
  1. 1月5日,国家外汇管理局(SAFE)发布了《个人外汇管理办法实施细则》,规定从2月1日起,个人外汇结算和购汇限额为5万美元。

    On January 5 , the State Administration of Foreign Exchange issued detailed rules for administering individual foreign exchange transactions , prescribing an annual quota of $ 50,000 for both individual settlement of foreign exchange and individual purchases of foreign exchange from February 1 .

  2. 《个人外汇管理办法》取代或废除了涉及个人外汇交易的16条规定,以提高管理效率,并增强人民币可兑换性。

    The directive superseded or abolished 16 provisions dealing with individual foreign exchange transactions to allow for more efficient administration and better convertibility of the renminbi .