of economicsandassetallocation research

  8. 该专栏评论的作者,达拉斯联邦储备银行首席经济学家W。

    The authors , Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas chief economist W.

  9. 在2000年的机构动荡中,他被世界银行(worldbank)视为可靠人选,任命为首席经济学家。

    Seen as a safe pair of hands he was appointed World Bank chief economist in 2000 , at a time of institutional turmoil .

  10. 本届全国人大还让人得以洞察到林毅夫的职业轨迹。他是第一位被世界银行(worldbank)任命为首席经济学家的华人。

    The NPC has also brought insights into the career of Lin Yifu , the first Chinese to be appointed World Bank chief economist .

  11. 非党派智库预算和政策优先事项中心(CenteronBudgetandPolicyPriorities)的首席经济学家查德•斯通表示,这种担忧不恰当。

    Chad stone , chief economist at the non-partisan center on budget and policy priorities , says the fears are misplaced .

  12. 本文作者是IMF首席经济学家

    The writer is chief economist of the IMF

  13. 苏黎世金融服务集团(ZurichFinancialServices)首席经济学家DanielHoffman表示,其中一个问题就是经济差异。

    Zurich Financial Services Group Chief Economist Daniel Hoffman said one of those issues is economic .

  14. RaymondJames&Associates公司的首席经济学家斯科特·布朗表示。

    Scott Brown as chief economist at Raymond James & Associates .

  15. 高频经济公司(HighFrequencyEconomics)首席经济学家卡尔•温伯格(CarlWeinberg)对中国消费增长前景更为乐观。

    Carl Weinberg , chief economist at High Frequency Economics , is even more bullish on the outlook for consumption .

  16. 世行非洲地区首席经济学家JohnPage在总结了报告中一些最令人鼓舞的发现后说

    Summing up some of the most encouraging findings of the report , John Page , Chief Economist for the Africa Region , said

  17. 查尔斯古德哈特是伦敦政治经济学院(londonschoolofeconomics)银行与金融学荣誉教授,曾任英国央行(bankofengland)首席经济学家。

    Charles Goodhart is emeritus professor of banking and finance at the London School of economics and a former chief economist of the Bank of England .

  18. 本文作者是一位经济顾问,曾担任瑞银(UBS)首席经济学家

    The writer is an economic consultant and the former chief economist of UBS

  19. 本文作者是汇丰集团(hsbc)全球首席经济学家

    The writer is group chief economist at HSBC

  20. 劳伦斯·云(LawrenceYun)是美国房地产经纪人协会首席经济学家。

    Lawrence Yun is chief economist of the National Association of Realtors .

  21. TD证券公司首席经济学家EricGreen表示,美国经济可能已经在衰退。

    Eric Green , chief economist at TD Securities , said the U.S. economy may already be ing .

  22. 凯投宏观(CapitalEconomics)首席经济学家马克威廉姆斯(MarkWilliams)表示:这比大多数人在2012年年初的预期差远了。

    This is far worse than most had anticipated at the start of 2012 , said Mark Williams , chief economist at Capital Economics .

  23. 在本书中,这位野村综合研究所(NomuraResearchInstitute)的首席经济学家既展现了这把智慧工具的优点,也展示出它的局限性。

    Here , the chief economist of the Nomura Research Institute shows the virtues , but also the limitations , of his intellectual tool .

  24. 衍生品经纪公司MFGlobal首席经济学家奥沙利文说,市场上仍有大量过剩房屋。

    ' There still is a huge , huge excess of homes , 'says Jim O'Sullivan , chief economist at MF Global .

  25. 本文作者是摩根大通(jpmorgan)日本首席经济学家

    The writer is chief Japan economist at JPMorgan

  26. 摩根大通(JPMorgan)日前便将其中国区首席经济学家龚方雄(FrankGong)调任至一个投资银行岗位。

    JPMorgan recently moved Frank Gong , chief China economist , to an investment banking role .

  27. 亚洲开发银行(asiandevelopmentbank)首席经济学家艾弗兹阿里(ifzalali)承认,亚洲地区内部的经济差异促进了移民的流动。

    Ifzal Ali , chief economist at the Asian Development Bank , acknowledges that economic disparities within the region are encouraging migration .

  28. 但IMF前首席经济学家、现就职于麻省理工学院(MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology)的西蒙•约翰逊(SimonJohnson)表示,这些钱仍偏少。

    But Simon Johnson , a former IMF chief economist now at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , says that is relatively small .

  29. MFGlobal驻纽约首席经济学家吉姆奥沙利文(JimO'Sullivan)表示:这显然不是在暗示要放松货币政策。

    Certainly there was no hint of ease , said Jim O ' Sullivan , chief economist at MF Global in New York .

  30. 长期担任英国财政部首席经济学家的伯恩斯勋爵(LordBurns),试图用名义框架的说法来替代新型政策。

    Lord Burns , long-time UK Treasury chief economist , tried to substitute the expression " nominal framework " for the new type policies .