
  • 网络Threat;military threat
  1. 官员们还强调说,8月31日后仍留在伊拉克的部队有能力对军事威胁做出回应。

    Officials have also d that U.S. forces remaining after August 31 will still responding to military threats .

  2. 以色列早期进行的战争都是攻势凶猛的速战速决,目的是击退或威慑对其生存所构成的大规模军事威胁。

    Its early wars were short , sharp affairs to beat off or deter massive military threats to its existence .

  3. 在大部分澳大利亚人看来,澳中关系热情真诚——上个月,吉拉德对北京进行了一次成功的访问,不过罗维研究所(LowyInstitute)上月的一次民意调查却显示,将近半数的受访者相信中国将会在20年内成为一大军事威胁。

    Most Australians see relations as cordial - Ms Gillard made a successful visit to Beijing last month - but a poll for the Lowy Institute last month suggested almost half believe China will become a military threat within 20 years .

  4. 曾经是发言人的现任日本外交部长的顾问TomohikoTaniguchi告诉VOA,东京强烈希望恢复谈判以结束朝鲜对日本的军事威胁。

    Former spokesman and current advisor Tomohiko Taniguchi at Japan 's Foreign Ministry tells VOA News that Tokyo strongly desires a revival of the negotiations to end the military threat to Japan posed by North Korea .

  5. 分开来讲,中国的可能军事威胁不会来自美国。

    Separately , China 's military worries likely would not come from the USA.

  6. 以军事威胁为重心、以国家安全为核心的传统安全观己经不能解释人类面临多种威胁的事实。

    Traditional security view cannot explain why the human-being is still facing various threats .

  7. 遇有军事威胁,预备役战士必须召到现役岗位上去。

    Additional soldiers must be recalled to active duty in the face of this military threat .

  8. 其主要论据集中在以下几个方面:中国军事威胁论、中国经济威胁论、中国生态威胁论、中国意识形态威胁论和中国文明威胁论。

    Evidence of this threat focuses on the military , economic , ecological , ideological , and civilization aspects .

  9. 但是,在没有确信的军事威胁时,安理会完全不曾表现出任何行动的意愿。

    But without a credible military threat , the Security Council had demonstrated no inclination to act at all .

  10. 该选题在当前我国同时面临潜在的军事威胁和严重的环境威胁之时,尤显重要。

    The topic is exclusively important in the situation that China is faced with potential military and critical environmental threat .

  11. 国防部表示,美国有关“中国军事威胁”、“中国军力不透明”等指责是“陈词滥调”。

    The Defense Ministry says US accusations of China 's military threat and lack of transparency are " clich é s. "

  12. 政府认为武器交易对准加强海岛的防御,反对生长自北京的军事威胁。

    The government says the arms deal is aimed at strengthening the island 's defenses against growing military threats from beijing .

  13. 讨论集中在处理缅军新的军事威胁,并与其他地区民族的联盟。

    Discussions centered on handling fresh military threats on the UWSA from government troops , and alliances with other ethnic groups in the region .

  14. 军事威胁解除后,1635年修建了第三座非防御性塔楼用于赏月。

    In 1635 , when no more military threats existed , a third , barely defended turret for moon viewing was added to the castle .

  15. 为了应对来自海上的军事威胁,南宋政府加强了对海防的统一领导,设立了沿海制置司。

    In order to handle the military threat from the sea , the government strengthened the unified leadership over coast defense and established coast administrative organization .

  16. 阿萨德表示:如果美国停止军事威胁、且如果向叛军提供化学武器的其他国家也遵守协议,那么叙利亚就将接受提议。

    He said : Syria will accept it if America stops military threats and if other countries supplying the rebels with chemical weapons also abide by the agreement .

  17. 调制模式的自动识别技术被广泛应用于空间频谱的监督和管理、干扰识别、军事威胁分析、反电子探测、信号源识别等方面。

    Automatic modulation recognition is used for spectrum surveillance and management , interference identification , military threat evaluation , electronic counter measures , source identification and many others .

  18. 朝鲜外务省发表声明说,朝鲜别无选择,只能进一步增强核威慑力量,以应对敌对势力不断增长的军事威胁。

    ' We have no choice but to further strengthen our nuclear deterrent to cope with additional military threats by hostile forces , 'the foreign ministry said in its statement .

  19. “我们别无选择,只能加强我们的自卫核威慑力量,以回击敌对势力有所加大的军事威胁,”朝鲜外交部表示。

    " We have no choice but to strengthen our defensive nuclear deterrent in response to increased military threats from hostile forces , " said the North Korean Foreign Ministry .

  20. 北魏在建国之前就受到后燕的严重军事威胁,在其灭亡后燕之后才在北方地区慢慢的站稳住脚跟。

    Before the founding of the Northern Wei Dynasty by Later Yan serious military threat , after the demise of Later Yan station in the northern region slowly stabilize the heel .

  21. 北京:中国向其邻国朝鲜派遣海军舰艇编队已对日本造成巨大压力。而且还控诉日本发表关于北京方面军事威胁的错误言论。

    BEIJING : China has put Japan under immense pressure by sending a navy fleet to neighboring North Korea , and accusing Tokyo of issuing misleading statement about Beijing 's military threat .

  22. 这些天这个地点更多被人们当作旅游景点而非军事威胁。而一天条经过地面上戒备最为森严边界隔离区的隧道从朝鲜地下直通韩国。

    Seen as a tourist attraction rather than a military threat these days , an infiltration tunnel dug from North Korea to South Korea , passing under the most heavily fortified border on earth .

  23. 对于马歇尔计划的需要是在前苏联解体之后提出的,但当时没有战争破坏,没有军事威胁,也没有建立新的西方同盟的特殊必要性。

    The need for a Marshall Plan was raised after the collapse of the Soviet Union , but then there was no war destruction , no military threat and no particular need for a new western alliance .

  24. 也许,如果美国专家们所呐喊的中国对世界形成了军事威胁可以当真的话,美国就根本不应该对自己从核威慑中脱身表现出如此的热衷。

    Perhaps , if American pundits crying out over the Chinese military threat to the world are to be believed , the United States should not be so eager to rid itself of a nuclear deterrent after all .

  25. 答:美方发表的这份报告,继续渲染所谓“中国军事威胁论”,严重歪曲事实,干涉中国内政,中方坚决反对,并已向美方提出严正交涉。

    A : This report issued by the US side continues to play up the fallacy of the so-called " China 's military threat " . It is a gross distortion of facts and interference in China 's internal affairs .

  26. 贝纳特说:“我认为麦凯恩属于传统的保守派。他从根本上认为世界是充满了冲突,而不是合作。这样的观点让他很自然地把注意力集中在潜在的军事威胁上,而不在一些具体问题上。”

    I think that John McCain is within a tradition , the conservative tradition , that he fundamentally sees the world as a realm of conflict , not of cooperation , which leads him to naturally focus more on potential military threats and less on issues . "

  27. 我们对军事打击威胁和单边制裁行动表示关切。

    We are concerned about threats of military action as well as unilateral sanctions .

  28. 普京说恢复战略轰炸机的巡逻是对某些军事大国威胁的回应。

    Putin said the resumption of flights was a response to security threats posed by other military powers .

  29. 控制了这个时代,就如同用军事力量威胁着这个时代,但同时也能防止大规模杀伤性武器带来的灾难。

    The age of deterrence is now the age of control , averting catastrophe fron weapons of mass destruction .

  30. 在军事安全威胁和环境安全威胁共存的当代社会,任何在两者之间单选一的试图都是不可能的。

    In modern society , military security threatens and environmental security threatens coexist , and it is impossible choose one and desert the other .