
  • 网络Abdullah;King Abdullah;Abdullah Abdullah;Abdulla;Abdullah al-Senussi
  1. 沙特国王阿卜杜拉(KingAbdullah)上月宣布了350亿美元的一揽子新福利。

    King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia announced a $ 35bn package of new benefits last month .

  2. 2011年,美国国务卿希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿(HillaryRodhamClinton)向约旦国王阿卜杜拉(KingAbdullah)谈起了以色列的天然气。

    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton talked to King Abdullah of Jordan about Israeli gas in 2011 .

  3. 针对这些担心,阿卜杜拉曾试图放宽扶弱政策(AffirmativeAction)中的一些规定。

    Mr Abdullah has sought to ease some affirmative action provisions in response to those concerns .

  4. 约旦国王阿卜杜拉(KingAbdullah)毫不费力就更换了一位总理,但仅凭新面孔并不能创造就业或繁荣。

    It costs King Abdullah little to replace one prime minister , but new faces alone will not create jobs or prosperity .

  5. 阿富汗前外交部长阿卜杜拉(AbdullahAbdullah)被视为代表着少数民族塔吉克族。

    Former foreign minister Abdullah Abdullah is seen as representing the ethnic Tajik minority .

  6. ANN获悉,阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊和其主要竞争对手阿卜杜拉将在11月7日进行二次角逐。

    CNN has learned a presidential between Afghan president Hamid Karzai and his main challenger Abdullah Abdullah will be taking place on the 7th of November .

  7. 另外,同年,就在卡扎菲立誓放弃恐怖主义后,利比亚间谍涉嫌密谋刺杀沙特阿拉伯国王阿卜杜拉(KingAbdullah)。

    In 2003 , moreover , after Col Gaddafi forswore terrorism , Libyan agents were implicated in a plot to kill King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia .

  8. 在马车里,沙特国王阿卜杜拉(abdullah)两眼直视前方,努力对骚乱视而不见。

    In the carriage , King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia stares fixedly ahead , attempting to ignore the fuss .

  9. 他现在已经将谢菲尔德联队50%的股份出售给了沙特阿拉伯的阿卜杜拉.阿勒沙特王子(PrinceAbdullahal-Saud)。

    He has now sold 50 per cent of Sheffield United to Prince Abdullah al-Saud of Saudi Arabia .

  10. 对于任何可耗尽资源的所有者例如沙特的阿卜杜拉国王(kingabdullah)来说,重要的选择只是个时间问题:今天开采还是明天开采。

    The big choice for any owner of an exhaustible resource , such as King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia , is only inter-temporal : extract today or extract tomorrow .

  11. 阿尔瓦利德王子是沙特国王阿卜杜拉(kingabdullah)的侄子,长期以来一直与其他沙特王子有所不同不论是他的社会观还是他的投资哲学。

    The prince , a nephew of the Saudi King Abdullah , has long stood out from other Saudi princes , both in his social views and investment philosophy .

  12. 他甚至都比不上也门的阿里•阿卜杜拉•萨利赫(AliAbdullahSaleh),后者至少有很强的幽默感。

    And he could not compete even with Yemen 's Ali Abdullah Saleh , who at least had a sharp sense of humour .

  13. 纳伊米青睐的新价格,也就是事实上的价格目标,比2008年11月沙特国王阿卜杜拉(kingabdullah)表示属于“公平价格”的每桶75美元高出三分之一。

    The new favoured price a de facto target is a third higher than the $ 75-a-barrel level that King Abdullah said was a " fair price " in November 2008 .

  14. 阿卜杜拉最近宣布了多项激励措施,鼓励外资到依斯干达投资。其中一项是放宽有利于马来民族的扶弱政策(AffirmativeAction),这一政策常被视为马来西亚吸引海外资本的最大障碍。

    Among incentives recently announced by Mr Abdullah to encourage foreign investment in Iskandar was the easing of affirmative action rules favouring the ethnic Malay majority , often seen as the biggest obstacle to attracting overseas capital .

  15. 最近的一个早晨,他给一个20岁的病人、两个17岁的病人、一个12岁的病人、还有当时10岁的阿卜杜拉(Abdullah)做了手术。

    One recent morning , he operated on a 20-year-old , two 17-year-olds , a 12-year-old , then Abdullah , who was then 10 .

  16. 地基正在打造,沙特阿拉伯雄心勃勃的四座新城正在建设中,首当其冲的是阿卜杜拉国王经济城(kingabdullaheconomiccity),希望于今年底迎接居民。

    The foundations are being laid and the building of four highly ambitious new cities in Saudi Arabia is under way , with the first , the King Abdullah economic city , hoping to welcome residents at the end of this year .

