
  • 网络sale budget
  1. 一般情况下,要首先进行销售预算的编制,然后是生产预算。

    Sales budget is always first prepared and then production budget .

  2. 明天要开会,我迫切需要销售预算报告。

    I need the sales budget report urgently for tomorrow 's meeting .

  3. 协助部门经理管理直接销售预算和支出。

    Monitor Direct Selling Budget and Expenses in conjunction with Department Manager .

  4. 不用怀疑,我们一定能完成今年的销售预算。

    It is no doubt that we will achieve sales of the annual budget .

  5. 在销售预算完成后,便可着手编制生产预算。

    After the sales budget has been completed , the production budget is made .

  6. 销售预算主要用于描述企业销售什么产品,销售的数量是多少,销售的价格如何。

    The sales budget is intended to depict what products will be sold in what quantities at what prices .

  7. 销售预算是编制其他短期预算的基础,而销售预测则是整个预算结构的基石。

    It is foundation on which all other short-term budgets are prepared . Thus , the sales forecast is the keystone of the budget structure .

  8. 惠普消减了今年第二季度的销售预算。另一方面,戴尔在它改善的盈利能力情况下,提高了今年运营收入的期望。

    HP trimmed its sales forecast for the second straight quarter . Dell , on the other hand , raised its operating income outlook for the year on improved profitability .

  9. 提出集团预算应以销售预算为起点,以成本费用预算为中心;在财务控制上应实行财务总监委派制、成立财务结算中心、加强内部审计、健全财务信息报告制度。

    For the financial controlling system , it should carry out the Financial Controller accreditation system , establish financial settlement center , and strengthen inside audit , perfect financial message reporting system .

  10. 组织、控制并跟踪生产及包装车间所有活动,在政策及程序允许的条件下提供合格的产品并达成公司的销售预算。

    To organize , control and follow up the activities in all production and packing workshops to delivery quality products and achieve the company 's budget targets within the approved policies and procedures .

  11. 啊,我觉得销售的预算应该更多些。

    Well , I think we should spend more on sales .

  12. 如果地方官员能够从“唯GDP是从”中解脱出来,他们便会较少地依赖土地销售来资助预算,而中国的高房价正来源于这种依赖。

    If they 're off the hook for hitting targets , it could make them less reliant on land parcel sales -- the prices of which have been rising -- to fund their budgets .

  13. 与总经理一起,评估、制定、安排市场销售部年度预算。

    Prepare , administer , and implement the annual marketing department budget in conjunction with the General Manager .

  14. 编制区域年度销售计划,预算计划,完成公司年度该区域销售计划。

    To work out the regional annual sales plan , the budget , and accomplish the tasks from the company for the regional distribution .

  15. 过去几个月,许多企业都增加了研发、资本支出以及销售和营销预算。

    In the past few months , scores of companies have raised budgets for research and development , capital expenditure , and sales and marketing .

  16. 维护现有超市客户,开发新的超市客户业务,巩固艺康与超市客户的合作伙伴关系以完成年度超市客户销售及利润预算;

    Maintain existing retail account , develop new business of retail accounts , strengthen cooperation with retail accounts to achieve annual sales and profit budget ;

  17. 维护现有集团客户,开发新的集团客户及其它重点客户业务,巩固艺康与集团客户及其它重点客户的合作伙伴关系以完成年度集团客户销售及利润预算;

    Maintain existing corporate account , develop business of new corporate and other key accounts , strengthen cooperation with corporate and other key accounts to realize annual sales and profit budget ;

  18. 控制销售费用:按照预算,最有效地投入并控制销售费用。

    Control sales expenses : spend and control sales expense effectively .

  19. 完成个人年度销售和收金预算;

    Achieve individual annual sales and money collection budget ;

  20. 最后为改善中国石油湖南销售分公司全面预算管理提出了的对策。

    Finally , it advances several advices to improve the total budget management in the China Petroleum Hunan Marketing Company .

  21. 本文对石油销售企业的费用预算编制方法进行了研究,并根据费用的特点,提出回归-时间序列模型来进行费用预算编制,以提高企业的预算编制效率和科学水平。

    According to the basis expense characteristic , research to the petroleum enterprises expense budget establishment method is conducted , based on regression and time series model .

  22. 根据一般的公司销售策略,提案预算会按15%的缓冲系数进行提留,在此例中为$9000美元。

    Based on typical company sales policies , a cushion factor of15 % of the proposal budget is also set aside , which in this case would be $ 9,000 .

  23. 在公司内部制定和部署销售要求,其中包括销售指标和预算准备;

    Devising and deploying all sales objectives and goals across the company , including sales targets and budgets preparation .

  24. 最后,Irish指出了制作人和市场销售部门之间的关系以及把市场销售的需求列入预算和计划表的重要性。

    Lastly , Irish addresses the relationship between producer and marketing department , and the importance of factoring marketing needs into the budget and schedule .