
shì jiè mò rì
  • Doomsday;Day of the Last Judgment
  1. 因此世界末日的预测还为时过早。

    So doomsday predictions are premature .

  2. 在最近举行的美国科学促进会会议上,石溪大学的RobertCrease谈到了世界末日的恐慌,涉及《科学美国人》和RHIC。

    At the recent AAAS meeting , Stony Brook University 's Robert Crease talked about a doomsday scare involving Scientific American and Brookhaven National Lab 's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider , or RHIC :

  3. 一次考试不及格并非世界末日。

    Failing one exam is not the end of the world .

  4. 世界末日可能不远了,但我们真的在意吗?

    The end of the world may be nigh , but do we really care ?

  5. 我们生活在意味着世界末日将要到来的灾难的阴影当中。

    We live in the shadow of the apocalypse , of a catastrophe that will mean the end of the world itself .

  6. 显然,如果我们做不到我会失望,但这也不会是世界末日。

    Obviously I 'd be disappointed if we don 't make it , but it wouldn 't be the end of the world .

  7. 还不是世界末日。

    It isn 't the crack of doom .

  8. 别担心,这不是世界末日!在交通中,这种情况下你要做的就是掉头找路。

    Don 't worry — it 's not the end of the world ! In traffic , what you do in this situation is just turn around and find a way .

  9. 海洋的很多区域看上去完全像是世界末日。

    Parts of the ocean there look just absolutely apocalyptic .

  10. 对于他们,任何错误都像是世界末日。

    To an exaggerator , every mistake feels like the end of the world .

  11. 哪怕你我粉身碎骨,哪怕世界末日,我都会爱着你。

    In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us , I love you .

  12. 没有人能预见世界末日(约翰F.肯尼迪)

    No man can see to the end of time ( John F. Kennedy )

  13. 纵使股市下挫,世界末日并没在周一到来,而到了周二,美联储(Fed)也同样强硬。

    The world did not end on Monday , even if the stock market dropped , and on Tuesday , the Federal Reserve was also defiant .

  14. 贝莱德(BlackRock)首席股票策略师鲍勃多尔(BobDoll)表示:人们意识到去年市场在定价中计入了世界末日般的前景,这种风险厌恶的情绪现在已经逆转。

    People realised they were pricing in Armageddon last year , and risk aversion has now been reversed , said Bob Doll , chief equity strategist at BlackRock .

  15. 洛杉矶时间(9月4日)凌晨2时33分,SpaceX、特斯拉和BoringCompany的CEO马斯克在推特上发表了关于人工智能或引发世界末日的言论,显然他对这一前景感到十分担忧。

    The prospect clearly weighs heavily on Musk 's mind , since the SpaceX , Tesla and Boring Company chief tweeted at 2.33am Los Angeles time about how AI could lead to the end of the world .

  16. 所以这就是为什么我们有如此多的动荡尤其是在冬季的几个月里,如世界末日的预言,校园枪击案和对经济的忧虑,Lo说。

    So that 's why we have had so much turbulence especially in the winter months , such as doomsday prophecies , school attacks and concern about the economy , said Lo .

  17. 这里有BurberryProrsum的银色金属质感手包和过膝长靴,怪异得就像世界末日之后穿的某种护身盔甲;还有Pucci的金属质感连衣裙。

    Here is Burberry Prorsum 's silver metallic handbag and over-the-knee boots , eerily akin to some kind of post-apocalyptic body armour ; there is Pucci 's metallic shift .

  18. ISIS还定期在达比克杂志上宣称他们对待女人的方式是合法的,并声称根据圣训所言,奴隶制将在世界末日开始之际重新实行。对于异教徒家庭而言,奴役他们,让他们的妻女做姘妇是神圣之事。

    ISIS have regularly justified their treatment of women in their Dabiq magazine claiming that a hadith indicated that slavery would be revived at the beginning of the end of the world . It is a holy requirement to enslave the families of the infidels and take concubines from among them .

  19. 世界末日来了你会愿意和我在一起吗?

    MM : I just want to be with my parents .

  20. 忏悔吧,因为世界末日就在眼前。

    Repent , for the end of the world is nigh .

  21. 别这样沮丧了,那又不是世界末日。

    Don 't be so depressed . It 's not doomsday .

  22. 我们可以直找到世界末日。

    We could keep looking until the end of the world .

  23. 冷山镇一定感觉像是世界末日。

    Cold mountain must feel like the end of the world .

  24. “我们这代人有可能见到世界末日。”

    " We may be the generation that sees armageddon . "

  25. 如果明天就是世界末日,你将怎么过?

    How will you spend it if tomorrow is the doomsday ?

  26. 在我心中,世界末日已经到来。

    It 's the end of the world in my mind .

  27. 17.又不是世界末日啊。

    17 . Nothing Is Ever the End of the World .

  28. 没人在世界末日前还做家庭作业。

    No one does homework on the eve of the apocalypse .

  29. 世界末日前的一小时,你打算做什么?

    What would you do before the end of the world ?

  30. 你认为世界末日这种说法流行原因是什么?

    What is the reason popular end of the world ?