
jūn shì jiā
  • strategist;military expert;military man
  1. 盖约朱利乌斯恺撒(G.JuliusCaesar)是古罗马杰出的政治家、军事家。

    G. Julius Caesar is an outstanding politician and strategist in ancient Rome .

  2. 路奇乌斯·科尔涅利乌斯·苏拉(LuciusCorneliusSulla,公元前138-78年)是古罗马杰出的政治家、军事家。

    Lucius Cornelius Sulla was an eminent statesman and strategist in ancient Rome .

  3. 拿破仑·波拿巴(Napoléon·Bonaparte)是18世纪末法国伟大的政治家和军事家,早年积极投身于资产阶级革命,从1799年开始统治法国十五年。

    Napoleon · Bonaparte was the great French statesman and military strategist in the late of 18th century , he was actively engaged in the bourgeois revolution in his early years , and began to rule France in 1799 for fifteen years .

  4. 中国有很多世界上著名的军事家和将领。

    China has many strategists and generals well-known to the world .

  5. 拿破仑也许是现代最伟大的军事家。

    Napoleon is presumably the greatest militarist of modern times .

  6. 曾国藩是中国近代杰出的军事家。

    Zeng Guofang was an outstanding strategist in China 's modern history .

  7. 作为一个军事家,必须有战术意识。

    As a militarist , he must have tactical awareness .

  8. 中国三国时期著名的军事家、政治家。

    Chinese Three Kingdoms time renowned strategist , statesman .

  9. 诸葛亮是三国时期一位杰出的政治家、军事家。

    Zhuge Liang was an outstanding statesman and strategist .

  10. 对这样的困难,有些所谓军事家认为不可克服,然而我们克服了。

    Some so-called strategists thought this difficulty insurmountable , yet we overcame it .

  11. 透纳还从这位伟大军事家的行为中获得了其他好处。

    Turner benefited from the great commander 's deeds in another way too .

  12. 圣马丁是拉丁美洲独立运动中涌现出的著名军事家。

    San Martin was an outstanding militarist in the Independence Movement of Latin America .

  13. 拿破仑是法国大革命时期著名的资产阶级政治家和军事家。

    Napoleon is a famous capitalist political and military figure in the French Revolution .

  14. 姜太公字子牙,是中国古代的一位影响久远的杰出的韬略家、军事家和政治家。

    Jiang Taigong is a popular name for Jiang Ziya , statesman and strategist .

  15. 它是古典君王、政治家和军事家等的科学。

    It is the science of the ancient kings , statesmen and military strategist , etc.

  16. 富弼是北宋著名的政治家、军事家、外交家。

    FU Bi is a famous statesman , strategist and diplomatist of North Song Dynasty .

  17. 我想,“先生,我不是军事家,

    And I thought , " Well , sir , I am not a strategist ,

  18. 他指挥若定,是个出色的军事家。

    He was an excellent militarist who was perfectly calm and collected in commanding the army .

  19. 但是那一天,他却一举成名,成了一位神奇的天才军事家,誉满全球。

    Scoresby became famous that day as a great military leader - honored throughout the world .

  20. 王阳明是明朝著名思想家和军事家,也是一位才华横溢的诗人。

    Wang Yangming is not only a famous military strategist , thinker , or a brilliant poet .

  21. 最主要的教训是政治家的意志要比军事家的技巧更加重要。

    The most important lesson of all is that political will matters even more than military skill .

  22. 军事家林肯

    Abraham Lincoln , a Strategist

  23. 英国杰出的军事家、治家威灵顿公爵生于都柏林。

    The Duke of Wellington , British soldier of distinction , statesman , was born at Dublin .

  24. 王阳明(1472-1529)是明代著名思想家、军事家及教育家,同时,他的诗歌、散文创作也有较高成就。

    Wang , yangming ( 1472-1529 ) was a great philosopher educationist and militarist in Ming Dynasty .

  25. 卓越的军事家

    Prominent Strategist GLOBAL MILITARY

  26. 蔡锷(1882&1916)是中国近代史上著名的军事家和政治家。

    Cai-E ( 1882-1916 ) was a famous militarist and politician in the modern history of our country .

  27. 摘要诸葛亮是三国时代一位杰出的政治家和军事家,也是一位文学家,他写了大量的公文。

    Zhuge Liang is an outstaynding statesman and armist in Sanguo era , he wrote a lot of documents .

  28. 墨子是我国春秋战国之际著名的思想家、科学家、军事家、逻辑学家和军事工程师。

    Mozi is a famous thinker , scientist , military scientist , logician , and military engineer during pre-Qin Dynasty .

  29. 我们将为您揭秘,这位伟大的军事家,政治家,嗜血恐怖统治者的10个事实。

    Explore 10 facts about a great ruler who was equal parts military genius , political statesman and bloodthirsty terror .

  30. 《孙膑兵法》是战国时期著名军事家孙膑的代表作。

    Sun Bin Military tactics is the masterpiece of a famous military strategist , Sun Bin , in the Warring Period .