
  • 网络Hasan;Ihab Hassan
  1. 杰迪和哈桑都是生意人,同时也是非常亲密的朋友。

    Jehdi and Hassan were two merchants who were very close friends .

  2. 哈桑在城里建了一间大旅店,并把旅店命名为“满罐”。

    Hassan built a huge inn in the city and named it The Bulgy Pot .

  3. 在打破罐子之前,哈桑发现靠近陶罐柄的地方写着几个字:“第一个,共七个。”

    Before breaking it , Hassan noted near the handle : " The first of seven . "

  4. 杰迪性情豪爽,而哈桑严肃认真,甚至有些过于谨小慎微。

    Jehdi was a cheerful person , whereas Hassan was very serious , perhaps too cautious and careful .

  5. 哈桑持续不断地挖,直到铁锹发出一声沉闷的声响,好像碰到了什么坚硬的东西。

    He continued on until the shovel made a dull sound as if it had struck something hard .

  6. 黄蜂跳起神秘的舞蹈,让哈桑惊讶不已。接着,黄蜂朝生长在岩石上的一棵松树飞去,绕树三圈,又飞回酣睡中的杰迪身边,消失在他的右鼻孔里。

    Hassan was ruminating on a rock , circled the tree three times , and then returned to the sleeping Jehdi and disappeared into his right nostril .

  7. “我还从来没有做过一桩这样的买卖。一个简单且毫无价值的梦竟然卖了这么多钱。哈桑,你也太容易上当了吧!”

    Never have I made such a business deal . So much money for a simple dream of no value . How gullible you are , Hassan !

  8. 但哈桑坚持说:“杰迪,这样的一个梦肯定含有某种暗示。如果你不想挖,我倒想试一试。你明白我的意思吗?把你的梦卖给我吧。”

    But Hassan insisted , " Jehdi , a dream like this surely has a meaning . If you do not want to dig , I will try instead . Do you know what I propose to you ? Sell your dream to me . "

  9. 哈桑在世的时候,杰迪经常来看望他。一见面,杰迪便说:“嗨,哈桑,你好吗?我已经看到我的梦如何变成了现实。”然后这两位朋友互相拍拍对方的后背,笑一笑。

    When Hassan was alive , Jehdi often came to visit him and greeted his friend with the words , " Well , Hassan , how are you ? I have come to see what has happened to my dream . " And then the two comrades patted each other on the back laughing .

  10. 哈桑杀了6,要了两条J。

    Hassan killed the six and picked up the jacks .

  11. 我杀了哈桑两张方块10,打给他两条J和一张6。

    I killed Hassan 's ten of diamonds , played him two jacks and a six .

  12. 哈桑要了一对Q,你知道吗,我觉得你明天会让老爷觉得很骄傲。

    Hassan picked up the queens . You know , I think you 're going to make Agha sahib very proud tomorrow .

  13. 哈桑.恩迪亚耶(HassanN'diaye)是参加这次会议的一名大学生。

    Hassan N'diaye is a university student who attended the conference .

  14. 本论文基于韩礼德与哈桑于1976年在CohesioninEnglish中提出的衔接理论对海商法的翻译进行研究。

    The study is based on the cohesion theory proposed by Halliday and Hasan in Cohesion in English ( 1976 ) to analyze the translation of Maritime Law .

  15. 哈桑的GSP理论与英语写作教学

    Hasan 's GSP Theory and College English Writing Teaching

  16. NPR新闻的马丁·凯斯特表示哈桑代表自己,

    NPR 's Martin Kaste says Hasan who is representing himself ,

  17. 在CohesioninEnglish书中,韩礼德和哈桑提出了五种衔接手段,分别是照应、替代、省略、连接和词汇衔接。

    In the book Cohesion in English written by Halliday and Hassan , there are five types of cohesive devices , namely reference , substitution , ellipsis , conjunction and lexical cohesion .

