
  1. 第三,军区制的推行使小农与农兵并肩兴起。

    Third , the Military Zone pushes the rise of the peasants and soldiers .

  2. 魏晋军区制的基本原则,是中央指定一将领统帅某一地区的军队。根据这一原则,把军区制起源定于魏武或东汉顺帝时都是不正确的。

    Appointing one governor to rule the army of one certain region by government was the basic rule of military region system of Wei and Jin Dynasty .

  3. 实际上魏晋军区制的渊源,最早可以追溯到王莽末年、东汉初期。

    According to this rule , we can trace military region system back to the end of Wang Mang Dynasty and the beginning of Eastern Han Dynasty .

  4. 在这一时期,帝国政治的主要特征是军区制发展到了顶峰,大的军事家族兴起。

    During this period , the imperial politics of the main features of the Military Region , the development of its peak , the rise of the military family .

  5. 军区制的瓦解、小农经济的破产、大贵族势力的不断膨胀、塞尔柱突厥人的入侵以及这一时期内政的混乱都导致了这个帝国的衰亡。

    The disintegration of the Military Area , the bankruptcy of the small-scale peasant economy , the constant inflation of the great noblemen 's force , the confusion of internal affairs during this period caused the decline of this great empire .