
  1. 对此数据集进行主成分分析(PCA),前2个主成分的时间序列和空间场展示了中国东部季风区植被物候季节性特征和地域差异。

    The principle component analysis ( PCA ) was implemented on this data set . The temporal curves and spatial fields of the first and second principle components expose the significant characteristics of vegetation phenology in seasonality and spatial patterns in East China monsoon region .

  2. 在此基础上,对于选定的最佳模拟区域和侧边界条件,进行嵌套和水平分辨率影响试验,以研究CWRF对中国东部季风区降水模拟宜采用的方案。

    On the basis of the decided model domain and lateral boundary conditions , the experiment of nesting and horizontal grid spacing are conducted to study the scheme of CWRF application in East China .

  3. 中国东部季风区1961年~2006年年平均气温变化特征

    The Change of Annual Mean Temperature in Monsoon Area of East China

  4. 海陆热力差指数能较好地反映东部季风区夏季降水的异常状况。

    The index also can reflect summer rainfall anomaly over eastern China .

  5. 中国东部季风区末次冰期以来古气候模拟

    Simulations of paleoclimate in the East China monsoon area since the last glaciation

  6. 西北西风区与东部季风区年气温变化特征对比分析

    Comparison of Annual Temperature Change Characteristics in Northwest Westerly Region and Eastern Monsoon Region

  7. 中国东部季风区夏季雨型的划分及其环流成因分析

    Study of summer rain pattern in monsoon region of East China and its circulation cause

  8. 气候变暖背景下中国东部季风区秋季气温的变化特征

    Climate Warming of the Mean Autumn Air Temperature of the East Monsoon Area in China

  9. 近46年来中国东部季风区夏季气温变化特征分析

    Change Characteristic of Summer Air Temperature in East Monsoon Area in China over Recent 46 Years

  10. 我国东部季风区旱涝预报方法研究

    Research on the Way of Predicting the Drought and Waterlogging in the China ′ s Eastern Monsoon Areas

  11. 我国东部季风区夏季持续非绝热加热的特征分析和数值试验

    Feature Analysis and Numerical Experiments of the Persistent Diabatic Heating in the Summer Monsoon Regions in Eastern China

  12. 中国东部季风区土壤地带分布与气侯关系研究

    Research on relations of soil zonal distributions with climate in the monsoon region of the eastern part of China

  13. 秦皇岛处于河北省东北部,属于东部季风区暖温带,半湿润大陆性气候,四季分明;

    Qinhuangdao in Hebei Province , north-east , belonging to the eastern warm temperate monsoon zone , semi-humid continental climate , four distinct seasons ;

  14. 中国季风气候地貌研究&以中国东部湿热季风区为例

    A research on monsoon climatic geomorphology in China

  15. 东部季风影响区降水量的方差变化较大,降水的不稳定性增加,干旱频率增大;

    The precipitation and its variance in the East monsoon influenced region changed in a wide range with increased drought occurrence .

  16. 内蒙古高原东南部森林草原过渡带位于中国东部季风气候尾闾区,是全球变化研究的关键区域。

    The community diversity of arthropod was investigated in forest-steppe ecotone in southeast edge of Inner Mongolia tableland .