
  • 网络World Tourism Day
  1. 世界旅游日是一个思考旅游对全球福祉的重要性的机会。

    World Tourism Day is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of tourism to global well-being .

  2. 好戏连台,高潮迭起,尽在2010世界旅游日全球主会场庆典暨中国广东国际旅游文化节!

    There are many wonderful and exciting things waiting for you on2010 World Tourism Day Global Celebration & China Guangdong International Tourism and Culture Festival .

  3. 今年世界旅游日的主题是“旅游&连接不同文化的纽带”,它强调了旅游在促进国际了解和相互尊重方面的强大作用。

    The theme of this year 's World Tourism Day ," Tourism – linking cultures ", highlights the powerful role of tourism in building international understanding and mutual respect .

  4. 概述了“世界旅游日”的渊源及历年主题,对世界旅游组织实施这一节日的理念进行了分析。

    By discussing the origin and the different theme annually of the World Tourism Day , this paper analyses the notion which the World Tourism Organization has brought it into effect .

  5. 值此世界旅游日之际,我赞赏旅游界日益认识到保护地球生物多样性的重要意义,并促请所有合作伙伴加强对可持续性的承诺。

    On this World Tourism Day , I commend the tourism community for its growing recognition GetWord (" recognition "); of the importance of conserving the diversity of life on Earth , and I urge all partners to strengthen their commitment to sustainability .

  6. 自1980年起,世界旅游组织将每年的9月27日定为世界旅游日。

    Since 1980 , the United Nations World Tourism Organization has celebrated World Tourism Day on September 27 .

  7. 在此基础上,以我国与世界旅游组织的关系为例,对“世界旅游日”实施后的效应影响进行了阐述。

    And on this basis , the paper also expounds the influence of the World Tourism Day by taking the relationship between China and WTO for example .

  8. 我高兴地看到,联合国世界旅游组织在旅游与生物多样性的主题下纪念今年的世界旅游日。

    I am delighted that the UN World Tourism Organization is celebrating this year 's World Tourism Day under the theme Tourism and Biodiversity .