
  1. 高等教育出版社1997年第二版《世界上古中古史》(上下册)存在一些错误,包括史实方面的、历史年代方面的、历史人物和事件的名称与内容方面的及译名等方面的。

    There are some errors in " Universal Ancient and Medieval History "( in two volumes ) published in second edition by Higher education Press in 1997 , including historical facts , years , names and content of historic figures and events .

  2. 对于世界上古、中古史中的农耕世界与游牧世界,世界近代、现代史中的工业世界以及西方的崛起等问题,二人都有着相似的论述。

    They have many similar viewpoints on the issues such as agricultural and nomadic world in the ancient and mediaeval world history , the industrial world and the rise of western world in modern world history .