  18. 哈桑是灵葆雅(Schering-Plough)的前董事长兼CEO,现在该公司已被默克(Merck)收购。

    Hassan is the former chairman and CEO of Schering-Plough , now part of Merck ( MRK ) .

  19. 哈桑违背了他和sd-6的合约。

    Ineni Hassan has broken an agreement with sd-6 .

  20. 亚行高级经济学家热娜•哈桑(RanaHasan)指出:除非你受过良好的教育,又会说英语,不然就会被排除在这个行业之外。

    Unless you have a high-quality education and can speak English , you are pretty much shut out of that sector , said Rana Hasan , an ADB senior economist .

  21. 例如,哈桑•雷贾博耶夫(KhasanRedjaboev)在乌兹别克斯坦长大,他在那里尝试过创业,当过政府的教育顾问,后来他注册为巴黎政治学院(SciencesPo)和李光耀公共政策学院的双学位学生。

    Khasan Redjaboev , for example , grew up in Uzbekistan , where he dabbled in entrepreneurship and was an education consultant to the government , before enrolling as a double-degree student at Sciences Po in Paris and the Lee Kuan Yew School .

  22. 显性衔接体现于词汇、语法、结构等语言表层形式,表现为语篇伴有可辨认的语言形式标记(类似韩礼德和哈桑说的衔接结(cohesivetie)和希弗林说的话语标记(discoursemarkers))。

    Explicit cohesion is manifested in the surface language structures such as vocabulary , grammar and structure , and is always accompanied with linguistic markers ( similar to " cohesive tie " raised by Halliday & Hasan and " discourse markers " put forward by Schiffrin ) .

  23. “让军方领导人向议会简要汇报情况是一个极其罕见的举措,”军事历史学家哈桑阿斯卡里里兹维(hasanaskaririzvi)表示。

    " This is a highly rare step to have military leaders come to brief the parliament , " said Hasan askari Rizvi , a military historian .

  24. 馆长雷切尔•哈桑(RachelHasson)讲道:我们接到一个律师的电话,他说一位匿名客户手中有部分丢失的钟表,希望将它们归还。

    Curator Rachel Hasson takes up the story : We received a call from the lawyer who said that an anonymous client had some of the missing watches and wanted to give them back .

  25. 亚洲开发银行(adb)劳动专家拉纳哈桑(ranahasan)表示,印度2000年有4.06亿劳动力,其中78%生活在农村,只有22%生活在城镇。

    According to Rana Hasan , labour expert at the Asian Development Bank , of the 406m labour force in 2000 , 78 per cent lived in rural areas against just 22 per cent in towns and cities .

  26. 埃及著名的小说家和政治社会学家阿马尔•阿里•哈桑(AmmarAliHassan)觉得,这种态度是因为许多相对富裕的埃及人正在回国。他们曾在沙特阿拉伯和波斯湾其他国家打工。

    Ammar Ali Hassan , a prominent Egyptian novelist and political sociologist , attributes such attitudes to the return of many relatively affluent Egyptians who were guest workers in Saudi Arabia and other countries on the Persian Gulf .

  27. Muzzammil哈桑去附近的警察办事处的桥梁电视在纽约州,星期四,并告诉他们,他的妻子已经死了。

    Muzzammil Hassan went to police near the offices of Bridges TV in New York State on Thursday , and told them his wife was dead .

  28. 斯普罗(Spiro)储层是美国俄克拉荷马州匹兹堡县哈桑(Hartshorne)南部气田的一个厚20~25m的岩石地层单元,由大致等量的灰岩和砂岩构成。

    The Spiro Sandstone is a rock unit , 20-25 m thick , that consists of about equal amounts of limestones and sandstones in the South Hartshorne Gas Field , southeastern Oklahoma . Six lithofacies have been recognized .

  29. 很多人受到海湾地区的影响,哈桑说。

    Many were influenced by the Gulf , Mr. Hassan said .

  30. 你建议我们假演一番大街哈桑纳哥博物馆?

    Are you suggesting we fake a robbery of the hasunaga ?