
  • 网络Alopen;Olopen;Olopon;A-lo-pen;Alopen Abraham
  1. 紧随法国人,弗兰克兰帕德提供了中场的进球,乔科尔和阿杨罗本在两翼的助攻和迪迪埃德罗巴的突前。

    Alongside the Frenchman , Frank Lampard provided the bulk of goals from central midfield , ably supported by Joe Cole and Arjen Robben on the wings and Didier Drogba 's efforts up front .

  2. 这意味着自九月下旬以来戴米恩-达夫和阿延-罗本将首次联袂坐阵切尔西两边。

    It means Damien Duff and Arjen Robben will be paired as the two wingers for the first time since late september .