
  • 网络sales distribution
  1. 是一种销售配送于一体的有限责任公司。

    Is a sale of distribution in one of the limited liability company .

  2. 在美国,联想在销售及配送渠道方面大举投资。此前,IBM的这一业务在美国侧重于向大企业销售。

    It has invested heavily in sales and distribution channels in the US , where IBM had focused on selling to big corporations .

  3. 许多票务公司都在努力开发更好的销售和配送方式。

    A number of ticketing companies are working to develop better sales-and-distribution methods .

  4. 石油销售企业配送网络优化研究

    Optimization of Distribution Network in Oil Sales Enterprises

  5. 我公司具有全球一体化的海产品养殖,加工,销售和配送网络。

    The company has a global network of seafood aquaculture , processing , sales and distribution .

  6. 许多设计师表示,他们最希望得到的是销售和配送的协助。

    Many of the designers said what they wanted most was help with sales and distribution .

  7. 根据该报告指出,互联网企业也正在从根本上重塑电影产业的融资、门票销售、配送多个领域。

    Internet companies are also fundamentally reshaping the filmmaking industry in areas of financing , ticket sales , and distribution , according to the report .

  8. 要重塑咸阳纺织业的活力,需在我市联建纺织销售共同配送中心,以提高其市场竞争力。

    Xianyang textile industry to reshape the energy required builds a common distribution center of textile sales in the city , to enhance its market competitiveness .

  9. 作为该项目的一项成果,销售和配送部门以及企业信息团队已合作创建了一个更丰富的应用程序。

    As an outcome of the project , the sales and distribution team and enterprise business information team have partnered to create a much richer application .

  10. 最后以总费用和客户服务水平为判断依据,为该地区销售物流配送的规划布局优化提出建议及对策。

    And some advice was given for the optimal layout of the logistics distribution of the area by estimating the the total cost and customer service quality .

  11. 速度引领发展,服务创造价值,深圳市百扬五金有限公司专注于工业紧固件产品的开发、销售及配送服务。

    The Speed leads development , the service creates value , Shenzhen Connfast Hardware Electronics Co ; Ltd specializes in development , sales , distribution of fasteners .

  12. 本文在分析国内外共同配送发展资料基础之上,对咸阳市纺织业联建销售共同配送中心相关问题进行了初步研究分析。

    This paper analyzes the development of information at home and abroad based on the joint distribution of Xianyang city , build sales of the textile industry issues related to the common distribution center conducted a preliminary analysis .

  13. 由此,从物流系统观出发,根据公司采购、生产、销售、配送的实际,提高物流效率和降低物流成本的解决方案得以实施。

    Therefore , based on a systemic view of logistics cost and practical situation of purchase , production , sales and distribution , solutions to improvement in the logistics efficiency and to decrease in the logistics cost are implemented .

  14. 价值链中的每一环节都由许多活动组成(确切的说是价值活动),而这些活动对于公司来说即“设计,制造,市场销售,配送及售后服务”。

    Each link in a value chain consists of a bundle of activities ( value activities ), and these bundles are performed by a firm to " design , produce , market , deliver and support its product " .

  15. 首先对配送、配送中心和共同配送中心的概念、功能和形式等进行阐述,为构建咸阳纺织企业联建销售共同配送中心奠定理论基础。

    First distribution , distribution center and the concept of a common distribution center , function and form are described in detail , in order to build , build sales Xianyang textile industry theoretical basis for the common distribution centers .

  16. 提出了规划商品车销售物流配送系统的三阶段规划法;探讨了在随机需求条件下和预定服务水平&缺货率要求的条件下建立库存量特别是安全库存量的方法。

    Though deeply study , a three stage planning method on the planning of commercial car distribution system is proposed and the method of determining inventory , specifically safety inventory under random demands and given service level-stockout rate is analyzed .

  17. 针对要解决的问题,分析联建销售共同配送中心的必要性和可行性,提出整合各纺织企业的资源,构建销售共同配送中心的机构设置的总规划。

    For the problem to be solved , of the common distribution center , build sales of the need and feasibility of integrating the resources of the textile industry , building sales organizations a common set distribution center master plan .

  18. 随着全球经济一体化趋势的增强,企业间的采购、仓储、销售、配送等协作关系也日趋复杂,企业间的竞争也不单是产品性能和质量的竞争,也包含物流能力的竞争。

    The collaboration among enterprises about the procurement , storage , sale , distribution becomes increasingly complex with the rising trend of global economic integration . And competition is not only in performance or quality of the product but also in logistics capability .

  19. 供应链管理就是围绕核心企业构建最优化的供应链,能以最低的成本运营从采购开始,经生产、库存、销售、配送、运输等环节,直到满足最终用户的所有过程。

    Supply chain management is built around the core business of supply chain optimization , at the lowest cost supply chain from procurement to begin , the production , inventory , sales , distribution , transportation and other sectors , until all the processes to meet the end-user .

  20. 论述了产品销售物流配送中心布局规划的重要性,分析了配送中心布局规划现有数学模型的不足,然后提出了基于经济规模理论的配送中心布局规划方法。

    Authors discuss the importance of the logistics distribution center allocation plan of product sale , present the shortage of the existing mathematical model of distribution center allocation plan , then , put forward the method of distribution center allocation plan based on the theory of economics scale .

  21. 上海疫苗专家陶丽娜(音译)表示,为了新的疾控中心采购平台,而出台取缔“灵活的”疫苗销售和配送渠道的政策“有些过于仓促”,“这种转变不应一夜之间发生,它应该是一个长期的过程”。

    The policy scrapping " flexible " vaccine sales and distribution channels in favour of new CDC procurement platforms was " a little bit too hasty , " said Shanghai-based vaccine expert Tao Lina . " This type of transition should not happen overnight , it should be a long process . "

  22. 第三部分是YC石油销售公司物流配送现状及问题分析。

    YC oil marketing companies logistics situation and problem analysis .

  23. 网络市场销售下物流配送的零库存控制

    Zero Inventory Control of Logistics Distribution in Network Market

  24. 其建设内容主要有:采购系统、库存系统、销售系统、配送系统和办公自动化系统等5个部分。

    The content of informatization construction includes : purchase system , stock system , sale system , delivery system and office automation five parts .

  25. 我公司是一家集研发设计、生产销售、物流配送于一体的专业化软木制品企业。

    My company is1 to gather a development design and produce sale , logistics to go together with to send in the integral whole of the profession turn cork ware a business enterprise .

  26. 最后以武钢交运集团物质供应公司加油站联网管理的业务为对象,研究了如何初步建立销售管理与配送调度系统。

    Finally , the business of management system of the gas stations based on network for Wuhan Iron and Steel Plant Supply Company is taken as the target and how to establish the networking retail management and scheduling optimization system has been studied .

  27. 第四部分是YC石油销售公司石油物流配送体系优化措施。

    YC oil marketing companies oil logistics and distribution system optimization .

  28. 在山东设有大型的物流配送基地,负责葡萄酒的进口、仓储及全国销售渠道的物流配送服务。

    In Shandong , she has a logistic center , responsible for import , storage and logistics of national sales channels .

  29. 工作职责:主要负责销售,其次协调配送和售后各方面的服务。

    Work duties : primarily responsible for sales , followed by the coordination of all aspects of distribution and after-sale services .

  30. 制定物流方案,需要考虑消费者的地区分布、销售的品种、配送细节、物流成本与库存控制。

    To frame a logistics project , customer ~ s area distributing , sell breed , detail of delivery , logistics cost and stock control should be consider .