
Dōnɡ Bólín
  • East Berlin;Fast Berlin
  1. 在东柏林就餐曾经是一件危险而且沉闷无趣的事情。

    Eating in East Berlin used to be a hazardous and joyless experience .

  2. 过去在五一劳动节这天,数十万人常常乘坐大巴到东柏林游行。

    On May Day hundreds of thousands used to be bussed in to parade through East Berlin

  3. 在1974年被揭穿身份的数年里,他设法成功地把一些绝密文件交给了东柏林。

    He managed to pass top secret documents to East Berlin for many years before he was unmasked in 1974 .

  4. 一边是呈现波将金式繁荣的东柏林;另一边是充斥着擅自占用房屋者和艺术家,靠补贴度日,因大卫·鲍伊(DavidBowie)而闻名的西柏林。

    On one side , the Potemkin prosperity of East Berlin ; on the other , the subsidized West Berlin of squatters and artists made famous by David Bowie .

  5. 《离开柏林》(LeavingBerlin),约瑟夫·卡农(JosephKanon)著,(Atria出版社,27美元)。在卡农的这部惊悚小说里,一个出生在德国的美国作家在东柏林成了间谍。

    LEAVING BERLIN . By Joseph Kanon . ( Atria , $ 27 . ) In Kanon 's thriller , a German-born American writer becomes a spy in East Berlin .

  6. 在1952年5月26日东德ZF决定关闭边界,并建立东西方之间的德国和西方之间的边境地区和东柏林德国。

    On May26,1952 the East German government decided to close the border and to build up a frontier area between East and West Germany and between West Berlin and East Germany .

  7. 一边是呈现波将金式繁荣的东柏林;

    On one side , the Potemkin prosperity of East Berlin ;

  8. 东柏林与西柏林接壤的边界上设有若干检查站。

    There are a number of checkpoints on the border between East and West Berlin .

  9. 东柏林的居民突然可以自由地穿过(柏林墙)去往西柏林,数以千计的人们也确实这样做了。

    East Berliners were suddenly free to cross into the West - and they did so in their thousands .

  10. 这块牌匾位于东柏林新潮的普伦茨劳贝格区舍恩霍尔泽大街7号,很容易被人忽视。

    The plaque at 7 Schonholzer Strasse , in the trendy Prenzlauer Berg district of east Berlin , is easy to miss .

  11. 弗雷德利.福赛思曾任路透社记者,一九六二年派驻东柏林,几乎引起第三次世界大战。

    In1962 , when working for Reuters , Frederick Forsyth was posted to East Berlin where he nearly started the Third World War .

  12. 受到柏林艺术大学的艺术家之录制新专辑的邀请,卡西柏来到了东柏林。

    Cassiber travelled to East Berlin following an invitation from the artists at the Academy of the Arts to record their new album there .

  13. 那是一座监听站,它曾经被用来监听苏联控制的东柏林收发的所有无线电。

    A listening station , it once kept an ear out for all radio traffic coming in and out of the Soviet half of the city .

  14. 她先后担任过中央歌舞团和中央乐团独奏演员,并于1951年和1956年分别在东柏林第三届世界青年学生联欢节和第一届舒曼国际钢琴比赛中获奖。

    She was prizewinner of the Piano Competition of the3rd World Youth & Students Festival in1951 and of the1st Schumann International Piano Competition in1956 in East Berlin .

  15. 从这个有利的地点,就是这个小岛的制高点就是西柏林,而无论你从哪个方向看都是东柏林。

    From this vantage point , right on top of the tiny island that was West Berlin , every-which direction you looked , was East , the Eastern Block .

  16. 在德国,我和我最好朋友的祖父共进晚餐,这位老人曾在法兰克福希特勒的军队和东柏林赫鲁晓夫的军队下生活过。

    I had dinner with the grandfather of my best . I friend in Germany , who lived under Hitler 's troops in Frankfurt and I Khrushchev 's in East Berlin .

  17. 上个月,三名汉堡大学医学系教授来到英格博特位于东柏林的家中,在客厅里对她战前做的研究工作进行考试。

    Three professors from Hamburg University 's medical faculty travelled last month to Ingeborg 's sitting room in east Berlin to test her on the work she carried out in pre-war Germany .

  18. 虽然许多边境过境点的控制,在柏林和关闭边境发生的,这是很容易离开东柏林地区的西方机构。

    Although many border crossing points were closed in Berlin and controls at the border happened , it was quite easy to leave the Eastern sector of Berlin to the Western sector .

  19. 因为正是从这里,1962年9月,29名东柏林人通过一条120米长的狭窄隧道逃往自由之地,一年前隧道之上的围墙将这座城市一分为二。

    For it was from here , in September 1962 , that 29 East Berliners escaped to freedom via a narrow , 120-metre tunnel underneath the wall that had cleaved their city in two a year earlier .

  20. 在1945年到1961年间,东德和西德之间尚且没有实质的界限。而正当西柏林被改造成一个繁荣的现代化大都市之时,东柏林却是满目疮痍,一片废墟。

    Between 1945 and 1961 there was no physical boundary between the two sections . West Berlin had been rebuilt into a thriving modern metropolis , while East Berlin was drab and still full of ruins from the war .

  21. 前东德于1961年建造了城墙以分割东、西柏林。

    The former East Germany built the wall in 1961 to divide East and West Berlin .

  22. (人群)数量超过了边防军的人数,这是自1961年以来,东、西柏林人第一次可以自由交往。

    Border guards were outnumbered , and for the first time since 1961 , Berliners from East and West mixed freely .