
  • 网络Sales Bonus;Sales Incentive
  1. 可能是近来销售奖金计划的改变导致了现有的业务量分配而引出的问题也有可能是销售区域变化引起的。

    Perhaps recent change in the sales incentive compensation plan has resulted in emphasis in existing accounts or maybe changes in sales territory assignment have caused problems .

  2. 品牌仿制药通过额外的销售奖金,提供增加的保证金以避免和普通仿制药在市场份额的争夺中垫底。

    Sold at a premium , to the no-names , they provide increased margins and preclude a fight to the bottom in a chase for market share .

  3. 刚开始不太高。前三个月是试用期,过了试用期我才能拿销售奖金。

    New Employee : At first it is going to be difficult . During the first three months , I 'm on probation . So I won 't get sales commissions until after that .

  4. 在某些特定的任务或领域中,例如销售,奖金确实能够调动起员工的积极性。

    Bonuses play their part in motivating staff on specific tasks or in certain areas , such as sales .

  5. 如果某位雇员总能赢得本月最佳员工,或者总能赢得最佳销售业绩奖金,老虎伍兹效应就会在办公室里发生作用。

    In particular , the Tiger factor could affect offices where one worker keeps winning ' employee of the month ' or regular bonuses for making the most sales .

  6. 明确达到目标之后,相应地能够获得哪些物质奖励,无论是成功销售的奖金也好,还是绩效达到某个水平就能加薪也好,都要明白无误地说清楚。

    Be explicit about the financial rewards associated with achieving those goals , whether it 's a bonus for successful sales or a salary increase for a certain level of performance .

  7. 本文建立了评价彩票销售规则及奖金设置方案合理性的模型。

    In this paper , we have set up a model to evaluate the rationality of the lottery sale rules and award settings .

  8. 因此,如果一个公司希望增加销售额,就应该为销售员提供奖金来回报他们的工作并鼓励他们做出更大的努力。

    So , if a company wants to increase sales , it should offer bonus for sales staff to reward their work and encourage them to make greater efforts .

  9. 营销中心对其全体成员薪酬考核采取基本年薪+年终考核+销售提成+团队奖金+福利+津贴的薪酬结构。

    When assessing salaries of sales staff , the marketing center takes the salary structure including annual basic salary , bonus and performance review , sales commissions , team commissions , welfare and allowance into consideration .