
yòng jīn
  • commission;brokerage;kickback;brokerage charges;brokerage expenses
佣金 [yòng jīn]
  • [commission] 旧时作买卖付给中间人的报酬

佣金[yòng jīn]
  1. 你可从你售出的每件商品中获得10%的佣金。

    You get a 10 % commission on everything you sell .

  2. 他上个月挣了2000英镑的佣金。

    He earned £ 2 000 in commission last month .

  3. 每笔生意她得10%的佣金。

    She gets 10 % commission on each sale .

  4. 他领取基本薪金,外加佣金。

    He gets a basic salary plus commission .

  5. 他还因为带来了很多新客户拿到一笔佣金。

    He also got a commission for bringing in new clients .

  6. 销售人员只根据销售量提取佣金。

    The salesmen work on commission only

  7. 卖方经纪人须随后将部分佣金分给买方经纪人。

    The selling broker is then required to assign a portion of the commission to the buyer broker

  8. 只剩两笔交易的佣金未付。

    There are only two items of commission left unpaid .

  9. 他从销售的货物中提取5%的佣金。

    He took 5 % commission on the goods he had sold .

  10. 推销员的基本薪资很低,他们挣的大部分钱来自佣金。

    Door-to-door salesmen usually have a low basic wage and earn most of their money on commission .

  11. 这家公司必须给腐败的政府官员很大一笔佣金。

    The company had to kickback a lot to the corrupt officer .

  12. 这个售货员能得到所售每件货物的佣金。

    The salesman can get commission on everything he sells .

  13. 我们还应该看看那些建筑师是多久才收到他们第一份佣金(他们都超过50岁),

    We should focus on how long it took the architect before they received their first proper commission ( they were over 50 ) ,

  14. 谷歌对于通过GooglePlay销售的内容抽取一部分佣金,其余收入则归应用程序开发者或内容版权持有人享有。

    Google takes a commission on all sales through Play and gives the rest to app developers or copyright holders .

  15. 中介佣金为:RMB,由方支付。

    Agent Commission : RMB , Paid by .

  16. ESA赚取的钱来自于它们按照给GC新带来的商业收购所收取的佣金。

    ESA 's make their money on commissions based on new merchant acquisitions they bring to GC .

  17. 如果你希望在Halifax进行实时交易,网络交易佣金为11.95英镑。

    If you do want to deal in real time at Halifax , the online cost is 11.95 .

  18. 由于严酷的市场环境导致交易佣金枯竭,并购活动和首次公开发行(ipo)市场冻结,全球投行业今年第二季度的利润预计将大幅下滑。

    Global investment banking earnings are expected to drop sharply for the second quarter after brutally tough market conditions saw trading commissions dry up and the market for takeovers and initial public offerings freeze .

  19. 梧桐树协议(buttonwoodagreement)奠定了纽约证交所(newyorkstockexchange)的基础,这项协议于1817年签署时仅有两项条款:经纪人只与经纪人打交道,不能降低佣金来抢别人的生意。

    When the Buttonwood Agreement that laid the foundations of the New York Stock Exchange was signed in 1817 , it had just two provisions : that brokers dealt only with each other and that no one undercut the others on commission .

  20. Goop网上的读者问卷问了这样的问题:如果Goop在其新闻邮件中为专门报道的产品收取佣金,读者将作何感想?

    A reader survey on Goop asks how would you feel if Goop earned commission for featuring products in the newsletters ?

  21. 最后,oDesk公司还代理所有的付款和报税,可获得每笔薪水10%作为佣金。

    Finally , oDesk handles all payments and tax reporting in exchange for a10 % commission on every paycheck .

  22. 为了推动销售人员能合作销售(包括云产品和本地软件),SAP为所有的云产品交易支付“双份佣金”,即给传统软件销售代表和云销售人员同时支付佣金。

    To get sales reps to work together and sell both cloud and on-premise purchases , sap has been " double comp-ing " all cloud deals , meaning it is paying a commission to both the traditional software reps and cloud salespeople .

  23. Indieflix将您的电影市场,以自己的用户以及喜欢在葫芦和Netflix网站的百分之三十的佣金回报。

    Indieflix will market your film to their own users as well as to sites like Hulu and Netflix in return for a30 percent commission .

  24. OliverWyman估计,在这之中,今年亚洲投行业收入将超过300亿美元,其中包括来自销售交易、衍生品、现货证券及大宗商品业务的佣金。

    Of this , Oliver Wyman estimates that Asian investment banking revenues , including fees earned from sales trading , derivatives , cash equities and commodities businesses , will this year surpass $ 30bn .

  25. cresyn表示,公司没有向迪瓦恩行贿,也没有向他提供任何不正当佣金。

    Cresyn said it did not offer Mr Devine any bribes nor did it give him any improper commissions .

  26. 好消息是,ICBIT可以免费提供账户,但要收取交易佣金。

    I heard good things about icbit , which offered accounts for free but charges a commission when you trade .

  27. 汇丰(HSBC)香港的一份报告称,中国的线上到线下公司全都严重亏损,为了提升市场份额,它们不但收取低佣金来吸引商家——往往不到5%——还补贴用户。

    A report by HSBC bank in Hong Kong said that Chinese online to offline companies were all making heavy losses because they charged low commissions to attract merchants - often less than 5 per cent - and were subsidising users to boost market share .

  28. 和亚洲的许多大型供应链企业不同,passagemaker不会既向买家收取佣金,又向供货工厂索取。

    Unlike many large supply-chain companies in Asia , passagemaker does not ask for a commission from the factory supplying the product as well as from the buyers .

  29. Kickstarter成立之初专注于为布皮书、iPhone手机套等创意项目提供大众集资资金,它对全额融资项目收取5%的佣金(部分融资则不收取佣金)和相关的信用卡手续费。

    Founded to focus on crowdsoucing funding for creative projects such as cloth-backed books and iPhone cases , KickStarter takes a 5 % commission on projects that get fully funded ( no fee for partial funding ) and passing along credit card processing fees .

  30. 总部位于香港的美国友邦保险有限公司(AIA)此次上市,将成为过去两年来全球规模最大的IPO之一,在支付给顾问机构的数亿美元佣金中,上述两家投行将拿走最大一块。

    The listing of Hong Kong-based American International Assurance is set to be one the world 's largest listings for the past two years and the investment banks will pocket the largest share of the hundreds of millions of dollars in fees that will be paid to advisers .