- 网络WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control;WHO Framework Convention of Tobacco Control

For example , keep pushing for full implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control .
Each measure corresponds to at least one provision of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control .
Request assistance from WHO to implement the demand-reduction provisions of the WHO Framework Convention through the MPOWER package of tobacco control measures .
China did ratify WHO 's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control ( FCTC ) in2005 .
One example is the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body on a Protocol on Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products .
The two Working Group meetings produced a draft catalogue of possible elements of the WHO FCTC .
With the WHO Framework Convention as a support , we know how to stand our ground .
The Conference is the governing body of the WHO FCTC and consists of171 Parties to the Convention .
The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control ( WHO FCTC ) is the world 's foremost tobacco control instrument .
The COP is the supreme body of the Convention , which will oversee the implementation of the WHO FCTC .
As an organization , we have adopted the first global public health treaty-the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control .
He stated , inter alia , that international cooperation and coordination for implementation are major features of the WHO FCTC .
Special focus was placed on the integration of implementation of the WHO FCTC with the existing mechanisms for development cooperation and the'One UN'framework .
This month marks the fifth anniversary of the entry into force of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control ( WHO FCTC ) .
Governments everywhere must take action to protect women from tobacco advertising , promotion and sponsorship , as stipulated in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control .
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the first session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control .
Implement a comprehensive ban on all forms of tobacco advertising , promotion and sponsorship , as called for in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control .
Women , and men , must be protected from tobacco industry marketing and smoke , as stated in the preamble to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control .
The country is a member of the World Health Organization 's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control , an international treaty that is intended to reduce tobacco-related diseases and deaths .
For example , full implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control would bring the single biggest blow to heart disease , cancer , diabetes , and respiratory disease .
Such measures include implementing the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control , such as raising taxes on tobacco , banning tobacco advertising and legislating to curb smoking in public places .
Over 10 years ago , China became a party to the World Health Organization 's Framework Convention on TobaccoControl , an international treaty intended to reduce tobacco-related diseases and deaths .
The WHO Framework Convention , which took effect in2005 , expresses alarm at " the increase in smoking and other forms of tobacco consumption by women and young girls worldwide " .
This resolution mapped out an integrated process for developing the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control ( WHO FCTC ) and possible related protocols with the full participation of Member States .
A : The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology was appointed to lead the implementation of the WHO FCTC in China , a role that includes many ministries including the Ministry of Health .
As with any other treaty , the WHO FCTC confers legal obligations on its Parties – that is , on the countries ( and the European Union ) that have formally acceded to it .
Otherwise they will not be able to participate as full Parties in the governing body for the WHO FCTC , the Conference of the Parties ( COP ), when it meets for the first time early next year .
Interpretation and analysis of Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
The Tobacco Board is planning to use this bleak demand situation to reduce the crop size that would also help the country meet FCTC ( WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control ) norms .
The use of graphic warning signs has been provided for under the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control ( FCTC ), to which the Philippines is a signatory .