
sī zhī pǐn
  • silk fabrics;silks;silk clothing
丝织品 [sī zhī pǐn]
  • (1) [silks]∶原料为蚕丝或合成纤维丝织成的纺织品

  • (2) [silk clothing]∶丝质的衣服

丝织品[sī zhī pǐn]
  1. 保存在日本的中国宋元丝织品

    Chinese Silk Fabrics of Song-Yuan Periods Kept in Japan

  2. 抗战胜利后,美国丝织品大量涌入中国,严重冲击川丝生产;

    After the war of resistance , the American silk fabrics poured into China in a large amount , the silk production of Sichuan was assaulted seriously .

  3. 这种酒在16世纪法国作家RaBelais的笔下被比喻成一种精美的丝织品。

    This wine reminded Rabelais , the great writer of the16th century , of taffeta , a silky and delicate fabric .

  4. 你必须申报所有丝织品、烟和酒类。

    You must declare all silk goods , tobacco and wines .

  5. 古代文物丝织品霉斑清除的研究

    A research on the removing of mould stain of ancient silk

  6. 所有的丝织品都是从杭州来的,而且都是真丝的。

    All the silk comes from Hangzhou and it is pure .

  7. 丝织品超声波清洗技术的研究

    A study of ultrasonic cleaning technology for excavated silk textiles

  8. 丝织品百米电耗折标系数计算程序介绍

    Calculation of the Reduced Factor of Power Consumption for Hundred-Meter Silk Fabric

  9. 这是棉织品、丝织品、还是毛织品?

    Is it made of cotton , silk or wool ?

  10. 我们公司主要经营丝织品的出口业务。

    Our company mainly deals with the export business of silk goods .

  11. 古代丝织品老化机理及其保护研究

    Study on Aging Mechanism and Protection of Ancient Silk Textile

  12. 我们也做各类丝织品生意

    We also take on a variety of silk piece goods

  13. 丝织品临时降价10%。

    The silk items are temporarily reduced by 10 % .

  14. 江陵马山战国墓出土丝织品

    Silks excavated from the tomb of Warring States period at Mashan , Jianling

  15. 应用电子顺磁共振法研究丝织品的老化及其保护

    Using ESR in study of silk aging and preserving

  16. 我们正向世界许多国家输出全系列的丝织品。

    We are supplying a full range of silk products to many countries .

  17. 人工加速老化丝织品的纤维损伤性研究

    Study on the Fiber Damage of Artificially Aged Silk

  18. 元代丝织品清洗的研究

    Research on the Cleaning Procedure of Antique Silk-wovens

  19. 古代丝织品的劣化机理研究方法综述

    An Introduction on Method of Research about the Mechanism of Degradation of Historic silk

  20. 丝织品人工老化水解实验研究

    Experimental Investigation on Artificial Aging Hydrolysis of Silk

  21. 文章叙述了这些丝织品的出土、整理和研究情况。

    This article gives adescription about the excavation , collation and research of them .

  22. 我喜欢用我的领带来擦眼镜,因为它是丝织品,而且很光滑。

    I like to use my tie because it 's silk and really smooth .

  23. 丝织品是重要的文物遗产类型之一。

    Silk is one of the important heritage .

  24. 这件丝织品有几处撕坏了。

    The fabric was Tom in several places .

  25. 古代人把带有彩色花纹的丝织品叫做锦。

    The ancients call colorful woven material brocade .

  26. 我们从电器杂志的广告上得知你方是丝织品的出口商。

    We understand from your advertisement in Electric that you are exporter of silk goods .

  27. 古代丝织品的加固保护

    Reinforcing and preserving of ancient silk fabrics

  28. 这丝织品背面的瑕疵

    Flaws on the reverse of the silk

  29. 丝织品摸起来柔软光滑。

    Silk feels soft and smooth .

  30. 湖绉是浙江出产的一种有皱纹的丝织品,质地轻盈。

    Huzhou Crape is a kind of rugged silk produced in Zhejiang with a light texture .