
  • 网络oriental plaza;Orient Plaza;Beijing Oriental Plaza;Plaza de Oriente
  1. 北京东方广场深基坑工程开挖范围、深度和施工难度大,围护结构采用钻孔灌注桩(局部H形钢桩),锚杆加土钉形成复合支撑;

    Foundation excavation with considerable scale and depth of Oriental Plaza project is of tremendous construction difficulty . Pouring piling was adopted to enclosure structure ( partly with steel of H section );

  2. 北京未来商业和生活的全新典范&东方广场

    Beijing Oriental Plaza : a model of future business of life

  3. 东方广场深基坑工程的设计与施工

    Design and construction of deep foundation trench of Oriental Plaza Project

  4. 北京东方广场屋面防水工程施工技术

    The Construction Technology of Roofing Waterproofing Project in the Beijing Orient Square

  5. 东方广场位于市中心。

    The Oriental Plaza is located in the downtown area .

  6. 新型同轴套装扣件在东方广场工程的应用

    The Application of the Coaxial suit fastener in the Orient square Construction

  7. 北京王府井东方广场古人类遗迹热释光断代

    TL Dating : Traces of Ancient Culture in Dongfang Square

  8. 王府井东方广场遗址骨制品研究

    Bone artifacts from Dongfang Plaza site of wangfujing , Beijing

  9. 北京东方广场工程轻质混凝土施工

    Construction of Beijing Oriental square project 's light concrete

  10. 北京东方广场锚杆预应力监测

    Monitoring of Tieback Prestress at Dongfang Square , Beijing

  11. 北京东方广场混凝土工程含碱量的控制

    Control of alkali content of Beijing Oriental square project

  12. 今天在东方广场逛街,买了很多划算的东西。

    I got a lot of great deals shopping today at Oriental Plaza .

  13. 确保北京东方广场混凝土工程百年不失效

    Guarantee the durability of Beijing Oriental Plaza Project 's Concrete Engineering in A Century

  14. 工程竣工时间:2008年8月工程地址:东方广场,面积:2500平米。

    Project completion date : Aug.2008 Project Location : East Plaza , Size : 2500sqm .

  15. 本文着重介绍了预应力技术在北京东方广场工程中的应用情况。

    This paper describes the application of prestressed technique in Beijing Dongfang Square Building Construction .

  16. 北京东方广场底板大体积混凝土冬期施工技术

    Winter construction technology of mass concrete foundation bed platform of the Beijing Oriental Plaza Project

  17. 日照东方广场地下基础混凝土裂缝控制及施工工艺研究

    Technology Study of the Underground Base Concrete Cracks Control and Construction in Dongfang Square in Rizhao

  18. 我们在酒店下面东方广场购物中心的小便利店又多买了几瓶水。

    We purchased additional bottles of water from the small grocery store in the Oriental Plaza Mall underneath the hotel .

  19. 不过,他是一个出色的摄影师。你也许2004年还在北京的东方广场看过他的图片展。

    He 's an excellent photographer in his own right and I even went to his photo exhibition in Beijing in2004 .

  20. 汇贤完全依托于一项资产:位于北京市中心、集购物中心与酒店于一身的东方广场。

    Hui Xian is entirely backed by a single asset : a shopping mall and hotel complex called the Oriental Plaza in central Beijing .

  21. 北京市东城区东长安街1号东方广场东1楼5层1-3号房

    " Rm . 1-3 , Level 5 , Tower E1 , Oriental Plaza , 1 East Chang'an Ave. , Dongcheng District , beijing . "

  22. 本文以北京“东方广场”建筑群为例,详细阐述智能巡更系统在对安保人员管理方面的应用情况,供大家参考借鉴。

    The article takes realistic item as background , which elaborates the design and implementation of Electronic Patrol System in the management of rail transport safety in modernization construction .

  23. 汇贤并不直接拥有东方广场,而是承租了该物业,租期为38年期满时其现金流将变为零。

    Hui Xian does not own Oriental Plaza outright but instead has a lease on the property that expires in 38 years at which point its cash flows would drop to zero .

  24. 对北京东方广场基坑支护中锚杆预应力的监测及其所出现的问题进行了分析,说明张拉过程中所存在的问题(预应力损失、偏心荷载等)。

    The monitoring of tieback prestress and its existing problems are discussed for foundation pit protection at Dongfang Square , Beijing , and the problems in the tensile , such as the loss of prestress , bias in loading , are explained .

  25. 北京王府井东方广场旧石器晚期文化遗址的古环境背景建立皇城遗址公园和明北京城墙遗址公园。

    Paleo Environment Settings of the Dongfang Plaza Late Paleolithic Site , Wangfujing , Beijing ; Two memorial parks shall be set up , one of the Old Imperial City and the other of the Beijing City Walls of the Ming Dynasty .

  26. 北京市王府井东方广场工地发现的古人类活动遗址是一处旧石器晚期的文化遗址,包括有上、下两个文化层,其时代距今分别为1.5~1.9万年和2.2~2.6万年左右。

    The Paleolithic site found in Dongfang Square Wangfujing in Beijing is a late Paleolithic cultural site . It consists of two cultural layers . The TL age of the sample from the upper layer we obtained is ( 1 5 ~ 1 9 )× 10 4a B.P.

  27. 厦门东方时代广场劲性柱施工技术

    The construction technology for stiffness columns in Xiamen east times plaza

  28. 厦门东方时代广场结构分析与设计

    Structural Analysis and Design of Oriental Times Plaza in Xiamen

  29. 人们傍晚在东方红广场休憩直至深夜。

    People relax in Dong Fang Hong Square in the evening until midnight .

  30. 我在兰州大学任教期间,晚上常常在东方红广场站上几个小时听秦腔。

    When I taught at Lanzhou University , I used to stand for hours on the Dongfang Hong Guangchang listening to the evening performances .