
  • Sales Executive;Sales Supervisor;Marketing Executive
  1. 另一方面,一个销售主管可能更习惯于从一个Excel电子表格创建提要。

    A sales executive on the other hand , might be comfortable with creating a feed from an Excel spreadsheet .

  2. 澳大利亚HendonSemiconductors区域销售主管史蒂文•弗雷泽(StevenFraser)指出,从他所在公司采购集成电路的中国家电出口企业没有显示出放缓的迹象。

    Steven Fraser , regional sales executive for Australia 's Hendon Semiconductors , notes that Chinese home appliance exporters that source integrated circuits from his company have betrayed no signs of a slowdown .

  3. 亚马逊电子书销售主管LiShuangtian解释道。

    Li Shuangtian , a sales director of Amazon 's digital content , explains .

  4. 汇丰(HSBC)贵金属销售主管约翰莱文(JohnLevin)干脆将这种转变称作游戏规则的改变者。

    John Levin , head of precious metals sales at HSBC , simply calls the shift a game changer .

  5. 为了创建提要,销售主管需要从数据源列表中选择ExcelWorkbook,然后单击Next。

    In order to create the feed , the sales executives need to select the Excel Workbook from the data source list , and click Next .

  6. ING金融市场销售主管马克•彼得•德博尔(MarkPieterdeBoer)承认,一些员工一开始有抵触心理。

    Mark Pieter de Boer , head of financial market sales at ING , admits some bankers were initially resistant .

  7. 为了将应用软件产品打入企业级市场,谷歌(Google)需要引入与大公司打过交道的销售主管。

    As Google ( GOOG ) makes its way into the enterprise with its apps product , it needs to bring in sales executives with experience dealing with large companies .

  8. NicholasFischer,新的区域销售主管上任来解决这一问题。

    Nicholas Fischer , the new regional sales director for Harper-Tolland , has been hired to fix the problem .

  9. DigicelGroup的采购和销售主管TomBryant说,无电可用的人们常常向代理商付钱从而为他们的手机充电。

    People without access to electricity often pay brokers to charge their phones , according to Tom Bryant , director of procurement and distribution for Digicel Group .

  10. 在TechCrunch网站上,一位来自新兴技术公司的销售主管亚力山大·希斯立普对此表现得更为苛刻。

    On TechCrunch.com , Alexander Haislip , a marketing executive at a tech startup , is even more critical .

  11. Harper-Tolland钢铁公司新的欧洲销售主管,在陈述后回答他人的问题。

    Nick , the new European sales director at Harper-Tolland Steel , is answering questions after his presentation .

  12. BNYMellonAssetServicing亚洲销售主管理查德•苏伦西(RichardSurrency)表示:对于许多资产经理来说,这几乎是一辈子只有一次的机遇,能看到如此巨额的资产被分配出来。

    For many asset managers , this is almost a once-in-a-career opportunity , to see the amount of assets that are being distributed , says Richard Surrency , head of Asia sales , BNY Mellon Asset Servicing .

  13. ATG的销售主管西蒙·贝尔蒂因目前有一项拍卖活动而待在中国,他认为扩大我们在中国的生意已经在许多方面证明是激动人心的、值得做的。

    Simon Berti ATG 's sale 's director who was in china for the recent auctions says : Extending our business into China has proved to be exciting and rewarding in many ways .

  14. MaidenformBrands销售主管、《在面试中推销自己》(SellYourselfinAnyInterview)一书的作者阿德勒(OscarAdler)说,将你最大的缺点转化为“机会之窗”,表明你的改善措施将使工作受益。

    Dubbing your greatest fault a ' window of opportunity ' signals your improvement efforts should benefit the workplace , says Oscar Adler , a retired Maidenform Brands sales executive and author of the book , ' Sell Yourself in Any Interview . ' For instance , he suggests ,

  15. 对于那些通过传统途径出售房子的夫妇,交易过程可能仍充满紧张气氛,汉普顿国际伦敦中部和西南区销售主管菲尔·特南特(PhilTennant)说。

    For those couples who sell their property using the traditional route , the process can still be fraught with tension , according to Phil Tennant , regional sales director for central and south-west London at Hamptons International .

  16. CHERNOFF:但是,对于受到跑车问题报告震惊的丰田车主来说,承诺是远远不够的,尤其是该公司美国销售主管表示,召回并不能解决问题。

    CHERNOFF : But promises may not be enough by Toyota owners who are shaken by reports of runaway cars , especially when the company 's U.S. sales chief says recalls may not solve the problem .

  17. 在研究涉及的市场中,女性只占公司董事会6%的席位,而在欧洲和美国的比例分别为17%和15%。2008年,日本日产汽车(Nissan)提拔林文子(FumikoHayashi)担任汽车销售主管。

    Women accounted for only 6 % of seats on corporate boards in the markets studied , compared with 17 % in Europe and 15 % in the U.S. In 2008 , Japanese company Nissan promoted Fumiko Hayashi to head of auto sales .

  18. 万达国际房地产销售主管迈克尔•普里福伊(MichaelPurefoy)表示,万达计划到2020年将其目前的300亿美元年度销售额增至1000亿美元,主要通过国际房地产开发。万达是中国销售额最高的商业地产开发商。

    China 's biggest commercial property developer by sales aims to increase its current $ 30bn annual turnover to $ 100bn by 2020 , primarily through international property development , according to Michael Purefoy , the man in charge of Wanda 's international housing sales .

  19. 区域销售主管--平均年薪:10.35万美元

    Regional sales executive -- Median annual salary : $ 103500

  20. 接着,销售主管从他们包含销售机会信息的电子表格创建提要。

    Next , sales executives create feeds from their spreadsheets containing sales lead information .

  21. 麦戈文提到,销售主管们好像特别不愿意采用“成就型语言”。

    Sales executives , he notes , seem to have a particular aversion to accomplishment-speak .

  22. 他是新来的销售主管。

    He 's our new Marketing Executive .

  23. 客户经理,销售主管以及重要的销售团队成员都应该参加。

    Account executives , sales managers , and critical selling team members should be included .

  24. 想给你的销售主管打电话?

    Want to dial your sales director ?

  25. 她是我们的销售主管。

    She is Head of Sales .

  26. 去年冬天,体育用品销售主管丹尼尔•奥博菲尔在招聘营销经理时就这么干过。

    That 's what sporting-goods sales executive Daniel Obergfell did while seeking a marketing manager last winter .

  27. 詹妮.罗斯:凯特,这位是爱德华o格林。他是新来的销售主管。

    JENNY ROSS : Kate , this is Edward Green . He 's our new Marketing Executive .

  28. 通过遗留资产的现代化,使销售主管能够吸引更多销售潜力并赢得更多业务。

    Enable sales executives to attract more sales prospects and win more business through modernization of legacy assets .

  29. 他们是帮助初创公司走向成熟的产品经理、销售主管和营销主管。

    They are the product managers , sales executives and marketing heads who transform a start-up into a grown-up .

  30. 一位销售主管曾在一次办公室聚会上大肆夸耀自己如何向几家大型零售客户行贿。

    A sales director once bragged at an office party about how he had bribed several large retail customers .