  17. 阿卜杜拉说,虽然OPEC近几个月来一直努力满足需求,但西方许多人仍然只将矛头对准OPEC。

    The king said that many in the West continue to'point the finger of blame at OPEC alone , 'despite efforts within OPEC to keep pace with demand in recent months .

  18. 阿卜杜拉29岁的哥哥艾哈迈德(Ahmad)说,阿卜杜拉从约两个月前做完手术以来减了近50磅。

    Abdullah has lost close to 50 pounds since his surgery about two months ago , according to his 29-year-old brother , Ahmad .

  19. 我和阿卜杜拉(Abdullah)的谈话是在MadinahInstituteforLeadershipandEntrepreneurship(MILE)项目间隙进行的,这是由沙特政府和企业在麦肯锡(McKinsey)的帮助下创立的高管培训项目。

    My conversation with Abdullah took place at the Madinah Institute for leadership and Entrepreneurship ( mile ) , an executive-education program created by the Saudi government and corporate backers with help from McKinsey .

  20. 共和党人兼高级律师参议员林赛·格雷汉姆是参与回见阿卜杜拉的随行人员,她说约旦不会从与ISIS的战斗中撤出。

    Sen. Lindsey Graham , R-S.C. , who was among those who met with Abdullah , said Jordan will not be withdrawing from the fight against ISIS .

  21. 5年前她结婚,成了贝茜•路德维希•阿卜杜拉(BetsyLudwigAbdallah),决定生养后代。

    That is , until five years ago when she got married , became Betsy Ludwig Abdallah , and decided to have children .

  22. 在宣布将日产量提高约30万桶之前一天,美国总统乔治布什(GeorgeW.Bush)在利雅得向沙特国王阿卜杜拉(Abdullah)提出了增产请求。

    The announcement of a boost to output by about 300,000 barrels a day came after a plea by George W. Bush , US president , to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia in Riyadh .

  23. 萨勒曼(Salman)在今年1月接替阿卜杜拉(KingAbdullah)出任沙特国王,他将权力重新集中在他本人及他的家族周围。萨勒曼国王在3月份宣称,逊尼派将对什叶派以牙还牙。

    King Salman , who succeeded the late King Abdullah in January and recentralised power around himself and his family , served notice in March that he would fight Shia fire with Sunni fire .

  24. 你提到了KAUST(阿卜杜拉国王科技大学),它正在与美国大学就合作协议进行商谈。

    You mentioned KAUST , which is in talks with US universities over cooperation agreements .

  25. 在已故国王阿卜杜拉(KingAbdullah)执政时,纳伊米曾享受信任关系和很大程度上的独立性,而过去一年,他领导的石油部受到了由副王储担任主席的一个委员会的辖制。

    While Mr Naimi had a relationship of trust and a large degree of independence under the late King Abdullah , in the past year his ministry had come under the purview of a council chaired by Prince Mohammed .

  26. 莫雷诺-奥坎波开始争辩说,icc享有优先审判权,因为是他们在联合国安理会要求下于6月份发出了对卡扎菲父子和阿卜杜拉的逮捕令。

    Mr Moreno-Ocampo had at first argued that the prior claim belonged to the ICC , which issued arrest warrants for the two qaddafis and Mr senoussi at the behest of the United Nations Security Council in June .

  27. 艾哈迈德·瓦里·瓦苏德(AhmedWaliMassoud)是阿富汗一位主要政治人物,同时还是阿卜杜拉竞选团的高级成员,他说:“无论他做什么,他都不会是合法的”。

    " Whatever he does he will not be legitimate ," said Ahmed Wali Massoud , a leading political figure and a senior member of Abdullah 's campaign team .

  28. “不幸的是,美国的一些政客却在为幼稚的政治游戏而牺牲大问题作出努力,”新当选的土耳其总统阿卜杜拉?居尔(AbdullahGul)说。

    " Unfortunately , some politicians in the United States have made an attempt to sacrifice big issues for minor political games ," said Turkey 's newly elected president , Abdullah Gul .

  29. 阿富汗和国际调解者正设法促成卡尔扎伊和阿前外交部长、在选举中排名第二的阿卜杜拉(abdulahabdullah)达成和解。

    Afghan and international mediators have sought to broker a deal between Mr Karzai and Abdulah Abdullah , the former foreign minister who finished second in the vote .

  30. 阿卜杜拉最近前往内罗毕与肯尼亚总理奥廷加(RailaOdinga)举行会晤时告诉记者,任何这种类型的会议都应该由摩加迪沙的索马里人领导。

    The prime minister , on a recent trip to Nairobi to meet with Kenyan Premier Raila Odinga , told reporters that any such meeting should be led by Somalis in Mogadishu .