
  • 网络Group of Two
  1. 全球一度迷恋于两国集团(G2)的概念:即疲惫的美国和复兴的中国将越来越密切合作,以解决全球最棘手的问题。

    For a while , the world became infatuated with the notion of a Group of Two . The idea was that a weary America and a resurgent China would co-operate ever more closely to take on the most intractable global problems .

  2. 但要推动这些目标,我们需要建立非正式的美中两国集团(G2)。

    But to promote all that we need an informal G2 .

  3. 如今,一些美国人支持只包括美国和中国的两国集团(g2)。

    Now some in America are advocating a G2 with only the US and China .

  4. 两国集团(G2)是全球最重要的双边关系;占全球产出的31%,全球贸易的四分之一。

    The G2 is the world 's most important bilateral relationship ; it accounts for 31 per cent of world output and a quarter of its trade .

  5. 面对最后的贸易通牒,被G2(两国集团)舆论吹捧得不可一世的北京,可能认为通过政治手段来报复使用实物手段的美国更加划算。

    Confronted with a trade ultimatum , the Beijing regime , puffed up in its G2 hubris , may well reckon it is cheaper politically to retaliate to the United States in kind .

  6. 全球强国关系已摆脱单极世界,发生了转变,现在什么也离不开所谓“两国集团”(g2)的合作虽然这是白宫一直在刻意回避的说法。

    The shift in global power relations from a unipolar world to one where little can happen without the co-operation of the " G2 " a moniker studiously avoided by the White House will also be apparent in other areas .

  7. 日美两国的行政集团所处的不同的政治环境对它们遵循的政策制定方式和国家观产生了重要的影响。

    It exerts a great influence on the styles of formulating a policy and the state viewpoints that the administrative units of Japan and U.S.A run in different political environments .

  8. 法国司法机关将对欧洲航空防务与航天公司(EADS)可能存在的内幕交易和散布虚假信息行为展开刑事调查。EADS是法-德两国合资的宇航集团。

    French judicial authorities are launching a criminal investigation into possible insider dealing and the dissemination of false information at EADS , the Franco-German aerospace group .

  9. 二是大陆法系型,也称组织控制型,以日、德两国为代表采取集团控股方式。

    The other is type of mainland law , also type of organization and control , taking Japan and German as representatives adopting methods of group holding .